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246 events for the month beginning 2019-08-01

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Minor typo correction in comment---no functional change. check-in: ab2b8de896 user: andybradford tags: trunk
Avoid warning about extra call to db_end_transaction() by returning at the end of a complete block. check-in: 7b2350a86b user: andybradford tags: trunk
If there is nothing to stash, issue an error. check-in: d959c48ac6 user: andybradford tags: trunk
Merge in latest from trunk. check-in: aa37639112 user: andybradford tags: db-begin-txn-updates
Merge in trunk latest developments. Closed-Leaf check-in: 08291fec9f user: andybradford tags: test-updates
The IIS web server does not define REQUEST_URI, instead is uses PATH_INFO for virtually the same purpose. Define REQUEST_URI the same as PATH_INFO and redefine PATH_INFO with SCRIPT_NAME removed from the beginning. Closed-Leaf check-in: 54fdd1a5d7 user: tsbg tags: iis-cgi
IIS and possibly other web servers define environment variables with an empty value. Handle them the same as non-existing environment variables. check-in: 9a2ec393db user: tsbg tags: iis-cgi
Ouput an error if the CGI control file is missing on the command line. This prevents IIS to fall in a endless loop. check-in: 6a59d33e3d user: tsbg tags: iis-cgi
Changed internal docs on capability 6 (AdminForum) to remove the claim that it can be used to revoke capabilty 4 (WrTForum) from users. I think that feature was planned, but no UI was ever created to support it. Maybe that feature will come someday, but the forum feature is over a year old now. Doing it on this branch because this is all part of... check-in: fd9ba57a6a user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Linked to the new caps docs from the existing www/* docs wherever "capability" or "capabilities" was mentioned before. check-in: 0af0e14688 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Clarified meaning of EmailAlert (7) in cap ref. check-in: 4aceb600dc user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Merged in trunk changes check-in: 493254b2e7 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Updated comment about "6-character random hex password" at the top level of the new setup docs to track [23a9f9bac2]. check-in: f304ba31fe user: wyoung tags: trunk
Linked to the new material showing Fossil's idea of user power hierarchy from the comment in fossil-v-git.wiki about Fossil's support for the organization's social and power hierarchies. It's not that Fossil has *no* support for enforcing this, it's that it's usually a fairly loose match between the two systems. This is an important point, becaus... check-in: b72795a339 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Fixed some URLs still referring to admin-v-setup.md in its old location. check-in: 182c4d7abc user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Investigated the use of HTTP for sync over ssh:// and file:// URLs and added what I found to the "Caps Affect Web Interfaces Only" section of the new caps docs. check-in: 845b459439 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Documented Public Pages and the default user capability set in www/caps/index.md. check-in: 4671ddb179 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Moved the discussion about inadvertent attribution of artifacts and the problems with easy solutions to the problem into the implementation details section of the new caps docs and expanded it to cover recent forum discussions. check-in: 78ad8b7496 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Assorted small improvements to top-level caps doc check-in: f21bfbeede user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Expanded the "Why Not Bitfields?" discussion in www/caps/impl.md. Also tweaked the "Capability Letter Choices" text a bit while in there. check-in: 3ac560a2d0 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
19:55 Edit [b2379b31c2e19656|b2379b31c2]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: d885c5d19c user: wyoung
Changed the hamburger menu link href from "#" to "/sitemap" so clicks on it do something useful in the noscript case. check-in: b2379b31c2 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added 'or' help for checkin/ci alias, per forum request. check-in: f616380dfa user: stephan tags: trunk
For candidate CGI parameter names that start with an uppercase letter, convert them to lowercase and then add. check-in: b47b6b6906 user: mistachkin tags: noJsonCgiFlag
Moved www/capabilities.md to www/caps/index.md and www/admin-v-setup.md to www/caps/admin-v-setup.md. Then broke three chunks of the old capabilities.md doc out into new www/caps/* docs: login groups, implementation details of user capabilities, and the user capability reference material. The latter switched from Markdown to HTML format so we cou... check-in: c6cdf9ce8e user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Merged most of the new material on Setup vs Admin in the new capabilities doc into the pre-existing admin-v-setup.md doc, which already covers this topic. check-in: ee901c7be3 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Change 'NO_JSON' to lowercase. Remove other branch changes that are now superfluous. check-in: 8baac2646c user: mistachkin tags: noJsonCgiFlag
Add hyperlinks to the branch diff page from branch timeline and from /info. check-in: 833b220adc user: drh tags: vdiff-improvements
Query and post parameters may never begin with an upper-case letter. To allow that is a huge security hole. check-in: 72c721eacf user: drh tags: noJsonCgiFlag
Restore legacy title handling behavior for TH1 docs (changed via check-in [8abeb62737c2b527]). check-in: 4219002631 user: mistachkin tags: noJsonCgiFlag
