MobileBlur at [b74e6c434b]
Login at [b74e6c434b]

File applications/admin/languages/ artifact 7882283c41 part of check-in b74e6c434b

# coding: utf8
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'%s rows deleted': '%s записите бяха изтрити',
'%s rows updated': '%s записите бяха обновени',
'(requires internet access)': '(requires internet access)',
'(something like "it-it")': '(something like "it-it")',
'A new version of web2py is available': 'A new version of web2py is available',
'A new version of web2py is available: %s': 'A new version of web2py is available: %s',
'ATTENTION: Login requires a secure (HTTPS) connection or running on localhost.': 'ATTENTION: Login requires a secure (HTTPS) connection or running on localhost.',
'ATTENTION: you cannot edit the running application!': 'ATTENTION: you cannot edit the running application!',
'About': 'About',
'About application': 'About application',
'Additional code for your application': 'Additional code for your application',
'Admin is disabled because insecure channel': 'Admin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Admin is disabled because unsecure channel': 'Admin is disabled because unsecure channel',
'Admin language': 'Admin language',
'Administrator Password:': 'Administrator Password:',
'Application name:': 'Application name:',
'Are you sure you want to delete file "%s"?': 'Are you sure you want to delete file "%s"?',
'Are you sure you want to delete plugin "%s"?': 'Are you sure you want to delete plugin "%s"?',
'Are you sure you want to uninstall application "%s"': 'Are you sure you want to uninstall application "%s"',
'Are you sure you want to uninstall application "%s"?': 'Are you sure you want to uninstall application "%s"?',
'Are you sure you want to upgrade web2py now?': 'Are you sure you want to upgrade web2py now?',
'Available databases and tables': 'Available databases and tables',
'Cannot be empty': 'Cannot be empty',
'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app.        Debug it, correct errors and try again.': 'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app.        Debug it, correct errors and try again.',
'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app:': 'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app:',
'Check to delete': 'Check to delete',
'Checking for upgrades...': 'Checking for upgrades...',
'Controllers': 'Controllers',
'Create new simple application': 'Create new simple application',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'Date and Time': 'Date and Time',
'Delete': 'Delete',
'Delete:': 'Delete:',
'Deploy on Google App Engine': 'Deploy on Google App Engine',
'Design for': 'Design for',
'Edit application': 'Edit application',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Editing Language file': 'Editing Language file',
'Editing file': 'Editing file',
'Editing file "%s"': 'Editing file "%s"',
'Enterprise Web Framework': 'Enterprise Web Framework',
'Error logs for "%(app)s"': 'Error logs for "%(app)s"',
'Exception instance attributes': 'Exception instance attributes',
'Functions with no doctests will result in [passed] tests.': 'Functions with no doctests will result in [passed] tests.',
'Hello World': 'Здравей, свят',
'If the report above contains a ticket number it indicates a failure in executing the controller, before any attempt to execute the doctests. This is usually due to an indentation error or an error outside function code.\nA green title indicates that all tests (if defined) passed. In this case test results are not shown.': 'If the report above contains a ticket number it indicates a failure in executing the controller, before any attempt to execute the doctests. This is usually due to an indentation error or an error outside function code.\nA green title indicates that all tests (if defined) passed. In this case test results are not shown.',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Installed applications': 'Installed applications',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Invalid Query': 'Невалидна заявка',
'Invalid action': 'Invalid action',
'Language files (static strings) updated': 'Language files (static strings) updated',
'Languages': 'Languages',
'Last saved on:': 'Last saved on:',
'License for': 'License for',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login to the Administrative Interface': 'Login to the Administrative Interface',
'Models': 'Models',
'Modules': 'Modules',
'NO': 'NO',
'New Record': 'New Record',
'New application wizard': 'New application wizard',
'New simple application': 'New simple application',
'No databases in this application': 'No databases in this application',
'Original/Translation': 'Original/Translation',
