Tcler's Wiki

View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 01789723a419750b70b9eb96fc228e0c6fc3998d
Title: Internal and external links look identical
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: rendering Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2019-06-11 00:18:25
Version Found In:
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2019-03-23 08:58:51: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Wikis, including Wikipedia and the previous version of the Tcler's Wiki, typically indicate visually which links are external (lead outside the wiki).  This helps the user navigate the wiki faster with fewer mouseovers and false starts.  The HTML markup already distinguishes between internal and external links: internal links have either the class <tt>mkup_known</tt> or the class <tt>mkup_unknown</tt> while external links have neither.  Adding a symbol like the one <a href="">used in MediaWiki</a> to external links would be helpful.

stevel added on 2019-03-25 00:28:16: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Good suggestion, I'll add it to the "to do" list.

jdc added on 2019-06-10 10:22:09: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Added a globe to external links.