Attempt to fix 'CONTENT_TYPE' detection when a suffix, e.g. '; charset=utf-8', is present. check-in: 891bbc6ffe user: mistachkin tags: noJsonCgiFlag
Improve comment. check-in: 316dd394b8 user: mistachkin tags: noJsonCgiFlag
More refinements. check-in: c1f4a84694 user: mistachkin tags: noJsonCgiFlag
If the '--cgiupperparamsok' command line option or 'uppercase_params' CGI control line are present, allow parameter names to start with an uppercase letter. check-in: ab0d81f893 user: mistachkin tags: noJsonCgiFlag
Make it possible to disable JSON auto-detection in the CGI subsystem. check-in: a775435357 user: mistachkin tags: noJsonCgiFlag
Grepped the Fossil source code for C code that checks for Setup caps exclusively to preotect functions and listed those in the Reference section of capablities.md. Also expanded the coverage of the "caps affect Fossil web interfaces only" section, which plays into this. check-in: 689f7683b6 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Added cap "n" to "r" in skins that show a /ticket link in their header, since the handler for it allows the page to show for those who can only file new tickets, not just those who can see existing tickets. Also fixed some skins that were using "anoncap" to test this: it needs to work for all logged-in users, not just "anonymous". Closed-Leaf check-in: f4e3abce26 user: wyoung tags: skin-cap-matching
Minor wording change in the header of /vdiff. check-in: 69adb45da0 user: drh tags: vdiff-improvements
Updates to the /vdiff page with the branch=BRANCH query parameter so that it uses merge-in: instead of root: and thus excludes merge-in check-ins from the diff. check-in: b36dc6f121 user: drh tags: vdiff-improvements
Rewrote explanation of "o" cap. check-in: 208ca0d713 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Add the "merge-in:NAME" name type, similar to "root:NAME" except that it finds the youngest anscestor of NAME that is in the branch from which the branch of NAME derived. check-in: dcd8f1d8f4 user: drh tags: vdiff-improvements
Disentangled discussion of "developer" vs "reader" in capabilities.md. check-in: 869494eb8f user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Added (Names) to the "Capability Reference" section of capabilities.md so the reference can be used while reading C source code, which uses these names instead of the capability characters in all code past the login handler. check-in: d48dff8fd7 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Merge in documentation enhancements from trunk. check-in: c1b62c3260 user: drh tags: vdiff-improvements
Remove an unused subroutine. Fix a minor CSS problem. check-in: 2078c746a5 user: drh tags: vdiff-improvements
On the /vdiff page, show a timeline with both check-ins using different highlights on each check-in. check-in: 6e40f866ab user: drh tags: vdiff-improvements
Changed all of the [anycap jor] TH1 calls in the stock skins wrapping the generation of that skin's /timeline and /timeline.rss links to [anycap ijr2] to match the user caps the timeline HTTP hit handler actually checks for in the C code. This is a branch in part because it needs review, but also it's the start of a broader effort to check the oth... check-in: 9cee8cf5c4 user: wyoung tags: skin-cap-matching
Added HTTP proxying info to Debian nginx server setup guide. check-in: c6a033cea6 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Replaced the content of "Running Fossil in SCGI Mode" within www/server/debian/nginx.md with references to our other Fossil server docs. This also reduces the prior focus of this section on fslsrv to a single sentence, since we now prefer the systemd option, now that we have it. check-in: a4bb92f791 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Swapped the simple foo.net "whole site is Fossil" example in www/server/debian/nginx.md for the more complicated example.com one where only /code is served by Fossil. This is probably going to be more common, and it shows off the important detail of setting SCRIPT_NAME properly. Made a minor adjustment to any/scgi.md to track this change, so ther... check-in: 653e90ca62 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Clarified use of scgi_params, SCRIPT_NAME, and service starting in the generic SCGI server setup doc. check-in: 5a58ac3141 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Merge fork check-in: 6c6aae9782 user: andygoth tags: trunk
Add the fossil_random_password() utility function and use it to generate a stronger initial admin-user password in the "fossil new" command. check-in: 23a9f9bac2 user: drh tags: trunk
If the test-markdown-render or test-wiki-render commands are invoked without a repository in which to check for Wiki page names and artifact hashes, then substitute a temporary, empty, in-memory repository so that the commands will still work and won't give SQL errors. check-in: 0ac64dad80 user: drh tags: trunk
Clarified the placement of "moderator" and "subscriber" in the power hierarchy expression within www/capabilities.md, since each could float up and down somewhat within the fixed hierarchy we give here. Also fixed a broken URL. check-in: ba88f4f2a7 user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Markdown hyperlinks are only converted to links to wiki if the named wikipage actually exists. Otherwise, the link becomes a relative link. This is for backwards compatibility. check-in: 3b10e64468 user: drh tags: trunk
Added www/capabilities.md, a complete treatment on user capabilities, user categories, login groups, and administration matters involving all of this. It does not replace the pre-existing admin-v-setup.md doc, but a bit of its content did move into this new doc. The new doc also contains the user capability info previously in the forum.wiki doc. ... check-in: 832f107ebb user: wyoung tags: caps-doc
