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Recepsum & Envelsum are written in the Ruby programming language, which
is an interpreted (as opposed to compiled) language.  This normally means
that Ruby must be installed first on the machine that will be running the
software, but for convenience, on Windows platforms the Recepsum and
Envelsum programs are wrapped up into single executables that can be run
without having Ruby previously installed.

For development work, Ruby and various extensions (supplied as Ruby "gems")
must be installed on the development machine, as described below.

1)  Install Ruby.  For Windows, the easiest way to do this is RubyInstaller.
    (  Be sure to install all components,
    including the MSYS2 and MINGW development toolchain.

    Note: at the time of writing, "Ruby+Devkit 2.5.X (x64)" is the version
    recommended on that site.  I ran into problems building the recepsum
    software with that, however, so I would recommend installing the 32-bit
    version, "Ruby+Devkit 2.5.3-1 (x86)" instead.

2)  For the following steps, you will need to work with the command-prompt.
    On Windows, this may be done by going to the Ruby installation directory,
    and choosing "Start Command Prompt with Ruby" from the Ruby installation
    directory (it should be listed under Start menu -> All Programs) and
    typing the commands as shown below.

3)  Install the FOX gem needed to provide the graphical user interface:

    gem install fxruby

4)  Install the SQLite3 gem needed for the underlying database:

    gem install sqlite3-static

    (The sqlite3-static gem seems to avoid problems creating a self-contained
    executable encountered with the regular sqlite3 gem.  If you do try the
    latter, you msy need to run "ridk exec pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-dlfcn"

5)  Install the Prawn gem needed for printing support:

    gem install prawn

6)  For Windows only, install the ocra gem:

    gem install ocra

    (The ocra gem is used to package Ruby programs into single
    executable files under Windows.)

Once the development environment is set up, then the recepsum package can
be built.

1)  Obtain the recepsum source package, either as a compressed tarball
    (recepsum.tar.gz, the usual format for POSIX-type systems), or as a
    zip file (, the usual format for Windows).
    These can be obtained from the Recepsum website,

2)  Unpack the source package.  (This will unpack the source into a
    subdirectory called "recepsum".)

3)  To build the packages, cd (change directory) into the recepsum
    subdirectory where the software was unpacked and type "rake".

4)  Both Envelsum and Recepsum will automatically start up in turn.
    Click on the "Exit" button on both applications.  Do not worry if
    the applications do not immediately exit - this is normal, so be
    patient and after some time the applications will terminate and
    the stand-alone executables will have been built.

5)  For convenience, you can create links to the executables
    (recepsum.exe and envelsum.exe) on the desktop if desired.

Printable documentation is also included in the package.  Documentation
includes a User Guide in PDF format, which is maintained using LyX
(, and thence converted to a PDF file for printing.
(For convenience, the generated PDF file is included in the package.)

The icon files in this package have been generated from corresponding
gif files using the Ruby rmagick gem, but are also included in the
package for convenience.