History of file cfg.sco at check-in f653a4fa1046734d
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22:12 | Deleted: Removed useless samples and test csound files now that we're no longer using csound check-in: [680f187463] user: brian, branch: develop, size: 0 | |
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17:33 | This is what I submitted as my final piece for MUS 306 file: [c92bf3908c] check-in: [843dabad43] user: spiffytech@gmail.com, branch: master, size: 86493 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
06:22 | Added: Added a timbre instrument, doubled the length of the piece, added intros and outro file: [8bd7cbea81] check-in: [de7c009e4d] user: spiffytech@gmail.com, branch: master, size: 30448 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |