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6 events for the month beginning 2016-05-01 by user cfuhrman

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17:32 Edit [0585983024d4a440|0585983024]: Add tag "v2016.05". artifact: e092670c0d user: cfuhrman
17:32 Edit [0585983024d4a440|0585983024]: Cancel tag "v2016.02". artifact: d59e345f35 user: cfuhrman
17:32 Edit [fc7e1dcd20bcd40e|fc7e1dcd20]: Add tag "v2016.03". artifact: 48a13a8ca9 user: cfuhrman
17:26 Edit [0585983024d4a440|0585983024]: Cancel tag "v2016.03". artifact: 306a896cc2 user: cfuhrman
17:25 Edit [0585983024d4a440|0585983024]: Add tag "v2016.02". artifact: 6a27d85109 user: cfuhrman
Sync to 501f0d77e4 from personal repo - Regenerate Bash: - Pre-pend additional directories instead of appending them. This way, I can set, for example, /usr/local/bin to be in front of $PATH - Re-order searched paths to taste Emacs: - Do not byte-recompile all contents of ~/.emacs.d as this causes issues with use-package - Obfuscate latitude & longitude - Obfuscate forecast-api-key (the old one has been invalidated, don't bother using it) - Set tramp default method to ssh - Commenting - Install and configure beacon-mode[1] - Install and configure darktooth theme[2] for non-console modes - Add additional counsel key bindings - Instll and configure osx-specific modes - Switch to using built-in global-prettify-symbols-mode for Emacs versions that have it installed, otherwise continue to use pretty-lambdada mode. - Install sudo-edit[3] - Do not enable ac-emoji mode for log-edit-mode - Switch org-refile-use-outline-path to nil as this was causing issues with refiling tasks under org-mode w/ swiper Git: - Update git-completion scripts to those provided by git v2.6.4, the version of git as shipped with Apple XCode v7.3 Footnotes: [1] [2] [3] check-in: 0585983024 user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2016.05
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