videocapture.core - Videocapture

Table of Contents

1 Namespace videocapture.core

2 Camera preview

(defn preview-player-start [instance]
  (debug "Starting preview player.")
  (go (let [{:keys [pipeline appcaps image-container]} @videocapture.videocapture/vcapture
	    is-working? (atom false)]
	(fx/run-now (.addListener image-container
				  (fx/fi javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener [observable oldValue newValue]
					 (reset! is-working? true)
					 (fx/run-later (.setImage (.-videoView instance) newValue)))))
	(debug "Preview pipeline running.")
	(<! (async/timeout 4000))
	(.debugToDotFile pipeline 15 "preview")
	(if (and (not @is-working?) (= :device (settings/get-setting :camera :type)))
	  (do (gui-util/alert :error "Kamerafehler" "Leider ist ein Kamerafehler aufgetreten. Der Computer wird automatisch abgeschaltet. Nach dem Abschalten bitte die USB-Kamera aus- und wieder einstecken, dann den Computer einschalten.")
	      (sh/sh "systemctl" "poweroff"))
	  (when (not @is-working?)
	    (gui-util/notification :error "Kameraverbindung fehlgeschlagen" "Es konnte noch keine Verbindung zur Kamera aufgebaut werden. Erneuter Versuch...")
	    (mount/stop #'videocapture.videocapture/vcapture)
	    (async/put! (:disable-player @gui-out) true)
	    (Thread/sleep 400)
	    (async/put! (:re-init @gui-out) true)))
	[pipeline appcaps (fn [] (let [ch (chan)]
				  ;;(mount/stop #'videocapture.videocapture/vcapture)
				  (async/put! ch true) ch)) ;;(partial preview-player-stop instance pipeline)

3 Video playback

(defn playback-player-stop [instance pipe]
    (.stop pipe)
    (fx/run-now (.adjustValue (.-seekSlider instance) 0.0)
		(.setText (.-timeLabel instance) ""))))

(defn playback-player-start [instance filename]
  (let [gst-listener (new AppSinkListener)
	image-container (.getImageContainer gst-listener)
	[pipe specials] (recorder/build-pipeline :playback)
	videosink ^Element (.getElementByName pipe "displaysink")
	filein ^Element (.getElementByName pipe "filein")
	extension (settings/get-setting :C :file-extension)
	not-eos? (atom true)]
    (debug "Abspielen von" (str (.toURI (io/file (str filename extension)))))
    (.set filein "uri" (str (.toURI (io/file (str filename extension)))))
    (.connect videosink gst-listener)
    (fx/run-now (.addListener image-container
			      (fx/fi javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener [observable oldValue newValue]
				     (fx/run-now (.setImage (.-videoView instance) newValue)))))
    (.connect (.getBus pipe) (fx/fi org.freedesktop.gstreamer.Bus$EOS
				    [src] (reset! not-eos? false)))
    (go (try (.play pipe) (catch Exception e (error e))))
    (Thread/sleep 200)
    (.debugToDotFile pipe 15 "playback")
    (debug "Videolänge in Sekunden:" (.queryDuration pipe) "Double:" (double (.toSeconds (.queryDuration pipe))))
    (.setMax (.-seekSlider instance) (double (.toSeconds (.queryDuration pipe))))
    (go-loop [position (.toSeconds (.queryPosition ^Pipeline pipe))
	      act      true]
      (if (and (.isPlaying pipe) @not-eos?)
	(do (when act
	      (fx/run-now (.adjustValue (.-seekSlider instance) (double position))
			  (let [point (t/duration position :seconds)
				text (str (leading-zero (t/as point :hours)) ":" (leading-zero (mod (t/as point :minutes) 60)) ":" (leading-zero (mod (t/as point :seconds) 60)))]
			    (.setText (.-timeLabel instance) text))))
	      [(:seek-drag-start @gui-out)] (do (debug "Userinteraktion: Drag start")
						(recur (.toSeconds (.queryPosition pipe)) false))
	      [(:seek-drag-stop @gui-out)] (do (debug "Userinteraktion: Drag stop")
					       (.seek pipe (long (.getValue (.-seekSlider instance))) TimeUnit/SECONDS)
					       (debug "Userinteraktion: Setze Abspielzeit auf" (long (.getValue (.-seekSlider instance))) "Sekunden.")
					       (recur (long (.getValue (.-seekSlider instance))) true))
	      [(async/timeout 100)] (do (recur (.toSeconds (.queryPosition pipe)) act))))
	(when-not @not-eos?
	  (debug "Stream ended.")
	  (>! (:stop-button @gui-out) true))))
    (partial playback-player-stop instance pipe)))

