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2 events for the month beginning 2020-12-01 by user cfuhrman

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02:21 Edit [f76d35b6e105051f|f76d35b6e1]: Add tag "v2020.12". artifact: 517741e58e user: cfuhrman
Periodic sync w/ trunk (bash_darwin): - Add /usr/local/opt/make/libexec/gnubin to path (bash_linux) - Enable colors for ip(8) (bashrc) - Ignore 'ls -al' in history - Clean up functions that are only run during initialization (emacs.d/cmf-org-export.el) (emacs.d/custom.el) - Standardize on three semi-colons (emacs.d/init.el) - Standardize on three semi-colons - Do not customize font under X-Windows - Fix GNUTLS on versions of Emacs less than 26.1 - Remove defunct marmalade package repository - Remove forecast package - Have yasnippet install yasnippet-snippets package on load - Install adoc-mode[1] - Diminish clean-ups - Install and configure diff-hl[2] - Do not install gited or magit if git command not found - Change hl-todo keybindings since they interfere with Projectile - Do not turn on orgstruct++ mode as it has been removed in Emacs 27.1 - Install and configure projectile[3] - Disable auto-fill mode when editing YAML files (emacs.d/snippets/go-mode/bp) - Use correct GoLang file header format (emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/bp) (emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/rcsbp) (emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/svnbp) - Do not include BibTeX automatically, rather use it on a per-file basis (gitconfig) - Disable core.autocrlf[4] (global-excludes) - Exclude files and directories generated by elpy and projectile Footnotes: [1] [2] [3] [4] check-in: f76d35b6e1 user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2020.12
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