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2 events for the month beginning 2021-04-01 by user cfuhrman

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02:24 Edit [a7938d6845eecca6|a7938d6845]: Add tag "v2021.04". artifact: 4df9e15b17 user: cfuhrman
(bashrc) - Add $HOME/.local/bin to PATH (emacs.d/init.el) - Fix alignment issues - Document cmf/display-startup-time() - Make sure the following packages use melpa-stable versions: + ivy + swiper + counsel - Load all-the-icons-ivy-rich after ivy - Correct how cmf/choose-line-number-mode-hook is attached to Apache config files - Install and configure company-emoji[1] - Customize lsp-ui-doc-alignment - Customize lsp-imenu when editing PHP fiels Footnotes: [1] check-in: a7938d6845 user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2021.04
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