4 Video recording

(defn record-video-stop [instance pipe specials]
  (info "Ending stream.")
    (info "Stopping recording...")
    (reset! (:clock @core) nil)
    (mount/stop #'videocapture.videocapture/vcapture)
    (Thread/sleep 100)
    (fx/run-later (.setProgress (.-statusBar instance) 0.0)
		  (.setText (.-statusText instance) "OK")
		  (gui-util/alert :information "Aufnahme abgeschlossen." "Vergessen Sie nicht, die Videodatei zu prüfen, zu sichern und einzureichen!"))

(defn- filenamegen [instance]
  (if (= "therapie-mainwindow.fxml" (settings/get-setting :gui))
    (str (settings/get-setting :xdg :home) (.getText (.-therapistNrField instance)) "_" (.getText (.-patientNrField instance)) "_" (.getText (.-sessionField instance)) "_" (t/format "yyyy-MM-dd kkmmss" (t/local-date-time)) "_" (settings/get-setting :form :room))
    (str (settings/get-setting :xdg :home) (.getValue (.-groupList instance)) "_" (.getText (.-name1Field instance)) "+" (.getText (.-name2Field instance)) "_" (t/format "yyyyMMddkkmmss" (t/local-date-time)) "_" (settings/get-setting :form :room))))

(defn record-video [instance]
  (let []
    (info "Starting video recording.")
    (debug "GUI:" (settings/get-setting :gui))
    (if-not (or (= "therapie-mainwindow.fxml" (settings/get-setting :gui))
		(and (not (str/blank? (.getText (.-name1Field instance))))
		     (not (str/blank? (.getText (.-name2Field instance))))
		     (not (str/blank? (.getValue (.-groupList instance))))))
      (do (gui-util/notification :error "Bitte alle Informationen eintragen!" "Vergessen Sie nicht, die Felder \"Gruppe\", \"Name 1\" und \"Name 2\" auszufüllen!")
      (let [ ;;timestamp (f/unparse (f/formatter "yyyyMMddhhmmss") (l/local-now))
	    timestamp (t/format "yyyyMMddkkmmss" (t/local-date-time))
	    filename (filenamegen instance)]
	(let [{:keys [pipeline appcaps image-container]} @videocapture.videocapture/vcapture]
	  (fx/run-now (.addListener image-container
				    (fx/fi javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener [observable oldValue newValue]
					   (fx/run-later (.setImage (.-videoView instance) newValue)))))
	  (Thread/sleep 100)
	  (videocapture.videocapture/record filename)
	   (gui-util/notification :information "Aufnahme gestartet." "Der Aufnahmestatus wird in der Statusleiste angezeigt.")
	   (.setText (.-statusText instance) "Aufnahme läuft...")
	   (.setProgress (.-statusBar instance) -1))
	  (reset! (:clock @core) (t/instant))
	  (Thread/sleep 100)
	  ;;(.debugToDotFile pipe 15 "recorder")
	  (info "Recording started.")
	  (info "Recorder running.")
	  (Thread/sleep 1000)
	  [filename pipeline (partial record-video-stop instance pipeline appcaps)])))))

5 Input handling

5.1 Input from JavaFX

(defonce gui-out (atom {:record-button (chan 2)
			:stop-button (chan 2)
			:save-button (chan 2)
			:upload-button (chan 2)
			:play-button (chan 2)
			:report-error-button (chan 2)
			:nuke-button (chan 2)
			:shutdown-button (chan 2)
			:seek-drag-start (chan 2)
			:seek-drag-stop (chan 2)
			:re-init (chan 2)
			:disable-player (chan 2)
			:source-choose (chan 2)}))

(defn upload-video-file [instance event]
  (async/put! (:upload-button @gui-out) true))

