tomo el fuego

KRPC Protocol

KRPC Protocol

The KRPC protocol is a simple RPC mechanism consisting of bencoded dictionaries sent over UDP. A single query packet is sent out and a single packet is sent in response. There is no retry. There are three message types: query, response, and error. For the DHT protocol, there are four queries: ping, find_node, get_peers, and announce_peer.

A KRPC message is a single dictionary with three keys common to every message and additional keys depending on the type of message. Every message has a key "t" with a string value representing a transaction ID. This transaction ID is generated by the querying node and is echoed in the response, so responses may be correlated with multiple queries to the same node. The transaction ID should be encoded as a short string of binary numbers, typically 2 characters are enough as they cover 2^16 outstanding queries. Every message also has a key "y" with a single character value describing the type of message. The value of the "y" key is one of "q" for query, "r" for response, or "e" for error. A key "v" should be included in every message with a client version string. The string should be a two character client identifier registered in BEP 20 [3] followed by a two character version identifier. Not all implementations include a "v" key so clients should not assume its presence.

Contact Encoding

Contact information for peers is encoded as a 6-byte string. Also known as "Compact IP-address/port info" the 4-byte IP address is in network byte order with the 2 byte port in network byte order concatenated onto the end.

Contact information for nodes is encoded as a 26-byte string. Also known as "Compact node info" the 20-byte Node ID in network byte order has the compact IP-address/port info concatenated to the end.


Queries, or KRPC message dictionaries with a "y" value of "q", contain two additional keys; "q" and "a". Key "q" has a string value containing the method name of the query. Key "a" has a dictionary value containing named arguments to the query. Responses

Responses, or KRPC message dictionaries with a "y" value of "r", contain one additional key "r". The value of "r" is a dictionary containing named return values. Response messages are sent upon successful completion of a query.


Errors, or KRPC message dictionaries with a "y" value of "e", contain one additional key "e". The value of "e" is a list. The first element is an integer representing the error code. The second element is a string containing the error message. Errors are sent when a query cannot be fulfilled. The following table describes the possible error codes:

Code 	Description
201 	Generic Error
202 	Server Error
203 	Protocol Error, such as a malformed packet, invalid arguments, or bad token
204 	Method Unknown

Example Error Packets:

generic error = {"t":"aa", "y":"e", "e":[201, "A Generic Error Ocurred"]}
bencoded = d1:eli201e23:A Generic Error Ocurrede1:t2:aa1:y1:ee