tomo el fuego

View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 0f1ffd650adb438cc3289778988e0f9696d2b92c
Title: dark crystal support
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Severe Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2022-12-24 05:13:47
Version Found In: pikabu / ubi
User Comments:
xjix added on 2022-03-19 17:54:20: (text/x-markdown)
[dark crystal]( factotum feature

xjix added on 2022-12-04 18:23:55: (text/x-markdown)
[protocol spec](

xjix added on 2022-12-24 05:13:47: (text/x-markdown)
dark crystal specifies [protocol buffers]( as a "standard encoding", but we already have [bencoding](/wiki?name=bencoding) standardized message encoding via bit torrent. which also has many implementations and is far more trivial to write enc/dec code for anyway.

## primitives in tweetnacl

* 6.3 `nonce||mac||box_key(msg)` → `crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305`, `crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_open`
* 6.4 `crypto_sign_ed25519`
* 6.5 `||recipient_pk||context)` → `secret_box`?
* 6.6 blake2b❌ sha512✔️
* 6.7 "key derivation [...] is regarded by many cryptographers as bad practice and is not recommended if it can be avoided."
* 8 [choosing a threshold-based secret sharing algorithm](
