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4 events for the month beginning 2017-03-01 by user cfuhrman

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18:07 Changes to wiki page "ShellPAK" artifact: 761b4b7a58 user: cfuhrman
Regenerate documentation check-in: 77f676b6a0 user: cfuhrman tags: trunk
17:29 Edit [6298520d4f3ce0da|6298520d4f]: Add tag "v2017.03". artifact: 5f57d0758e user: cfuhrman
(emacs.d/init.el) - Highlight 'LATER' in program files - Rewrite keyboard macros I use - install and configure osx-location[1] - Enhance sql-mode - Use nice-prog-hook when editing JSON files - Use PSR2 format[2] for editing PHP files - Do not defer installation of yaml mode - Only load vc-fossil on versions of Emacs < v25 as it is broken[3] - [org] List delegated files in refile report - [org] Add additional files to org-agenda-files (bashrc) - Add alias for PHP Codesniffer that uses PSR2[2] standard - Add support for go language development (bash*, functions) - Use new function naming convention for functions that are sourced from other files to prevent potential namespace collisions (git scripts) - Update git scripts to v2.8.4 (global-excludes) - Exclude tramp directory - Exclude network security directory Footnotes: [1] [2] [3] check-in: 6298520d4f user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2017.03
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