D 2011-02-25T06:53:01
L Kickstarts
U treeofsephiroth
W 1225
Most info was borrowed from the Fedora Kickstart Guide.
The AnonOS Project uses Kickstart configs with livecd-tools to build releases. They can be reviewed here.
To learn how to actually build a liveCD with those kickstarts, go to [developing].
Creating a kickstart file
First, be aware of the following issues when you are creating your kickstart file:
While not strictly required, there is a natural order for sections that should be followed. Items within the sections do not have to be in a specific order (unless otherwise noted). The section order is:
* Command section -- You must include the required options.
* The %packages section -- This is where you place added packages.
* The %pre, %post, and %traceback sections -- These sections can be in any order and are not required. Refer to Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 for details.
* The %packages, %pre, %post and %traceback sections are all required to be closed with %end
* Items that are not required can be omitted.
* Lines starting with a pound sign (#) are treated as comments and are ignored.
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