Fixed a few fatal error messages from the login-group command that referred to an "add" command, which is now called "join". The symptom I saw is that "fossil login-group add" complained that "add" is not a valid command and that you should give '"add" or "leave"' instead! check-in: 09c65d7527 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fixed a few messages from the login-group command that referred to an apparent older name for the "join" sub-command, "add". This lead to a confusing symptom: "fossil login-group add foo" -> {unknown command "add" - should be "add" or "leave"}. check-in: 739cd8720e user: wyoung tags: trunk
Stronger recommendation for changing the default user's random hex password prior to setting up a Fossil server after learning it's 6 hex digits, not 8 as I thoght when I wrote that! check-in: 9fcd6e443c user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added bullet list detailing the sources for <script nonce=""> from a Fossil server and the reasons we consider each path safe. check-in: 91377ae432 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Reworked the material explaining why in-page <style> is currently allowed by Fossil's default CSP to make it clearer that this is most likely a temporary situation and that local custom CSS should go in the skin instead. check-in: 092eeebf40 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Expanded the discussion of in-repo and out-of-repo resource links in defcsp.md. check-in: 23fcd765f6 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Reworked the new introductory material in defcsp.md to be less about the CSP as last-resort and more about being a secondary filter to our other measures. Gave examples to clarify the tensions that prevent a purely server-side solution from being a practical solution. check-in: 1c4df5bf0a user: wyoung tags: trunk
"RaspberryPI" -> "Raspberry Pi" check-in: 5182be99c9 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Assorted refinements to the new pre- and post-activation advice sections in www/server/index.html: nix passive voice, add a few details, add some links to related docs, etc. Also fixed a CSS indenting problem preventing correct use of


  • , then made use of the new freedom in these sections' numbered lists.

check-in: b5c2c9bf31 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fix the $ROOT mechanism in HTML documents so that it accepts any whitespace character before href= and script=. Add $ROOT in appropriate places in the server documentation. check-in: 3e183bfad8 user: drh tags: trunk
Outline how to configure a repository before and after server activation. check-in: 154ea087af user: drh tags: trunk
Improvements to the althttpd documentation. check-in: 44f1df9fef user: drh tags: trunk
Further improvements to the server document. check-in: c2c4d3039f user: drh tags: trunk
Extra defenses against running fossil_atexit() more than once. check-in: bc7683e15a user: drh tags: trunk
Fix the "shell" command so that it avoids invoking the atexit() handler more than once. check-in: 07a5a2118e user: drh tags: trunk
Server documentation updates. check-in: b2426c2786 user: drh tags: trunk
Merge in recent developments on trunk. check-in: 70d091eacc user: andybradford tags: test-updates
Disallow versioning of security sensitive settings tcl-setup, th1-setup, and th1-uri-regexp. For effective security, these settings should only be controllable by an administrator. check-in: 2da704c5a1 user: drh tags: trunk
Update to the default CSP page. Attempted to resolve merge conflicts, but more editting is likely necessary. check-in: 33a7b8babe user: drh tags: trunk
Added a header to the new XSS material in defcsp.md so we can refer directly to it. check-in: 7b843f2d43 user: wyoung tags: trunk
More thorough explanation of <script nonce> in www/defcsp.md, and explained the reason why Fossil has no way of providing that nonce in most content types rather than link to the "XSS via check-in rights" forum post. This new presentation of that post's ideas is more detailed and includes discussion of the feature's interaction with the TH1 docs f... check-in: 8d43bb8786 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Major improvements to the new defcsp.md article. Expanded the introductory material to better describe what the CSP does; added named anchors to headers; moved the discussion of $default_csp overrides into this document from customskin.md, which now just says how you use that variable read-only; and added an entirely new section, "Replacing the De... check-in: 366b23a180 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Replaced the redundant copy of the default CSP in skins/bootstrap/header.txt with "$default_csp", allowing the TH1 setup script to override the CSP as in all the other stock skins. (Bootstrap is the last stock skin to define a custom <head> element.) check-in: 14ac2cacdd user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fix memcpy() compiler warnings. check-in: 7ae4b1a719 user: drh tags: trunk
Fix possible misaligned pointer to a 16-bit object. check-in: f7c41be825 user: drh tags: trunk
Updated and expanded documentation on how to set up a Fossil server. check-in: f146e21af9 user: drh tags: trunk
Add the --with-sanitizer option to the ./configure script. check-in: 231d693314 user: drh tags: trunk
Fixed a link punctuation bug introduced in [74a6578c]. Closed-Leaf check-in: c57e17931d user: wyoung tags: server-docs
