5 check-ins using file parse.py version bcac1af73f
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19:55 | Removed leftover csound function lines that got printed. Also disabled ipdb so I get concise stacktraces. Also made program crash when your score pointed to a non-existant node. Previously that just generated an invalid MIDI file (somehow...) check-in: f8034c7dfb user: brian tags: develop | |
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00:14 | If I move from csound to midi I should actually rename function with 'csound' in the name check-in: 872ae93059 user: brian tags: develop | |
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22:12 | Removed useless samples and test csound files now that we're no longer using csound check-in: 680f187463 user: brian tags: develop | |
22:09 | Replaced csound support with midi support check-in: 0c3fb3e27f user: brian tags: develop | |
22:08 | Successfully got the program to output a MIDI file instead of a csound score Closed-Leaf check-in: befd61cab9 user: brian tags: feature/midi | |