(defn save-video-file [instance event]
  (async/put! (:save-button @gui-out) true))

(defn start-record [instance event]
  (async/put! (:record-button @gui-out) true))

(defn stop-record [instance event]
  (async/put! (:stop-button @gui-out) true))

(defn play-video [instance event]
  (async/put! (:play-button @gui-out) true))

(defn report-error [instance event]
  (async/put! (:report-error-button @gui-out) true))

(defn nuke-everything [instance event]
  (async/put! (:nuke-button @gui-out) true))

(defn shutdown-pc [instance event]
  (async/put! (:shutdown-button @gui-out) true))

(defn seek-drag-start [instance event]
  (debug "seek-drag-start")
  (async/put! (:seek-drag-start @gui-out) true))

(defn seek-drag-stop [instance event]
  (debug "seek-drag-stop")
  (async/put! (:seek-drag-stop @gui-out) true))

(defn source-choose [instance event]
  (async/put! (:source-choose @gui-out) true))

5.2 Immediate input effects

(defn filekiller [instance]
(let [contents (.listFiles (io/file (settings/get-setting :xdg :home)))
	extension (settings/get-setting :C :file-extension)]
    (doseq [file contents
	    filename (.getName file)
	    :when (or (and (not (str/blank? filename)) (str/starts-with? filename (.getValue (.-groupList instance))))
		      ;; (str/ends-with? filename ".log")
      (info "Lösche Datei" filename)
      (.delete file))))

(defn duke-nukem [instance filename]
  (info "Duke Nukem!")
  (fx/run-now (let [dialog (new Alert Alert$AlertType/CONFIRMATION)]
		(.setMinHeight (.getDialogPane dialog) 200.0)
		(.setResizable dialog true)
		(.setTitle dialog "Lokale Daten löschen")
		(.setHeaderText dialog "WARNUNG: dies löscht die lokalen Daten!")
		(.setContentText dialog "Diese Aktion löscht die letzten auf diesem PC aufgenommenen Dateien. Bereits hochgeladene sowie auf dem USB-Laufwerk gespeicherte Daten sind nicht betroffen.")
		(.. dialog getDialogPane getScene getWindow sizeToScene)
		(let [result (.showAndWait dialog)]
		  (when (and (.isPresent result) (= (.get result) ButtonType/OK))
		    (debug "Applikationsreset.")
		    (filekiller instance)
		    (.setText (.-therapistNrField instance) "")
		    (.setText (.-patientNrField instance) "")
		    (.setText (.-sessionField instance) "")
		    (.setText (.-name1Field instance) "")
		    (.setText (.-name2Field instance) "")
		    (.setValue (.-groupList instance) "")
		    (info "Dateien werden gelöscht:")
		    (reset! filehandler/video-comment nil)
		    (gui-util/notification :information "Zurückgesetzt." "Alle lokalen Dateien wurden gelöscht.")
		    (sh/sh "mv" (str (settings/get-setting :xdg :config) "videocapture.log") filename)
		    (set-gui-state instance :init))))))

(defmulti shutdown-machine (comp first identity))

(defmethod shutdown-machine :shutdown [instance filename]
  (info "Off-Knopf angeklickt.")
  (fx/run-now (let [dialog ^Alert (new Alert Alert$AlertType/CONFIRMATION)]
		(.setMinHeight (.getDialogPane dialog) 200.0)
		(.setResizable dialog true)
		(.setTitle dialog "Wirklich ausschalten?")
		(.setHeaderText dialog "WARNUNG: dies wird den PC ausschalten!")
		(if (.isSelected (.-videoCorrectBox instance))
		  (.setContentText dialog "Diese Aktion löscht die lokal gespeicherten, noch nicht hochgeladenen und gesicherten Dateien, und fährt den PC herunter. Wirklich fortfahren?")
		  (.setContentText dialog "PC herunterfahren?"))
		(.. ^Alert dialog getDialogPane getScene getWindow sizeToScene)
		(let [result (.showAndWait dialog)]
		  (when (and (.isPresent result) (= (.get result) ButtonType/OK))
		    (try (when (.isSelected (.-videoCorrectBox instance))
			   (info "Dateien werden gelöscht:")
			   (filekiller instance))
			 (sh/sh "cp" (str (settings/get-setting :xdg :home) "videocapture.log") filename)
			 (catch Exception e (.printStackTrace e)))
		    (info "Herunterfahren.")
		    (sh/sh "systemctl" "poweroff"))))))

