"""newsblur.py - An API wrapper library for newsblur.com"""
import cookielib
import simplejson
import urllib
import urllib2
__author__ = 'Dananjaya Ramanayake <dananjaya86@gmail.com>, spiffytech <spiffytechgmail.com>'
__version__ = "0.1"
# Set up cookie handling so we can auth with the Newsblur API
cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
nb_url = "http://newsblur.com/"
def login(username,password):
Login as an existing user.
If a user has no password set, you cannot just send any old password.
Required parameters, username and password, must be of string type.
url = nb_url + 'api/login'
params = urllib.urlencode({'username':username,'password':password})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def logout():
Logout the currently logged in user.
url = nb_url + 'api/logout'
results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def signup(username,password,email):
Create a new user.
All three required parameters must be of type string.
url = nb_url + 'api/signup'
params = urllib.urlencode({'signup_username':username,'signup_password':password,'signup_email':email})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def search_feed(address,offset=1):
Retrieve information about a feed from its website or RSS address.
Parameter address must be of type string while parameter offset must be an integer.
Will return a feed.
url = nb_url + 'rss_feeds/search_feed?%s'
params = urllib.urlencode({'address':address,'offset':offset})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url % params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def feeds(include_favicons=True,flat=False):
Retrieve a list of feeds to which a user is actively subscribed.
Includes the 3 unread counts (positive, neutral, negative), as well as optional favicons.
url = nb_url + 'reader/feeds'
params = urllib.urlencode({'include_favicons':include_favicons,'flat':flat})
# print url + " " + url % params
results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def favicons(feeds=[1,2,3]):
Retrieve a list of favicons for a list of feeds.
Used when combined with /reader/feeds and include_favicons=false, so the feeds request contains far less data.
Useful for mobile devices, but requires a second request.
url = nb_url + 'reader/favicons?%s'
params = urllib.urlencode({'feeds':feeds})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url % params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def id(id_no):
Retrieve the original page from a single feed.
url = nb_url + 'reader/page/%d' % id_no
results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def refresh_feeds():
Up-to-the-second unread counts for each active feed.
Poll for these counts no more than once a minute.
url = nb_url + 'reader/refresh_feeds'
results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def feeds_trainer(feed_id):
Retrieves all popular and known intelligence classifiers.
Also includes user's own classifiers.
url = nb_url + 'reader/feeds_trainer?%s'
params = urllib.urlencode({'feed_id':feed_id})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url % params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def statistics(id_no):
If you only want a user's classifiers, use /classifiers/:id.
Omit the feed_id to get all classifiers for all subscriptions.
url = nb_url + 'rss_feeds/statistics/%d' % id_no
results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def feed_autocomplete(term):
Get a list of feeds that contain a search phrase.
Searches by feed address, feed url, and feed title, in that order.
Will only show sites with 2+ subscribers.
url = nb_url + 'rss_feeds/feed_autocomplete?%'
params = urllib.urlencode({'term':term})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url % params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def feed(id=1):
Retrieve stories from a single feed.
url = nb_url + 'reader/feed/%d' % id
results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def starred_stories(page=1):
Retrieve a user's starred stories.
url = nb_url + 'reader/starred_stories?%s'
params = urllib.urlencode({'page':page})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url % params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def river_stories(feeds,page=1,read_stories_count=0):
Retrieve stories from a collection of feeds. This is known as the River of News.
Stories are ordered in reverse chronological order.
url = nb_url + 'reader/river_stories?%s'
params = urllib.urlencode({'feeds':feeds,'page':page,'read_stories_count':read_stories_count})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url % params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def mark_story_as_read(story_id,feed_id):
Mark stories as read.
Multiple story ids can be sent at once.
Each story must be from the same feed.
url = nb_url + 'reader/mark_story_as_read'
params = urllib.urlencode({'story_id':story_id,'feed_id':feed_id})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def mark_story_as_starred(story_id,feed_id):
Mark a story as starred (saved).
url = nb_url + 'reader/mark_story_as_starred'
params = urllib.urlencode({'story_id':story_id,'feed_id':feed_id})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def mark_all_as_read(days=0):
Mark all stories in a feed or list of feeds as read.
url = nb_url + 'reader/mark_all_as_read'
params = urllib.urlencode({'days':days})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def add_url(url,folder='[Top Level]'):
Add a feed by its URL.
Can be either the RSS feed or the website itself.
url = nb_url + 'reader/add_url'
params = urllib.urlencode({'url':url,'folder':folder})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def add_folder(folder,parent_folder='[Top Level]'):
Add a new folder.
url = nb_url + 'reader/add_folder'
params = urllib.urlencode({'folder':folder,'parent_folder':parent_folder})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def rename_feed(feed_title,feed_id):
Rename a feed title. Only the current user will see the new title.
url = nb_url + 'reader/rename_feed'
params = urllib.urlencode({'feed_title':feed_title,'feed_id':feed_id})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def delete_feed(feed_id,in_folder):
Unsubscribe from a feed. Removes it from the folder.
Set the in_folder parameter to remove a feed from the correct folder, in case the user is subscribed to the feed in multiple folders.
url = nb_url + 'reader/delete_feed'
params = urllib.urlencode({'feed_id':feed_id,'in_folder':in_folder})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def rename_folder(folder_to_rename,new_folder_name,in_folder):
Rename a folder.
url = nb_url + 'reader/rename_folder'
params = urllib.urlencode({'folder_to_rename':folder_to_rename,'new_folder_name':new_folder_name,'in_folder':in_folder})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def delete_folder(folder_to_delete,in_folder,feed_id):
Delete a folder and unsubscribe from all feeds inside.
url = nb_url + 'reader/delete_folder'
params = urllib.urlencode({'folder_to_delete':folder_to_delete,'in_folder':in_folder,'feed_id':feed_id})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def mark_feed_as_read(feed_id):
Mark a list of feeds as read.
url = nb_url + 'reader/mark_feed_as_read'
params = urllib.urlencode({'feed_id':feed_id})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def save_feed_order(folders):
Reorder feeds and move them around between folders.
The entire folder structure needs to be serialized.
url = nb_url + 'reader/save_feed_order'
params = urllib.urlencode({'folders':folders})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def classifier(id_no):
Get the intelligence classifiers for a user's site.
Only includes the user's own classifiers.
Use /reader/feeds_trainer for popular classifiers.
url = nb_url + 'classifier/%d' % id_no
results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def classifier_save(like_type,dislike_type,remove_like_type,remove_dislike_type):
Save intelligence classifiers (tags, titles, authors, and the feed) for a feed.
url = nb_url + 'classifier/save'
params = urllib.urlencode({'like_[TYPE]':like_type,
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def opml_export():
Download a backup of feeds and folders as an OPML file.
Contains folders and feeds in XML; useful for importing in another RSS reader.
url = nb_url + 'import/opml_export'
results = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)
def opml_upload(opml_file):
Upload an OPML file.
url = nb_url + 'import/opml_upload'
f = open(opml_file)
params = urllib.urlencode({'file':f})
results = urllib2.urlopen(url,params).read()
return simplejson.loads(results)