The merge from trunk accidentally reverted part of the new text in www/embeddeddoc.wiki. (This part was manually merged, and I missed a diff relative to trunk.) check-in: 8976a9dae3 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Missed a link to server.wiki that should have been checked in with [74a6578c]. check-in: d5def0c8c4 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Merged in trunk improvements check-in: 42d28c0286 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Reverted src/doc.c to the trunk version. The "Plan Z" reversion in [8264fd75] was incomplete, causing bad TH1 variable expansion. I believe this explains the symptom I worked around in [9bdf650f0b8]. This check-in also cherry-picks [3d6a4fd95c] onto the branch. check-in: 3cdf764c2c user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Updated all of the internal hyperlinks referencing www/server.wiki to point at either www/server/index.html or one of the docs it now points at. check-in: 74a6578cd4 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Fixed an unwanted "$nonce" variable expansion within the new customskin.md introduced by [9044fd2dbe] which only occurs *sometimes*: not on fossil-scm.org, and apparently not in my earlier ckout testing prior to checking it in, but now in a different ckout test. This has to be a TH1 thing, but I don't understand why we didn't see this earlier. Thi... check-in: 9bdf650f0b user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fixed a link from the new material in embeddeddoc.wiki to the new CSP material: that briefly lived in customskin.md before checking it in, but then I moved it to a new document and forgot to update the link. check-in: f4cbfd5acc user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fixed a couple of Tcl syntax fixes that caused the new --with-sanitizer code to a) run unconditionally irrespective of the option's setting and b) to check for the existence of libubsan whether it was actually needed or not. Closed-Leaf check-in: 66fdab7605 user: wyoung tags: configure-updates
Added www/defcsp.md, which documents the default Content Security Policy applied by Fossil to the HTML pages it serves. Linked that into embeddeddoc.wik and customskin.md, which touched on this topic before but didn't go into much detail. check-in: 4e6d36d7d4 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fix a compiler warning in the security-audit page. check-in: 3243a6c148 user: drh tags: trunk
02:07 Edit [7907b6ffae6c6fa1|7907b6ffae]: Move to branch configure-updates. Edit check-in comment. artifact: a17726f924 user: drh
Added --with-sanitizer configure-time option for appending -fsanitize=VALUE to CFLAGS and LDFLAGS, plus automatic detection of -lubsan for GCC, which doesn't automatically link to that with -fsanitize=undefined as Clang does. EDIT: This check-in breaks the built on Ubuntu 18.04. check-in: 7907b6ffae user: wyoung tags: configure-updates
Removed "known to work with IIS" bit from www/server/index.html in the CGI section, since that is not actually true. We can put it back once someone figures out the IIS + CGI + Fossil CPU pegging problem. check-in: 8b7c17de3f user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Removed documentation of the nonce="$NONCE" feature in www/embeddeddoc.wiki, removed as part of [8264fd75]. check-in: d55f6b1501 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Fix a broken hyperlink on the new server-docs index page. check-in: 461c8f06fc user: drh tags: server-docs
Updating links in www/server/windows/stunnel.md to correct locations. check-in: 65d175aef0 user: ckennedy tags: server-docs
Plan Z check-in: 8264fd75bc user: drh tags: server-docs
Have the security-audit page analyze and display the content security policy. check-in: 9cf90a4f9d user: drh tags: trunk
Increase the default HTTP request timeout to 10 minutes. Provide the FOSSIL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT compile-time option for setting an alternative default. check-in: 7979989dff user: drh tags: trunk
Added missing www/chroot.md file check-in: 80cd49f063 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Updated www/server/index.html to no longer discuss launchd as a "maybe" option now that we have a document for it, and removed mention of Solaris SMF entirely. check-in: 1e6fbcf214 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Added www/server/macos/service.md and then added macOS to the set of server OSes offered in www/server/index.html check-in: e0ad4b48b5 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Assorted small tweaks to www/server/windows/iis.md check-in: b5fefeec23 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Small tweaks to the new "Serving as a Standalone Server on Windows" article. check-in: 3995a3c7ae user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Assorted small tweaks to server docs, mainly around new systemd material. check-in: 9d4a478241 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Added www/server/debian/service.md, demonstrating systemd configuration of Fossil for the first time in the official docs, both as a user serivce and in socket activation mode as a system-level service. check-in: 94763aed7c user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Clarity tweak check-in: bc678e1321 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Grammar fix on previous check-in: d5c754f97b user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Title tweak on previous check-in: afc65312fa user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Added www/server/windows/none.md server setup article check-in: 3e55ddf754 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Added explicit instructions on installing IIS within the new IIS server docs. It isn't installed by default, and in the CGI case, CGI isn't part of the default IIS install. check-in: b2f10ad585 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
The www/customskin.md document hadn't been updated since we removed the explicit <html><head> stuff from the default skins and moved that into the C code so we could insert the CSP and such automatically. Updated it to show the inner
tags that you actually get by default now, and talked about how the HTML document wrapper is added automatica...