'PAM authenticated user, cannot change password here': 'PAM authenticated user, cannot change password here',
'Peeking at file': 'Peeking at file',
'Plugin "%s" in application': 'Plugin "%s" in application',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Resolve Conflict file': 'Resolve Conflict file',
'Rows in table': 'Rows in table',
'Rows selected': 'Rows selected',
'Saved file hash:': 'Saved file hash:',
'Searching:': 'Searching:',
'Static files': 'Static files',
'Sure you want to delete this object?': 'Сигурен ли си, че искаш да изтриеш този обект?',
'TM': 'TM',
'Testing application': 'Testing application',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The application logic, each URL path is mapped in one exposed function in the controller': 'The application logic, each URL path is mapped in one exposed function in the controller',
'The data representation, define database tables and sets': 'The data representation, define database tables and sets',
'The presentations layer, views are also known as templates': 'The presentations layer, views are also known as templates',
'There are no controllers': 'There are no controllers',
'There are no models': 'There are no models',
'There are no modules': 'There are no modules',
'There are no plugins': 'There are no plugins',
'There are no static files': 'There are no static files',
'There are no translators, only default language is supported': 'There are no translators, only default language is supported',
'There are no views': 'There are no views',
'These files are served without processing, your images go here': 'These files are served without processing, your images go here',
'This is the %(filename)s template': 'This is the %(filename)s template',
'Ticket': 'Ticket',
'To create a plugin, name a file/folder plugin_[name]': 'To create a plugin, name a file/folder plugin_[name]',
'Translation strings for the application': 'Translation strings for the application',
'Unable to check for upgrades': 'Unable to check for upgrades',
'Unable to download': 'Unable to download',
'Unable to download app because:': 'Unable to download app because:',
'Unable to download because': 'Unable to download because',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Upload & install packed application': 'Upload & install packed application',
'Upload a package:': 'Upload a package:',
'Upload existing application': 'Upload existing application',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...)  for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...)  for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'Use an url:': 'Use an url:',
'Version': 'Version',
'Views': 'Views',
'Welcome to web2py': 'Добре дошъл в web2py',
'YES': 'YES',
'about': 'about',
'additional code for your application': 'additional code for your application',
'admin disabled because no admin password': 'admin disabled because no admin password',
'admin disabled because not supported on google app engine': 'admin disabled because not supported on google apps engine',
'admin disabled because unable to access password file': 'admin disabled because unable to access password file',
'administrative interface': 'administrative interface',
'and rename it (required):': 'and rename it (required):',
'and rename it:': 'and rename it:',
'appadmin': 'appadmin',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'application "%s" uninstalled': 'application "%s" uninstalled',
'application compiled': 'application compiled',
'application is compiled and cannot be designed': 'application is compiled and cannot be designed',
'arguments': 'arguments',
'back': 'back',
'cache': 'cache',
'cache, errors and sessions cleaned': 'cache, errors and sessions cleaned',
'cannot create file': 'cannot create file',
'cannot upload file "%(filename)s"': 'cannot upload file "%(filename)s"',
'change admin password': 'change admin password',
'check all': 'check all',
'check for upgrades': 'check for upgrades',
'clean': 'clean',
'click here for online examples': 'щракни тук за онлайн примери',
'click here for the administrative interface': 'щракни тук за административния интерфейс',
'click to check for upgrades': 'click to check for upgrades',
'code': 'code',
'collapse/expand all': 'collapse/expand all',
'compile': 'compile',
'compiled application removed': 'compiled application removed',
'controllers': 'controllers',
'create': 'create',
'create file with filename:': 'create file with filename:',
'create new application:': 'create new application:',
'created by': 'created by',
'crontab': 'crontab',
'currently running': 'currently running',
'currently saved or': 'currently saved or',
'data uploaded': 'данните бяха качени',
'database': 'database',
'database %s select': 'database %s select',
