What People Are Saying
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The following are collected quotes from various forums and blogs about Fossil, Git, and DVCSes in general. This collection is put together by the creator of Fossil, so of course there is selection bias...

On The Usability Of Git:

  1. Git approaches the useability of iptables, which is to say, utterly unusable unless you have the manpage tattooed on you arm.
    by mml at http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1433387
  2. It's simplest to think of the state of your [git] repository as a point in a high-dimensional "code-space", in which branches are represented as n-dimensional membranes, mapping the spatial loci of successive commits onto the projected manifold of each cloned repository.

    At http://tartley.com/?p=1267
  3. Git is not a Prius. Git is a Model T. Its plumbing and wiring sticks out all over the place. You have to be a mechanic to operate it successfully or you'll be stuck on the side of the road when it breaks down. And it will break down.

    Nick Farina at http://nfarina.com/post/9868516270/git-is-simpler
  4. We've been using git and github for a few months now, and it's not intuitive... I'm hoping someone will make a set of standard wrappers/GUI for making git bearable.

    maro at http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1433387

On The Usability Of Fossil:

  1. Fossil mesmerizes me with simplicity especially after I struggled to get a bug-tracking system to work with mercurial.
    rawjeev at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/156322/what-do-people-think-of-the-fossil-dvcs
  2. Fossil is awesome!!! I have never seen an app like that before, such simplicity and flexibility!!!

    zengr at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138621/best-version-control-for-lone-developer

On Git Versus Fossil

  1. Just want to say thanks for fossil making my life easier.... Also [for] not having a misanthropic command line interface.
    Joshua Paine at http://www.mail-archive.com/fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org/msg02736.html
  2. We use it at a large university to manage code that small teams write. The runs everywhere, ease of installation and portability is something that seems to be a good fit with the environment we have (highly ditrobuted, sometimes very restrictive firewalls, OSX/Win/Linux). We are happy with it and teaching a Msc/Phd student (read complete novice) fossil has just been a smoother ride than Git was.

    viablepanic at http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/bxcto/why_not_fossil_scm/
  3. In the fossil community - and hence in fossil itself - development history is pretty much sacrosanct. The very name "fossil" was to chosen to reflect the unchanging nature of things in that history.

    In git (or rather, the git community), the development history is part of the published aspect of the project, so it provides tools for rearranging that history so you can present what you "should" have done rather than what you actually did.

    Mike Meyer on the Fossil mailing list, 2011-10-04