Tcl/Tk Documentation and Website

Tcl/Tk Documentation and Website

Tcl/Tk Documentation and Website

Let's make Tcl welcoming to beginners! Then help the experts with their documentation issues!

We should in the end address all four quadrants of documentation (

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  1. Generate perfect (Pandoc) markdown files from the nroff manual pages of the latest Tcl/Tk releases (8.6 and 9.0)
  2. Make a script md2html.tcl for Tcl core (this will make use of Pandoc)
  3. Make the HTML look and feel similar to what mkdocs themes do (possibly not directly using mkdocs)
  4. Update and enhance the markdown files with e.g. more explanations, examples
  5. Convert the Tcl/Tk manual pages of older Tcl/Tk versions (< 8.6.13) but not change them content-wise, just make them visually more pleasing by using the same procedure as for the current ones – and include a note on them about being outdated and linking to the current version(s))
  6. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so that e.g. not the Tcl version 8.4 manual pages come up first in Google's search
  7. Write a custom Pandoc reader/writer (or a Tcl script - see point 8) to convert perfectly between markdown and Tcllib doctools (in order make transition easier for Tcllib or vice versa)
  8. See whether we can have the new workflow from markdown to HTML in pure Tcl so we have everything in core and don't need external dependencies such as Pandoc and mkdocs (we could expand the Tcllib markdown module to do it)

Comments, thoughts and details

Ad 1 (perfect markdown):

Perfect markdown can be achieved using this workflow:

Ad 2 (HTML production):

Ad 3 (Better HTML visuals):

Ad 4 (Content and structure enhancement):

Ad 5 (Older Tcl/Tk versions):

Ad 6 (SEO):

Ad 7 (Markdown and Tcllib):

Ad 8 (Pure Tcl workflow):