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Ticket UUID: ffa87168ce1b5528e9cfb7b1f41b292af8cf2bb4
Title: Update after clone requires reset of login information
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2011-06-21 11:38:31
Version Found In: 6ed7ceb1dee5b273d02aca78a2b313e443e9f98f
Description & Comments:
When doing "upd" after having done a "clone", the first time, one needs to enter password information again (actually, the stored password info is incorrect).

I have attached a bash script to show the problem.

Here is the output from the script:

lap: ~/tmp$ ./ 
project-id: 8a46654dc533fbd7a53f43a56919e4fe19ea590c
server-id:  fce4372a0950404edb9eea18118d1a737694ce9e
admin-user: tester (initial password is "8ad07e")
password for tester: 
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:              53          1          0          0
Received:         342          5          1          0
Sent:              58          2          0          0
Received:         634          2          0          0
Total network traffic: 540 bytes sent, 1129 bytes received
Rebuilding repository meta-data...
  100.0% complete...
project-id: 8a46654dc533fbd7a53f43a56919e4fe19ea590c
server-id:  96dcfa3eeda2dd9b6a15cd4fcc5f2fc4270ea2b1
admin-user: ron (password is "0b7842")
Autosync:  http://tester@localhost:8080/
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:             130          1          0          0
Error: login failed    
Received:          52          1          0          0
Sent:             130          1          0          0
Error: login failed    
Received:          52          1          0          0
Sent:             130          1          0          0
Error: login failed    
Received:          52          1          0          0
Total network traffic: 1036 bytes sent, 804 bytes received
fossil: Autosync failed
