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Ticket UUID: dd78d17ea903a6ec2d69c0a55b7d1971f9120c7a
Title: attachment problem
Status: Open Type: Incident
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2013-01-25 17:43:20
Version Found In: 79b7902cdd
Description & Comments:
I tried attaching a file to a ticket. There was no error that I could see, but neither could I find any evidence that the file was actually attached. I checked the ticket history, ticket time line and the main time line. Nothing there. Nor in View Ticket.

anonymous claiming to be viric added on 2011-02-12 11:00:59 UTC:
I remember this happening to me once. I related that to attaching a file 'too big'. Could it be the reason? I did not explore more, to confirm that hypothesis.

anonymous added on 2011-02-16 06:17:56 UTC:
It was a small text file created specifically to demo attachments to tickets, maybe 200 bytes in size.

anonymous added on 2011-05-09 12:37:06 UTC:
Seems as if problem is only with IE. I'm running IE 7, attachments make it somehow into sqlite database but not completely back to the ui (stuck there in between).

With Firefox 4 everything works fine.