check-in: 9044fd2dbe user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fix embedded HTML detection for the 'doc' web page when the 'data-title' attribute is not specified. check-in: 3d6a4fd95c user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Added links back to the top-level www/server/index.html article from the tail end of www/server/*/*.md. check-in: 0f6f151dd3 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Justified the ordering of sections in www/server/index.html by including info on complexity. CGI remains last because CGI is only a "simple" option when someone else sets up the CGI security for you, as on old-style cheap hosting plans. Also added several inline sub-document references. check-in: 9f4121db3b user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Merged the lists of socket listener daemons into the Socket Listener section of www/server/index.html: the list of known-working daemons down from the numbered list at the top of the article, and the list of potentially-working daemons up from the <noscript>-cloaked document matrix below. Also reordered the sections from simplest to most complex. check-in: d9ab9c567c user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Improvements to the nonce='$NONCE' substitution mechanism. check-in: 1c50073d31 user: drh tags: server-docs
Implemented the first version of the JavaScript tutorial chooser in www/server/index.html, complete with fallbacks for the noscript case, optional display of the static document matrix, and pretty CSS transitions between the states. check-in: 0cbdbc725c user: wyoung tags: server-docs
URL fix in previous check-in: a7610e4273 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Added the nonce="$NONCE" embedded documentation substitution feature and documented that and the other pre-existing text substitution features. check-in: 02db05e600 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Further refinement of the server setup tutorial matrix CSS check-in: a6fee5898f user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Reduced the number of columns in the server setup tutorial matrix by collapsing all of those for the OS's default web server down to a single shared column. Also dropped the xinetd column as obsolete. (We still have the explicit xinetd article link above.) check-in: 3f9f1bdf38 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Moved inline CSS within www/server/index.html elements up into a <style> block at the top. Then used that to create a more even matrix layout. Also fixed some incorrect URLs checked in with the prior version, due to the document changing directory level. check-in: 648574cb0e user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Renamed www/server.wiki to www/server/index.html and converted it to HTML format. Did a bit of prose polishing and CSS work while in there. check-in: 8193266763 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Small improvements to IIS + CGI doc check-in: f7c839c1c6 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Added docs for IIS + CGI server configuration. check-in: 9098ebba2d user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Assorted improvements to www/server/windows/iis.md. Removed the empty CGI and SCGI sections, as those will be separate articles. Added "Why Bother?" section. Added link to ./service.md. Better explanation of the /code rewriting example. Hoist TLS info up into the new "Why Bother?" section. check-in: 1670e5fac6 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Capitalization fix in HTML output from /artifact_stats check-in: d570edc646 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Include forum artifact statistics on the /artifact_stats page. check-in: e2f2a05eff user: drh tags: trunk
Corrected the description of nginx + SCGI in www/server.wiki. check-in: 0f217e89f2 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Added starting version of www/server/windows/iis.md, covering only the HTTP reverse proxying case. check-in: fbacfacfe6 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
An attempt to make the main server.wiki page simpler and yet self-contained, all at once. check-in: 5bb1e11228 user: drh tags: server-docs
Moved the chroot and loadmgmt sections of www/server.wiki into separate documents. This change also adds info on /proc to the chroot doc, which was missing in its prior server.wiki form. Also reduced a few other "details" sections of server.wiki to bullet points in the new "Further Details" list at the end of the document. check-in: 85eaffb6a5 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Changed "socket activation" to "socket listener" in all the new docs check-in: 3c9f811b87 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Markdownism fixes... check-in: 1428f59ec9 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Small improvements to the new Fossil Chroot Jail section of www/server.wiki check-in: 4c837bc343 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Small clarity tweak to the new "Methods" discussion in www/server.wiki. check-in: fc00b7b297 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Converted the backwards-compatibility sections in www/server.wiki into identified hyperlinks to the new docs, which allows existing external ".../server.wiki#cgi" URLs and such to work without needing the near-empty sections containing only a hyperlink just to anchor the link. check-in: 0bb59100f2 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Several small refinements to prior check-ins. check-in: 16e3cff648 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Moved the "Serving via althttpd" material from www/ssl.wiki to a new document, www/server/any/althttpd.md, linked from www/server.wiki. check-in: 2e19fcee33 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Added some