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2 events for the month beginning 2015-06-01 by user cfuhrman

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20:47 Edit [484ba234be94c5ae|484ba234be]: Add tag "v2015.06". artifact: f9908ba546 user: cfuhrman
Sync w/ trunk GNUmakefile: - Make location a variable - Assume is in current directory tmux.conf: - Add a space after status-left line This fixes a kerning issue with tmux v2.0 - Bump up history-limit Double history-limit from 4K lines to 8K lines stored in history. - Force use of Emacs key-bindings in case $EDITOR is set to vi(1) or a derivative Emacs: - Switch to using twilight theme - Display STARTED tasks when listing tasks to refile in org-mode Git-completion: - Sync up to git v2.3.2 check-in: 484ba234be user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2015.06
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