Материал из Tkabber Wiki.
Исходные термины взяты из XEP-0107.
- 1 Вариант перевода bigote
- 2 "Unisex" от kostix
- 3 "Что чувствую" от Gebb
- 4 Чат с носителями языка (АКА просветление)
- 5 Претендент на окончательный вариант (основан на "Unisex")
- 6 Согласование с "User Activity" (XEP-0108)
Вариант перевода bigote
Оригинал | Перевод |
afraid | испуганный |
amazed | изумлённый |
angry | сердитый |
annoyed | раздражённый |
anxious | обеспокоенный |
aroused | возбуждённый |
ashamed | пристыжённый |
bored | скучающий |
brave | храбрый |
calm | спокойный |
cold | холодный |
confused | сбитый с толку |
contented | довольный |
cranky | недовольный |
curious | любопытный |
depressed | подавленный |
disappointed | разочарованный |
disgusted | чувствует отвращение |
distracted | растерянный |
embarrassed | смущённый |
excited | взволнованный |
flirtatious | кокетливый |
frustrated | расстроенный |
grumpy | сварливый |
guilty | виноватый |
happy | счастливый |
hot | пылкий |
humbled | скромный |
humiliated | униженный |
hungry | голодный |
hurt | раненый |
impressed | впечатлённый |
in_awe | благоговеющий |
in_love | влюблённый |
indignant | возмущённый |
interested | заинтересованный |
intoxicated | одурманенный |
invincible | неукротимый |
jealous | ревнивый |
lonely | одинокий |
mean | подлый |
moody | унылый |
nervous | нервный |
neutral | безразличный |
offended | обиженный |
playful | игривый |
proud | гордый |
relieved | успокоенный |
remorseful | сожалеющий |
restless | неустанный |
sad | печальный |
sarcastic | язвительный |
serious | серьёзный |
shocked | потрясённый |
shy | робкий |
sick | больной |
sleepy | сонный |
stressed | напряжённый |
surprised | удивлённый |
thirsty | хочет пить |
worried | обеспокоенный |
"Unisex" от kostix
Оригинал | Перевод |
afraid | напуган(а) |
amazed | изумлен(а) |
angry | сержусь |
annoyed | в раздражении |
anxious | беспокоюсь |
aroused | в возбуждении |
ashamed | стыжусь |
bored | скучаю |
brave | всё нипочём |
calm | в спокойствии |
cold | мне холодно |
confused | сбит(а) с толку |
contented | доволен/довольна |
cranky | недоволен/недовольна |
curious | любопытствую |
depressed | подавлен(а) |
disappointed | разочарован(а) |
disgusted | чувствую отвращение |
distracted | в растерянности |
embarrassed | в смущении |
excited | волнуюсь |
flirtatious | кокетничаю |
frustrated | расстроен(а) |
grumpy | сварлив(а) |
guilty | чувствую вину |
happy | счастлив(а) |
hot | пылаю |
humbled | скромничаю |
humiliated | унижен(а) |
hungry | хочу есть |
hurt | ранен(а) |
impressed | под впечатлением |
in_awe | благоговею |
in_love | влюблён/влюблена |
indignant | в возмущении |
interested | заинтересован(а) |
intoxicated | одурманен(а) |
invincible | неукротим(а) |
jealous | ревную |
lonely | одинок(а) |
mean | готов(а) на пакость |
moody | в унынии |
nervous | нервничаю |
neutral | в безразличии |
offended | обижен(а) |
playful | игрив(а) |
proud | горжусь |
relieved | успокоенный(ая) |
remorseful | сожалею |
restless | не знаю усталости |
sad | в печали |
sarcastic | хочется язвить |
serious | серьёзен/серьёзна |
shocked | потрясён/потрясена |
shy | стесняюсь |
sick | болею |
sleepy | хочу спать |
stressed | в напряжении |
surprised | удивляюсь |
thirsty | хочу пить |
worried | беспокоюсь |
"Что чувствую" от Gebb
Предполагается, что настроения в программе будут отображаться так:
что чувствую: настроение-в-винительном-падеже
Оригинал | Перевод |
afraid | испуг |
amazed | изумление |
angry | гнев |
annoyed | раздражение |
anxious | тревогу |
aroused | возбуждение |
ashamed | стыд |
bored | скуку |
brave | храбрость |
calm | спокойствие |
cold | хладнокровие (вариант: хладнокровный настрой) |
confused | замешательство |
contented | удовлетворённость |
cranky | вспыльчивость (вариант: вспыльчивый настрой) |
curious | любопытство |
depressed | подавленность |
disappointed | разочарование |
disgusted | отвращение |
distracted | растерянность |
embarrassed | смущение |
excited | волнение |
flirtatious | кокетливый настрой (варианты: хочу флиртовать, приступ кокетства) |
frustrated | расстройство |
grumpy | сварливость (вариант: сварливый настрой) |
guilty | вину |
happy | счастье |
hot | разгорячённость |
humbled | поверженность |
humiliated | унижение |
hungry | голод |
hurt | боль |
impressed | впечатление (вариант: я впечатлён) |
in_awe | благоговение |
in_love | любовь |
indignant | возмущение |
interested | интерес |
intoxicated | опьянение |
invincible | непобедимость |
jealous | ревность |
lonely | одиночество |
mean | недоброжелательность |
moody | уныние |
nervous | нервозность |
neutral | ничего особенного |
offended | обиду |
playful | игривость (вариант: игривый настрой) |
proud | гордость |
relieved | облегчение |
remorseful | раскаяние |
restless | неугомонность |
sad | печаль |
sarcastic | язвительность (вариант: язвительный настрой) |
serious | серьёзность (вариант: серьёзный настрой) |
shocked | потрясение |
shy | стеснение |
sick | болезнь (вариант: я болен) |
sleepy | сонливость |
stressed | напряжение |
surprised | удивление |
thirsty | жажду |
worried | обеспокоенность |
Чат с носителями языка (АКА просветление)
[00:06]<kostix> Hi! mind if I ask a question regarding English language?