'database administration': 'database administration',
'db': 'дб',
'defines tables': 'defines tables',
'delete': 'delete',
'delete all checked': 'delete all checked',
'delete plugin': 'delete plugin',
'deploy': 'deploy',
'design': 'дизайн',
'direction: ltr': 'direction: ltr',
'done!': 'готово!',
'download layouts': 'download layouts',
'download plugins': 'download plugins',
'edit': 'edit',
'edit controller': 'edit controller',
'edit views:': 'edit views:',
'errors': 'errors',
'export as csv file': 'export as csv file',
'exposes': 'exposes',
'extends': 'extends',
'failed to reload module': 'failed to reload module',
'failed to reload module because:': 'failed to reload module because:',
'file "%(filename)s" created': 'file "%(filename)s" created',
'file "%(filename)s" deleted': 'file "%(filename)s" deleted',
'file "%(filename)s" uploaded': 'file "%(filename)s" uploaded',
'file "%(filename)s" was not deleted': 'file "%(filename)s" was not deleted',
'file "%s" of %s restored': 'file "%s" of %s restored',
'file changed on disk': 'file changed on disk',
'file does not exist': 'file does not exist',
'file saved on %(time)s': 'file saved on %(time)s',
'file saved on %s': 'file saved on %s',
'files': 'files',
'filter': 'filter',
'help': 'help',
'htmledit': 'htmledit',
'includes': 'includes',
'insert new': 'insert new',
'insert new %s': 'insert new %s',
'install': 'install',
'internal error': 'internal error',
'invalid password': 'invalid password',
'invalid request': 'невалидна заявка',
'invalid ticket': 'invalid ticket',
'language file "%(filename)s" created/updated': 'language file "%(filename)s" created/updated',
'languages': 'languages',
'languages updated': 'languages updated',
'loading...': 'loading...',
'login': 'login',
'logout': 'logout',
'merge': 'merge',
'models': 'models',
'modules': 'modules',
'new application "%s" created': 'new application "%s" created',
'new plugin installed': 'new plugin installed',
'new record inserted': 'новият запис беше добавен',
'next 100 rows': 'next 100 rows',
'no match': 'no match',
'or import from csv file': 'or import from csv file',
'or provide app url:': 'or provide app url:',
'or provide application url:': 'or provide application url:',
'overwrite installed app': 'overwrite installed app',
'pack all': 'pack all',
'pack compiled': 'pack compiled',
'pack plugin': 'pack plugin',
'password changed': 'password changed',
'plugin "%(plugin)s" deleted': 'plugin "%(plugin)s" deleted',
'plugins': 'plugins',
'previous 100 rows': 'previous 100 rows',
'record': 'record',
'record does not exist': 'записът не съществува',
'record id': 'record id',
'remove compiled': 'remove compiled',
'restore': 'restore',
'revert': 'revert',
'save': 'save',
'selected': 'selected',
'session expired': 'session expired',
'shell': 'shell',
'site': 'site',
'some files could not be removed': 'some files could not be removed',
'start wizard': 'start wizard',
'state': 'състояние',
'static': 'static',
'submit': 'submit',
'table': 'table',
'test': 'test',
'the application logic, each URL path is mapped in one exposed function in the controller': 'the application logic, each URL path is mapped in one exposed function in the controller',
'the data representation, define database tables and sets': 'the data representation, define database tables and sets',
'the presentations layer, views are also known as templates': 'the presentations layer, views are also known as templates',
'these files are served without processing, your images go here': 'these files are served without processing, your images go here',
'to  previous version.': 'to  previous version.',
'translation strings for the application': 'translation strings for the application',
'try': 'try',
'try something like': 'try something like',
'unable to create application "%s"': 'unable to create application "%s"',
'unable to delete file "%(filename)s"': 'unable to delete file "%(filename)s"',
'unable to delete file plugin "%(plugin)s"': 'unable to delete file plugin "%(plugin)s"',
'unable to parse csv file': 'не е възможна обработката на csv файла',
'unable to uninstall "%s"': 'unable to uninstall "%s"',
'unable to upgrade because "%s"': 'unable to upgrade because "%s"',
'uncheck all': 'uncheck all',
'uninstall': 'uninstall',
'update': 'update',
'update all languages': 'update all languages',
'upgrade web2py now': 'upgrade web2py now',
'upload': 'upload',
'upload application:': 'upload application:',
'upload file:': 'upload file:',
'upload plugin file:': 'upload plugin file:',
'variables': 'variables',
'versioning': 'versioning',
'view': 'view',
'views': 'views',
'web2py Recent Tweets': 'web2py Recent Tweets',
'web2py is up to date': 'web2py is up to date',
'web2py upgraded; please restart it': 'web2py upgraded; please restart it',