named anchors to www/server/any/stunnel.md check-in: ce4b4bae31 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Moved the stunnel proxying docs from www/ssl.wiki to a new document www/server/any/stunnel.md, and pointed www/server.wiki at it. Also replaced some similar material in this branch's new www/server/windows/stunnel.md file at this generic document. Between these two changes, the generic stunnel docs now cover the reverse proxying option for the fi... check-in: 53b2e866e1 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Split the HTTP-only parts out of www/tls-nginx.md into a new document discussing only the reverse-proxying of `fossil --scgi` to HTTP using nginx on Debian type OSes. That material is now in www/server/debian/nginx.md, which is referred to from www/server.wiki. While in there, did a bit of prose polishing on this old guide. check-in: 2baa8151d7 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Broke most of the contents of www/server/wiki out into a series of www/server/*.md articles that are now linked from a checkmark table in its place, which also links to the new www/server/windows/*.md files created to start this branch off. This is not purely a matter of moving prose around: there is a fair bit of improvement to the pre-existing p... check-in: fad82714aa user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Relaxed the "enforcing" language around the planned change of hash policy from "auto" to "sha3" in Fossil 2.10 within section 2.8 of the fossil-v-git.wiki doc, and clarified what will actually happen with that release as compared to the current release. check-in: c5461fb599 user: wyoung tags: trunk
02:05 Edit [0996347d4ab9d5db|0996347d4a]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: a2616f1757 user: wyoung
Merged recent spell check fixes into this branch so we don't revert any of them. check-in: a9fd086f13 user: wyoung tags: server-docs
Another spell check pass on www/* using a different dictionary than in the prior pass. ([79c2cb083152]) check-in: 0996347d4a user: wyoung tags: trunk
Server Documentation Update. This ckeckin contains instructions for using Fossil as a windows service and with stunnel as an https proxy. check-in: 8b7c563d49 user: ckennedy tags: server-docs
Additional documentation on CGI configuration options. Updates to the change log. New hyperlinks interconnecting the various documents. check-in: fbc3b2f72e user: drh tags: trunk
Remove the sigalrm_handler() function on windows builds as it is never called there. check-in: 1d7afcdff6 user: drh tags: trunk
20:31 Edit [1f63724e5b6fec16|1f63724e5b]: Mark "Closed". artifact: f337a7fcad user: drh
Improvements to HOME search on windows, and improve the documentation of the same. check-in: 006afac0f0 user: drh tags: trunk
Set a default timeout on CGI requests of 300 seconds. check-in: 859d6b1694 user: drh tags: trunk
Add "Forum Posts" as an option to "Activity Reports" check-in: 6ada7e3768 user: drh tags: trunk
Improvements to the hyperlink description in /md_rules. check-in: b8fac03594 user: drh tags: trunk
Added "Forum Posts" choice to the "Activity Reports" sub section of /stat. Closed-Leaf check-in: f39e47a19e user: wyoung tags: forum-post-activity-report
Refine HOME search order on Windows to maintain backward compatibility with the previous search hierarchy. Closed-Leaf check-in: c07cbcd3db user: mistachkin tags: windows-env-usage-v2
Merge in from trunk. check-in: 0f9f2e403d user: andybradford tags: test-updates
Updated the temp file and dir location documentation in www/env-opts.md to match what the current code does. Closed-Leaf check-in: 1f63724e5b user: wyoung tags: windows-env-usage
Inserted %USERPROFILE% between %FOSSIL_HOME% and %LOCALAPPDATA% in the code that chooses where the user's account-wide _fossil file lives on Windows. (This is the Windows analog to the ~/.fossil file on POSIX systems.) Also updated the docs to match. check-in: 15176c8ae5 user: wyoung tags: windows-env-usage
Update the /stat page to show forum statistics. check-in: 29141af7af user: drh tags: trunk
Fixes to the new markdown hyperlink logic to handle the case there the target URL is not defined. check-in: 44545eef88 user: drh tags: trunk
Contributing PowerShell script Set-ChildProject.ps1. This script wraps the code for converting a project into a child project into an easy to use PowerShell script. The script should be cross platform, but was only tested on Windows 10. Closed-Leaf check-in: 0b70cf6d57 user: ckennedy tags: windows-tools
Enhance markdown to use the same hyperlink target resolving logic as Fossil wiki. That means that wiki page names and check-in and ticket hashes can now be used as markdown hyperlink URLs. Also enhance markdown hyperlinks so that if the display text is an empty string, the URL is used as the display text. check-in: 774fb7712f user: drh tags: trunk
Two additional places where links to /markup_help are useful. check-in: 5f328d9f90 user: drh tags: trunk
Fix up the markdown rules to include recent enhancements to fenced code blocks. On "Markup Style:" entry boxes, provide a hyperlink for easy access to the rule sheets. check-in: 18a84ed81e user: drh tags: trunk
Further work on the fenced code blocks of markdown. Allow blank lines in the middle of a fenced code block. And also allow ~ character (three or more) to serve as the delimiter for fenced code blocks. check-in: c7600da489 user: drh tags: trunk
Added an aside in fossil-v-git about Git's minority use of high-level scripting languages aside from its dominant one, POSIX shell, with a comparison to Fossil's own use of high-level scripting. check-in: 1296ee46a3 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Simplified the table line items for the hash algorithm point in fossil-v-git.wiki as "SHA-3" vs "SHA-2". Details we delegate to the discussion prose below. check-in: 595559f45c user: wyoung tags: trunk
