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Ticket UUID: 76d3ecfdab577bdf843798b8a3d356ffce04c73d
Title: verify_at_commit should print status
Status: Fixed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Cosmetic Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2010-10-03 23:53:44
Version Found In: c492eab395
Description & Comments:
verify_at_commit can take a long time, especially during rebuild_db after reconstruct and similar operations. It should give a progress indicator if more than e.g. 100 revids are in the bag.

drh added on 2010-10-03 23:53:44:
Check-in [5f0201030cbf365207] cancels the verify_at_commit() on the "fossil reconstruct" command since that call is not really needed in that context.

The verify_at_commit() routine is one of the safety checks that Fossil runs on every repository change in order to make sure that nothing happens that would corrupt the repository. Such checks are a nice safety feature for day-to-day check-ins. But the extra layer of checking does not seem necessary for when a repository is being constructed from scratch.