(defmethod shutdown-machine :logout [instance filename]
  (fx/run-now (let [dialog ^Alert (new Alert Alert$AlertType/CONFIRMATION)
		    session ^String (System/getenv "XDG_SESSION_ID")]
		(.setMinHeight (.getDialogPane dialog) 200.0)
		(.setResizable dialog true)
		(.setTitle dialog "Wirklich abmelden?")
		(.setHeaderText dialog "Dies wird Sie von der Sitzung abmelden.")
		(.setContentText dialog "Stellen Sie sicher, dass sie gegebenenfalls die Aufnahme abgespeichert haben, bevor Sie sich abmelden.")
		(.. ^Alert dialog getDialogPane getScene getWindow sizeToScene)
		(let [result (.showAndWait dialog)]
		  (when (and (.isPresent result) (= (.get result) ButtonType/OK))
		    (sh/sh "loginctl" "terminate-session" session))))))

(defn tune-workstation [instance]
  (let [source-choicebox ^ChoiceBox (.-sourceSelect instance)
	source-choice (.getValue source-choicebox)
	source (first (filter #(= source-choice (:workstation %)) @(:sockets]
    (debug source-choice)
    (debug source)
    (settings/update-setting [:camera] (:camera source))
    (reset! (:active-workstation @network/network) source)
    (mount/stop #'videocapture.videocapture/vcapture)
    (async/put! (:disable-player @gui-out) true)
    (Thread/sleep 100)
    (async/put! (:re-init @gui-out) true)

(defn send-supervisor-text [instance event]
   (network/handle-text (.getText (.-supervisorTextInput instance)))
   (.setText (.-supervisorTextInput instance) "")))

6 Timer display

(defn- leading-zero [input]
  (if (= (count (str input)) 1)
    (str "0" input)
    (str input)))

(defn videotimer []
  (let [comm (chan)
	clearance (atom true)]
      (<! (async/timeout 2000))
      (loop []
	  (async/timeout 100) (do (fx/run-now
				    (if (nil? @(:clock @core))
				      (when @clearance
					(.setText (.-timeLabel @(:instance @core)) "")
					(reset! clearance false))
				      (let [clock @(:clock @core)
					    dur (t/duration clock (t/instant))
					    text (str (leading-zero (t/as dur :hours)) ":" (leading-zero (mod (t/as dur :minutes) 60)) ":" (leading-zero (mod (t/as dur :seconds) 60)))]
					(reset! clearance true)
					(.setText (.-timeLabel @(:instance @core)) text))))
	  comm                (do nil))))

7 GUI States

(defn set-gui-state [instance state]
     (let [clazz (class instance)]
       (doseq [action (settings/get-setting :C :gui-states state)
	       :let [field (.getField clazz (str (:identifier action)))
		     field-obj (.get field instance)
		     field-method (first (filter #(= (.getName %) (str (:method action))) (.getMethods (class field-obj))))]]
	 (.invoke field-method field-obj (into-array Object [(:value action)]))))
     (catch Exception e (error e)))))

8 Mainloop

(defn mainloop [instance]
  (go (let [[pipe specials stoppable] (<! (preview-player-start instance))]