Expanded the discussion on user learning time vs arcance feature set size in fossil-v-git.wiki, within section 2.5.3 "Accepting Contributions". check-in: 1b479aff38 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Small tweaks to the prose in section 2.5 in fossil-v-git.wiki check-in: 466d74c807 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fix the www/fossil_prompt.sh Fossilized Bash Prompt script so that it works even if the current check-in comment contains grave accents (backticks). check-in: c49f3ef4cf user: drh tags: trunk
Further refine the fenced code block rendering in markdown to try to comply with the CommonMark spec. check-in: 81caad6ce6 user: drh tags: trunk
20:39 Edit [2077ffe660ec2bcd|2077ffe660]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 04c0465b19 user: drh
A triple grave accent quoted text (```....```) in markdown is rendered as <pre>...</pre>. check-in: 2077ffe660 user: drh tags: trunk
Moved the comment about learning from Git's design mistakes to a place higher up in the document where it makes more sense. It was almost a non sequitur where it was before. check-in: 0e0d76ee27 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Clarity pass on the new "Portable" section of fossil-v-git.wiki article. check-in: 4b574be4e5 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Deferred discussion of data modeling from the intro of fossil-v-git to section 2.3 where it's fully covered. This material now talks more clearly about Fossil's hybrid NoSQL/relational data model, rather than handwave it as "relational". check-in: e299892341 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added Digital Ocean pricing footnote to fossil-v-git.wiki to back up the GitLab comparison. Also clarified the "smallest thing you could call a server" comment. check-in: efc873ec68 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Typo fix check-in: 431245edce user: wyoung tags: trunk
Reworked the intro to fossil-v-git.wiki to flow better and be clearer. check-in: 16cb9c0268 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Typo fix pass on www/* check-in: 79c2cb0831 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Have the test-httpmsg command try to open the repository database in case that repository database contains TLS certificate exceptions. check-in: bf25835f6b user: drh tags: trunk
Add the FOSSIL_NONCE parameter to extension CGI. check-in: 3f0ade5592 user: drh tags: trunk
13:24 Edit [b26967cfcb58f243|b26967cfcb]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: eb56e38ff3 user: drh
Adjust the SQL authorizer to ignore SQLITE_READ calls for transient internal-use-only tables. SQLite should not be issuing those, but some legacy versions of SQLite do. It is harmless to ignore them. check-in: b26967cfcb user: drh tags: trunk
Remove the SQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB requirement from external SQLite libraries, as without it only the ".recover" command in "fossil sql" is omitted, and that is an obscure case. check-in: a4d7152517 user: drh tags: trunk
Fix an incorrect comment in sqlcompattest.c. check-in: e2426e83e4 user: drh tags: trunk
Fix incorrect requirements in sqlcompattest.c. check-in: 156476b20b user: drh tags: trunk
Add the LDFLAGS parameter when building the sqlcompttest test program. check-in: 4a15ccdaca user: drh tags: trunk
More details on althttpd in the section of www/ssl.wiki that discusses the stunnel + althttpd + fossil serving option used by fossil-scm.org and sqlite.org. check-in: 9c747e1cf3 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Add an SQLite compatibility test program and run that program during the "./configure" if the --disable-internal-sqlite option is used in order to verify that the system SQLite library has all of the capabilities that we need. check-in: 350c627a52 user: drh tags: trunk
Clarity and accuracy pass on the git-worktree issue in fossil-v-git.wiki. check-in: 92dc102158 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Merged two lists of similarities between Fossil and Git into a single instance up at the top of fossil-v-git.wiki. check-in: 3609ff7560 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Language moderation in fossil-v-git.wiki check-in: 5e380ec394 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Clarified the issue of building and installing Git vs Fossil from source vs as binary packages in fossil-v-git.wiki check-in: 00af3dbf8b user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added a named anchor to fossil-v-git.wiki doc check-in: e88ae89c0f user: wyoung tags: trunk
Many improvements to section "2.3 Durable" in fossil-v-git.wiki, largely involving the merger of a near-repeat of the same points down in section 3.1, but also adding more information emphasizing the durability of SQLite DBs in general and Fossil repos in specific. check-in: cd989fed40 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added a new section to fossil-v-git.wiki, "2.4 Portable" covering how much more portable Fossil is than Git and its common third-party extensions. check-in: 64a33a643f user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added info about althttpd to footnote 2 in fossil-v-git.wiki, which gives details about the web serving configuration of fossil-scm.org. check-in: 5866461ef0 user: wyoung tags: trunk
A better hyperlink for althttpd documentation in ssl.wiki. check-in: 977109d308 user: drh tags: trunk
Merged two nearly-redundant points about branch names syncing in fossil-v-git doc. check-in: 16ea738a8e user: wyoung tags: trunk
