Torg Roller

A CLI/TUI dice roller for Torg Eternity. Implements the die result to bonus lookup, and automatically explodes rolls of 10 and 20, and supports spending Possibilities on rolls.

Provided a character sheet in YAML format (sample sheet provided), it will display the basics in the UI, and allow rolling against skills, including those the character does not have but can be used untrained.


Download the latest version here

This is implemented in Ruby, so requires a Ruby installation. All dependencies can be installed with Bundler:

bundle install


Launching is simply a matter of invoking it in your shell like so:

./torg-roller.rb -f FILE

FILE should be a YAML file using the format in the sample.yaml file included.

Note: This UI does not fit in the standard 24 lines - I suggest a minimum of 50 line display in your terminal for this.

Once you have launched you will see your character's stats and skills displayed, and a menu of actions. To select an item, enter its number and press return.

When rolling, selecting a skill or stat to roll is a matter of scrolling with the arrow keys and/or narrowing the list by typing.

Future plans

  • Expanding the amount of information displayed (Perks, Equipment etc.)
  • Making more generic to easily expand to support more systems.