	(debug "Mainloop gestartet.")
	 (set-gui-state instance :stop)
	 (set-gui-state instance :init)
	 (load-disclaimer instance))
	(gui-util/unmask instance)
	(loop [pipe pipe
	       specials specials
	       stoppable stoppable
	       filename nil]
	    [(:record-button @gui-out)] (do (gui-util/mask instance)
					    (<! (stoppable))
					    (let [recorder-res (record-video instance)]
					      (gui-util/unmask instance)
					      (if (= :lyrion/fail recorder-res)
						(recur pipe specials stoppable filename)
						(do (set-gui-state instance :record)
						    (reset! filehandler/video-comment nil)
						    (recur (nth recorder-res 1) specials (nth recorder-res 2) (nth recorder-res 0))))))
	    [(:save-button @gui-out)] (do (filehandler/save-video-auto instance filename)
					  (recur pipe specials stoppable filename))
	    [(:upload-button @gui-out)] (do (filehandler/smb-upload-video instance filename)
					    (recur pipe specials stoppable filename))
	    [(:play-button @gui-out)] (do (when stoppable (<! (stoppable)))
					  (let [stoppable (playback-player-start instance filename)]
					    (set-gui-state instance :play)
					    (recur pipe specials stoppable filename)))
	    [(:stop-button @gui-out)] (if-not (nil? stoppable)
					(do (gui-util/mask instance "Aufnahme wird beendet...")
					    (<! (stoppable))
					    (gui-util/unmask instance)
					    (set-gui-state instance :stop)
					    (recur pipe specials nil filename))
					(recur pipe specials stoppable filename))
	    [(:report-error-button @gui-out)] (do (filehandler/error-report-dialog instance)
						  (recur pipe specials stoppable filename))
	    [(:nuke-button @gui-out)] (duke-nukem instance filename)
	    [(:source-choose @gui-out)] (tune-workstation instance)
	    [(:shutdown-button @gui-out)] (shutdown-machine (settings/get-setting :C :exit-action) instance filename)
	    [(:disable-player @gui-out)] (do (when-not (nil? stoppable) (<! (stoppable)))
					     (recur pipe specials nil filename))
	    [(:re-init @gui-out)] (do (when-not (nil? stoppable) (<! (stoppable))))
	    [(async/timeout 500)] (recur pipe specials stoppable filename)

9 Initialization

(defn core-start []
  (let [comm (videotimer)]
    {:input-validator (atom nil)
     :instance (atom nil)
     :comm comm
     :clock (atom nil)}))

(defn core-stop [state]
  (async/put! (:comm @state) false))

(mount/defstate core
  :start (core-start)
  :stop (core-stop core))

(declare mainloop)

(defn stage-init [instance]
  (gui-util/mask instance)
  (Gst/init "VideoCapture" (into-array String []))

  (try (.addAll (.getItems (.-groupList instance)) (into-array String (cons "" (settings/get-setting :form :groups)))) (catch Exception e nil))

  (reset! (:input-validator @core) (new ValidationSupport))
  (reset! (:instance @core) instance)

  (when-not (settings/get-setting :supervisor :activated)
    (set-gui-state instance :disable-supervisor))

  (when (settings/get-setting :supervisor :activated)
    (debug "Adding watch to detect new workstations.")
    (add-watch (:sockets :gui-watcher
	       (fn [k reference old-state new-state]
		 (fx/run-now (let [items (remove #(nil? (:workstation %)) new-state)]
			       (.setAll (.getItems ^ChoiceBox (.-sourceSelect instance)) (into-array String (map :workstation items))))))))

    (<! (async/timeout 5000))
    (when-let [logscroll (try (.-supervisorLogScroll instance) (catch Exception e (trace e)))]
      (fx/run-now (.setVvalue logscroll 1.0))

      (let [supervisor-log (.-supervisorLog instance)]
	(go-loop [old-state []]
	  (<! (async/timeout 100))
	  (if (or (= :workstation (:type @network/network)) (not (nil? @(:active-workstation @network/network))))
	    (let [new-state (if (= :supervisor (:type @network/network))
			      @(:messages @(:active-workstation @network/network))
			      @(:messages @network/network))]
	      (when-not (= old-state new-state)
		(fx/run-now (.setAll (.getChildren supervisor-log) (into-array Label (map #(Label. %) new-state))))
		(fx/run-later (.setVvalue logscroll 1.0)))
	      (recur new-state))
	    (recur []))))))

  (go-loop []
    (gui-util/mask instance)
    (<! (async/timeout 100))
    (<! (mainloop instance))