Updated summary table at the top of fossil-v-git doc to track the recent organization changes. check-in: 1c9b177182 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Prior section 2.5 in fossil-v-git is now section 2.4.4, since it's part of the "2.4 Linux vs SQLite" story. Little change in content; primarily just an organization fix. check-in: e9628d7063 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Extracted part of section 2.1 and merged it with the entire prior content of section 2.5 in fossil-v-git as a new section, "2.2 Efficient and Effective". These were two partially-redundant sections covering Git's sprawl of tools, third-party dependencies, and extensions vs Fossil's self-contained single-binary nature. The new section combines all... check-in: 5c24bee9fd user: wyoung tags: trunk
Minor update to footnote 2 on the fossil-v-git page. check-in: 754a6a0568 user: drh tags: trunk
Added footnote 2 to the fossil-v-git doc, which explains that not "everything" on fossil-scm.org is in the main Fossil self-hosting repo, and links to info explaining the details. check-in: d23a8453c5 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Tightened up footnote 1 in fossil-v-git to delegate its points more fully to the new mirrorlimitations.md doc. check-in: 0ef227b77c user: wyoung tags: trunk
Updated the "A Pure SHA3 Future" section of www/hashpolicy.wiki to track the recent decision to make "sha3" mode the default in Fossil 2.10. check-in: c6e8558f27 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added section 2.8 to the fossil-v-git doc: "Hash Algorithm: SHA-3 vs SHA-2 vs SHA-1". check-in: 42b8890cc2 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Updates to the mirrorlimitations.md document. check-in: 31bbb40f13 user: drh tags: trunk
Added paragraph about hosting efficiency of Fossil vs Gitlab (to make it an apples-to-apples comparison) to the fossil-v-git doc. check-in: f631c7c82e user: wyoung tags: trunk
Expanded on the point about "next" checkin in fossil-v-git doc check-in: 47e495d26b user: wyoung tags: trunk
Removed some points in section 3.1 of fossil-v-git (Features found in Fossil but missing from Git) which are already covered above. check-in: c5a74af45c user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added point about installing Fossil on Windows vs installing Git to fossil-v-git doc. check-in: 4c22c70569 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added web UI point to fossil-v-git check-in: 6494d42f2a user: wyoung tags: trunk
Added RBAC point to the fossil-v-git article, and tweaked the surrounding text. check-in: bd7c47c3f8 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Updated explanatory text at the top of www/image-format-vs-repo-size.ipynb to track the recent update for Python 3. check-in: 25a18bee08 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Updated image-format-vs-repo-size.ipynb to run within the Fossil tree checkout, to run under the Python 3 JupyterLab kernel, and to have the output SVG embedded in the notebook so it shows up in the notebook viewer without needing to run it first. This updates the associated separate SVG file as well, so the two SVG instantiations match. check-in: f85d924767 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Fix crash. Closed-Leaf check-in: 9d37ebbee6 user: mistachkin tags: winExtCgi
Initial draft changes to support 'extcgi' on Win32. check-in: fbe1eddaa3 user: mistachkin tags: winExtCgi
Update custom MinGW makefile. check-in: 759b10021d user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Merge trunk check-in: fc5f88d6d9 user: jan.nijtmans tags: cleanX
Fix a harmless compiler warning. check-in: 95a6a658d4 user: drh tags: trunk
Improvements to the Security-Audit page - mostly in providing additional information about the files in the CGI extension folder. check-in: a3bc6552ee user: drh tags: trunk
Fix the repolist function for CGI server invocations, apparently broken by check-in [ec56c69fe98d26d9] check-in: 534b060007 user: drh tags: trunk
merge to logical conclusion (nop) check-in: f4f9c1090b user: bch tags: trunk
Avoid the clearenv() interface (which seems to be missing on NetBSD according to [2d4c16df5a9e61c2]) and simply set the global "environ" variable directly. check-in: d72aa24ce6 user: drh tags: trunk
Added a comment to fslsrv in place of the just-removed parameter to make it clear what's going on here. check-in: df2eb08e2a user: wyoung tags: trunk
Made --baseurl parameter optional in tools/fslsrv since Fossil complains if you give only a top-level URL; it's right, it doesn't need --baseurl in that case. check-in: 8b2b232886 user: wyoung tags: trunk
Make sure all CGI environment variables are loaded into the CGI cache prior to clearing the environment, when launching extension CGIs. check-in: c6b4d80e9c user: drh tags: trunk
The CGI extension mechanism now passes the HTTPS environment variable. check-in: f5fe221026 user: drh tags: trunk
Add the mirrorlimitations.md document. Update cross-references. check-in: 41d6540d27 user: drh tags: trunk
Update the security audit to report when extension CGI is available. check-in: e2cad541ff user: drh tags: trunk
proper env() handler for (at least) NetBSD Closed-Leaf check-in: 2d4c16df5a user: bch tags: env_handler
The test-httpmsg command now sends the payload uncompressed unless the new --compress option is used. check-in: c31ff76fe9 user: drh tags: trunk
Implement the fossil_clearenv() function for Win32. check-in: 61fd10ecd1 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
When rendering HTML pages using the fossil-doc class and the data-title="..." attribute, reverse the HTML escapes in the argument to data-title since they will be reencoded prior to rendering. check-in: 54e01c60e2 user: drh tags: trunk
Clear all environment variables prior to invoking a CGI extension. (Works on posix - need to fix it for windows.) check-in: ed63bdd71e user: drh tags: trunk
Add the FOSSIL_URI environment variable to the CGI extension mechanism. check-in: 7b2b9d6995 user: drh tags: trunk
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