
Top-level Files of tip

Files in the top-level directory from the latest check-in

Qdsh is a Tcl interpreter with a number of extensions compiled
in. Build instructions at bottom. Extensions include:

* Critbit: a dict replacement more suited to Tcl's copy-on-write
  semantics due to its persistent implementation. Supports a subset of
  dict subcommands plus some useful new interfaces. Adapted from DJB's
  critbit code.

* Regex: a regex engine that operates on Tcl's native UTF-8 without
  decoding its entire input as the built-in regex engine does. Also,
  supports cursors (see below). Not completely compatible with stock.

* SSL: SSL/TLS using the mbedtls library. Flexible enough to implement
  mitmproxy's behavior.

* JSON: parsing JSON using the yajl library.

* Cursor: a Tcl object type that remembers the byte offset of a
  character position. Allows efficient linear text processing without
  decoding the entire UTF-8 string. For example, the parser combinator
  library uses cursors.

* Parse: expose a few of Tcl's parsers (variable names, nested
  braces). Uses cursors.

* PDF: draw text, simple linebreaking. Plus a helper needed to decode
  PDF image data (png_predict).

* LRU: a LRU cache.

* POSIX: thin wrappers for a few useful POSIX functions.

* Fluid: simple dynamic variables (not coroutine-friendly).

* Packed: helper for dealing with types with alternate
  representations. For example, an object which could either be DSL
  notation or an AST representation.

* Defcmd: define a command to be a synonym for a command list.

* Memo: a Tcl object type for remembering the result of executing a
  command list.

* ByteOp: bitwise operations on byte arrays.

* Hash: message digests from the mbedtls libray (SHA1, etc). Includes
  incremental processing and a stackable channel facility that hashes
  bytes read to/written from a channel.

* Damt: dollar amounts. Help deal with dollar quantities. I use it as
  a straightjacket to avoid errors in an application which stores
  dollar quantities in cents.

Included are two Makefiles: one (Makefile.linux) to create a Linux
binary statically-linked with dietlibc, a lightweight libc, and
another to create a dynamically-linked Mac OS X binary (Makefile.osx).

I would also like to build a loadable module, as I have some Tcl/Tk
programs that could use qdsh extensions. However, I'm not that
familiar with autoconf/TEA so I haven't done it yet.

Finally, all the extensions should be fairly easy to extract
individually for use in other projects. There's little
inter-dependence. If you grab a C file, at most you might need to also
grab a couple of utility functions from qdsh.c.

For the included components (Tcl, the yajl JSON parser, and mbedtls),
no attempt is made to track dependencies in the Makefile so a bit of
manual labor is required. To build qdsh:

1) Add 32-bit build environment (Linux-only).

2) mkdir build

4) Extract sqlite (fossil latest release; not the amalgamation) in
build directory.

5) For each x in dietlibc (Linux-only)/tcl/yajl/mbedtls, extract x in
build directory and run the make target "build_$x" from top level.

6) Run default make target.