(defn load-disclaimer [instance]
  (let [dpane (.-disclaimerGrid instance)
	disclaimer (settings/get-setting :disclaimer)
	dkeys (keys disclaimer)]
    (debug "Adding" (count dkeys) "disclaimer entries.")
    (debug disclaimer)
    (doseq [i (range 0 (count dkeys))
	    :let [dkey (nth dkeys i)
		  dbg (debug dkey)
		  dval-raw (read-string (get disclaimer dkey))
		  dbg (debug dval-raw "is of type" (type dval-raw))
		  dval (if (seq? dval-raw)
			 (get disclaimer dkey))
		  dbg (debug dkey dval)
		  klabel (new javafx.scene.control.Label dkey)
		  vlabel (new javafx.scene.control.Label dval)]]
      (debug dkey "=>" dval)
	(.setStyle klabel "-fx-wrap-text: true")
	(.setStyle vlabel "-fx-wrap-text: true")
	(.add dpane klabel 0 i)
	(.add dpane vlabel 1 i)))))

(defn init []

(declare -main)
(defn start [^javafx.stage.Stage stage]
  (info "Starting program.")
  (sh/sh "mkdir" "-p" (settings/get-setting :xdg :home))
   {:appenders {:spit (appenders/spit-appender {:fname (str (settings/get-setting :xdg :home) "videocapture.log")})}})
  (debug (System/getProperty "java.version"))
  (let [mainwindow (fxml/load-fxml-with-controller (io/resource (str "fxml/" (settings/get-setting :gui))) "videocapture.core/stage-init")
	scene (new javafx.scene.Scene mainwindow 1024 768)]
      (.add (.getStylesheets scene) (.toExternalForm (io/resource "css/gui.css")))
      (.add (.getIcons stage) (Image. (.openStream (io/resource "images/icon.png"))))
      (.setOnKeyPressed scene (fx/fi javafx.event.EventHandler [event]
				     (when (and (.isControlDown ^KeyEvent event)
						(= KeyCode/O (.getCode ^KeyEvent event)))
				       (debug "Ctrl+O pressed.")
				       (async/put! (:disable-player @gui-out) true)
				       (let [settingswindow (videocapture.settings/init stage)]
					 (.setOnHidden settingswindow
						       (fx/fi javafx.event.EventHandler [event]
							      (async/put! (:re-init @gui-out) true)))))))
      (.setOnCloseRequest stage (fx/fi javafx.event.EventHandler [event]
				       (System/exit 1)))
      (catch Exception e (fatal e) (System/exit 1)))

    (.setFullScreenExitHint stage "")
    (.setTitle stage "Video Capture")
    (.setScene stage scene)
    (.setFullScreen stage true)
    (.setMaximized stage true)
    (.show stage)))

(defn stop []

(defn -main [& args]
  (mu/on-upndown :info mu-log :before)
  (fx/start-app init start stop)

10 Complete namespace definition

(ns videocapture.core
  (:require [clojurefx.clojurefx :as fx]
	    [clojurefx.fxml :as fxml]
	    [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [chan <! >! go go-loop]]
	    [clojure.string :as str]
	    [clojure.edn :as edn]
	    [ :as io]
	    [clojure.reflect :as reflect]
	    [java-time :as t]
	    [mount.core :as mount]
	    [mount-up.core :as mu]
	    [postal.core :as go-postal]
	    [videocapture.gui-util :as gui-util]
	    [videocapture.filehandler :as filehandler]
	    [videocapture.pipeparser :as recorder]
	    [videocapture.settings :as settings]
	    [ :as network]
	    [videocapture.version :as version]
	    [taoensso.timbre :as timbre
	     :refer [log trace debug info warn error fatal report
		     logf tracef debugf infof warnf errorf fatalf reportf
		     spy get-env]]
	    [taoensso.timbre.appenders.core :as appenders]
	    [ :as sh])
  (:import (org.freedesktop.gstreamer Gst
				      ElementFactory Pipeline)
	   (org.controlsfx.glyphfont Glyph)
	   (javafx.scene.control ButtonType ButtonType Alert$AlertType Alert ChoiceBox Label)
	   (java.util.concurrent TimeUnit)
	   (javafx.scene.image Image)
	   (javafx.scene.input KeyCode KeyEvent)
	   (org.controlsfx.validation ValidationSupport Validator)))

(defn mu-log [data] (info data))


(declare core load-disclaimer)





Author: Daniel Ziltener

Created: 2019-06-21 Fr 16:22
