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The AnonOS project is a plan to build a Linux distribution with all the software and packages needed to conduct raids and stay anonymous.
To build our releases, we use Kickstart and livecd-creator on Fedora. The enclosed files are the very files we use to make liveCDs.
If you just want the release, go back to the github and click download. Otherwise, keep reading.
To help develop, or even make your own custom builds, you need to understand how to use kickstarts and make linux scripts.
Using kickstarts:
* Building a LiveCD *
In this archive are the files needed to create a LiveCD of Annonaceae or Cherimoya from source.
This allows you to customize the LiveCD before it is made by editing the kickstart files.
* What you need: *
A Fedora installation (Either on disk or on a 4gb-or-larger persistent USB drive)
Basic knowledge of using the Linux command-line
First, open up a terminal and become root.
$ su
Then, install livecd-tools.
# yum install livecd-tools
Now set SELinux to permissive.
# setenforce 0
Change to the directory that you’ve downloaded this archive to, and then change to the “anonos” directory.
# cd anonos
Make a cache directory (/var/cache/live writes to RAM and swap, so the space will be used up quick.)
# mkdir ~/cache
Copy and paste one of the below to start making your chosen liveCD.
Make sure you have enough space for twice the liveCD’s size. (usually 2GBs)
* For Annonaceae: *
livecd-creator \
--config=annonaceae.ks \
--fslabel=Annonaceae V.0.0.6 --cache=~/cache
* For Cherimoya: *
livecd-creator \
--config=cherimoya.ks \
--fslabel=Cherimoya V.0.0.6 --cache=~/cache
Once you are done, free up space by deleting ~/cache.
# rm -r ~/cache