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5 events for the month beginning 2018-08-01 by user cfuhrman

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22:07 Changes to wiki page "ShellPAK" artifact: 5bd2a6dd82 user: cfuhrman
22:06 Changes to wiki page "ShellPAK" artifact: 22f6463bd3 user: cfuhrman
22:04 Changes to wiki page "ShellPAK" artifact: 416987f702 user: cfuhrman
21:50 Edit [a690e0857baf51c9|a690e0857b]: Add tag "v2018.08". artifact: b1605dab62 user: cfuhrman
Import latest changes from personal repo (GNUMakefile) - Set rsync(1) timeout to 30 seconds (bash_darwin) - Switch /usr/pkg to /opt/pkg to make installation easier (bashrc) - Make sure /opt/pkg/bin is before /usr/bin on MacOSX. Also, there is no need to have /opt/schily/bin twice in our path - Use an alias instead of GREP_OPTIONS as GREP_OPTIONS is now deprecated[1] (docs/ - Note ShellPAK now support customization of GNU nano(1) editor - Update supported operating systems - It's OpenSUSE, not OpenSuSE - Add instructions for setting up pythong (emacs.d/init.el) - Add /opt/pkg/bin to cmf-path-list - Customize use-fancy-splash-screens-p for emacs version 24.5 (inclusive )-> 25.2.1 (exclusive) - Alignment fixes - Only customize height for when running Emacs under X-Windows - Add hooks via :hook declaration - Remove ac-ispell as it was causing too many issues to be useful - Remove popwin package as it was causing too many issues - Only install ace-window for emacs 24.4 and greater - Only install all-the-icons for emacs 24.4 and greater - Remove diff-mode customizations which were for popwin - Further customize flycheck - Only install gited for emacs 24.4 and greater - Bind gited-list-branches to C-c C-g - Swiper customizations for Emacs 26 - Install and configure markdown-mode - Install and configure org-fancy-priorities - Enable line up of cascading calls when editing PHP files - Set up Python development in Emacs - Add remote-url to VC-Fossil header - which-key requires Emacs 24.4 and greater - Customize org-crypt (emacs.d/shippets/sh-mode/bp) - Align copyright information (global-excludes) - Exclude the following from getting hosed: + .aggrev_defs + .python-environments + tramp ( - Add support for customizing python environment (thirdparty/git-completion.bash, thirdparty/git-prompt) - Import git completion and prompt scripts from git v2.15.1 Footnotes: [1] check-in: a690e0857b user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2018.08
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