Artifact [84146b7c8c]

Artifact 84146b7c8c157a7ebfe75414da99ac86fc553649:

// Package predictor implements the predictor compression/decompression algorithm
// as specified by RFC1978 - PPP Predictor Compression Protocol
package predictor

import (
	bits ""

type context struct {
	table [1 << 16]byte
	input []byte
	hash  uint16

type compressor func([]byte) error

func (w compressor) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
	return len(data), w(data)

// Returns an io.Writer implementation that wraps the provided io.Writer
// and compresses data according to the predictor algorithm
// It can buffer data as the predictor mandates 8-byte blocks with a header.
// A call with no data will force a flush.
func Compressor(writer io.Writer) io.Writer {
	var ctx context
	ctx.input = make([]byte, 0, 8)

	// Forward declaration as it is required for recursion
	var write compressor

	write = func(data []byte) error {
		var (
			blockSize    int = 8
			bufferLength int = len(ctx.input)

		// Force a flush if we are called with no data to write
		if len(data) == 0 {
			// Nothing to flush if the buffer is empty though
			if len(ctx.input) == 0 {
				return nil
			// We can't have more than 7 bytes in the buffer so this is safe
			data, blockSize, bufferLength = ctx.input, len(ctx.input), 0

		// Check if there are pending bytes in the buffer
		if len(data) < blockSize || bufferLength > 0 {

			// If the current buffer + new data can fit into a block
			if (len(data) + bufferLength) <= blockSize {
				ctx.input = append(ctx.input, data...)

				// Flush the block if the buffer fills it
				if len(ctx.input) == blockSize {
					return write(nil)
				// ... otherwise just return
				return nil

			// The current buffer + new data overflow the block size
			// Complete the block, flush it ...
			ctx.input = append(ctx.input, data[:blockSize-bufferLength]...)
			if err := write(nil); err != nil {
				return err
			// ... and stage the rest of the data in the buffer
			ctx.input = append(ctx.input, data[blockSize-bufferLength:]...)
			return nil

		var buf []byte = make([]byte, 1, blockSize+1)
		for block := 0; block < len(data)/blockSize; block++ {
			for i := 0; i < blockSize; i++ {
				var current byte = data[(block*blockSize)+i]
				if ctx.table[ctx.hash] == current {
					// Guess was right - don't output
					buf[0] |= 1 << uint(i)
				} else {
					// Guess was wrong, output char
					ctx.table[ctx.hash] = current
					buf = append(buf, current)
				ctx.hash = (ctx.hash << 4) ^ uint16(current)

			if _, err := writer.Write(buf); err != nil {
				return err

			// Reset the flags and buffer for the next iteration
			buf, buf[0] = buf[:1], 0

		if remaining := len(data) % blockSize; remaining > 0 {
			ctx.input = ctx.input[:remaining]
			copy(ctx.input, data[len(data)-remaining:])
		} else {
			ctx.input = ctx.input[:0]

		return nil

	return write

// A function type alias so that it can have methods attached to it
type decompressor func([]byte) (int, error)

// Required to implement io.Reader
func (r decompressor) Read(output []byte) (int, error) {
	return r(output)

// Returns an io.Reader implementation that wraps the provided io.Reader
// and decompresses data according to the predictor algorithm
func Decompressor(reader io.Reader) io.Reader {
	var ctx context
	ctx.input = make([]byte, 0, 8)

	return decompressor(func(output []byte) (int, error) {
		var (
			err                  error
			flags                byte
			readCount, available int

		// Sanity check for space to read into
		if len(output) == 0 {
			return 0, nil

		// Check whether we have leftover data in the buffer
		if len(ctx.input) > 0 {
			readCount = copy(output, ctx.input)

			// Check whether we still have leftover data in the buffer :)
			if readCount < len(ctx.input) {
				ctx.input = ctx.input[:copy(ctx.input, ctx.input[readCount:])]
			return readCount, nil

		// Read the next prediction header
		readCount, err = reader.Read(ctx.input[:1])
		// Fail on error unless it is EOF
		if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
			return 0, err
		} else if readCount == 0 {
			return 0, err

		// Extend the buffer, copy the prediction header
		//  and calculate the number of subsequent bytes to read
		ctx.input = ctx.input[:8]
		flags = ctx.input[0]
		available = 8 - int(bits.Hamming(flags))

		// Read the non-predicted bytes according to header.
		readCount, err = reader.Read(ctx.input[:available])
		if readCount < int(available) && err == nil {
			// Retry the read if we have fewer bytes than what the prediction header indicates
			var rc int
			rc, err = reader.Read(ctx.input[readCount:available])
			readCount += rc
			goto retryData
		} // Continue on any error, try to decompress and return it along the result

		// Spread the read bytes right to left to avoid overlapping
		for i, a := 7, available-1; i >= 0; i-- {
			if ((flags >> uint(i)) & 1) == 0 {
				ctx.input[i] = ctx.input[a]

		// Walk the buffer, fill in the predicted blanks and update the guess table
		for i := uint(0); i < 8; i++ {
			if (flags & (1 << i)) > 0 {
				// Guess succeeded, fill in from the table
				ctx.input[i] = ctx.table[ctx.hash]
			} else {
				// Guess failed, update the table
				ctx.table[ctx.hash] = ctx.input[i]
			// Update the hash
			ctx.hash = (ctx.hash << 4) ^ uint16(ctx.input[i])

		// readCount now contains the precise amount of populated data
		ctx.input = ctx.input[:readCount]
		available = copy(output, ctx.input)

		// Check for remaining bytes that dont fit in the output buffer
		if available < readCount {
			ctx.input = ctx.input[:copy(ctx.input, ctx.input[available:])]
		} else {
			// Clear the buffer
			ctx.input = ctx.input[:0]

		return available, err