[00:06]<hypnotoad> Fire away
[00:07]<jim> away: YOU'RE FIRED!
[00:07]<kbk> Don't ask to ask, just ask.
[00:08]<kostix> We have just implemented Jabber extention called "User mood" in Tkabber (http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0107.html) but when translating that "moods" into russian we have problems. Basically how *in this context* the mood "mean" should be translated?
[00:08]<kostix> Webster gives a horrible lot of meanings
[00:08]<kostix> which even contradict one another
[00:08]<patthoyts> Its emotional state.
[00:08]<hypnotoad> it's a state of sexual arousal
[00:08]<patthoyts> ie: is the user angry, happy, etc
[00:09]<patthoyts> (waste of time IMO)
[00:09]<kostix> patthoyts: yeah, so what's with mean?
[00:09]<kbk> "Mean" - petty, nasty, angry at a low level.
[00:09]<patthoyts> but I guess you have to keep the kids happy.
[00:09]<jim> mood is related to mode (like an emacs document mode, or the vi mode of typing versus commands)
[00:09]<kostix> patthoyts: are you talking about that extension? ;)
[00:09]<hypnotoad> Wait, what emotion?
[00:09]<hypnotoad> OHHH MEAN
[00:09]<hypnotoad> Mean is "vindictive"
[00:10]<jim> mode is also related to musical sound/"color"
[00:10]<kostix> patthoyts: I've done it to test PEP (personal eventing) thing in Tkabber and fixed some misc problems in it. so it's not in vain ;)
[00:10]<patthoyts> If you are pulling the wings of a fly you are being mean.
[00:10]<hypnotoad> It can be playful, but it's always taunting
[00:10]<jim> that depends on the fly :P
[00:11]<patthoyts> My yougest is always complaining that her sister is being mean. Normally when the little one cant get onto the computer.
[00:11]<hypnotoad> "That was a mean spirited trick"
[00:11]<kbk> offensive. selfish. malicious. small-minded. ignoble.
[00:12]<kostix> so it's basicaly "to contrive something evil in one's mind" (pardon my english), right?
[00:12]<patthoyts> yeah. sounds good.
[00:12]<hypnotoad> "YOU MEANIE!" (Said when someone says something deliberately hurtful)
[00:12]<patthoyts> grumpy with a dash of vindictive.
[00:12]<hypnotoad> It's more "evil with intent"
[00:12]<kostix> damn, I didn't even know that word - vindictive ;)
[00:12]<bschwarz> basically, how people are on some other channels ;)
[00:12]<hypnotoad> You can't think mean, just act mean
[00:13]* Emiliano feeling mean
[00:13]<kbk> "Mean" suggests pettiness and small-mindedness. It's an insult of a small child; it doesn't sink to the level of "evil."
[00:13]<kostix> hm, interesting insight...
[00:13]<jim> well the contriving is not sufficient probably, but you're on the right track... that is only to be mean in one's mind... to -actually- be mean, you have to do something mean to another (I would think)... that is, you have to be perceived as being mean by the party you're being mean to
[00:14]<kostix> hm, even more interesting...
[00:14]<hypnotoad> Telling a joke that embarrases someone is condidered "Mean"
[00:14]<miguel> you guys still talking about me?
[00:14]<hypnotoad> Sorry God
[00:14]<jim> but that's exactly as you're using it in the application... you're giving people the ability to be perceived as being in a mean mood
[00:15]<jim> hypnotoad: but that also depends on intent... if it was intended to embarrass, that would qualify as mean
[00:15]<miguel> albert said I am raffiniert, not mean
[00:16]<hypnotoad> Jim: I see, if you advertise that you are "mean" than people should not be surprised by hurtful things
[00:16]<jim> hypnotoad: that too :)
[00:16]<kostix> hypnotoad: that's almost perfect explanation to me
[00:16]<kbk> "mean mood" - probably something like "irritable," "irascible," "testy" is intended.
[00:16]<kostix> hypnotoad said "use that explanation"
[00:17]<jim> perhaps people who are only just grumpy might advertise themselves as being mean so as to be left alone
[00:17]* hypnotoad Bzzzzzzzz
[00:17]* kostix raises and heads to the window to jump into...
[00:17]<kbk> "petulant"
[00:17]<hypnotoad> "petty"
[00:17]<kostix> (so many new words...)
[00:18]<jim> "petrudinous"
[00:18]<hypnotoad> English is great for that.
[00:18]<jim> wait, not that one
[00:18]<kbk> Not being Russian speakers, we're throwing out English synonymies, in hopes that something will resonate.
[00:19]<hypnotoad> Pipes resonate
[00:19]<hypnotoad> As to wine glasses...
[00:19]* steveo thought he was loggin in to the tclers chat, not synonyms anonymous ... <:-)
[00:19]<kbk> Spiteful. "Mean" can also suggest "niggardly."
[00:20]<kostix> kbk: that's what I intended to ignite ;)
[00:20]<hypnotoad> synonomous anonymous?
[00:20]<kbk> seasoned with a little bit of nutmeg and synonym.
[00:20]<jim> anomalous anonymous?
[00:21]<hypnotoad> anonymous anonymous
[00:21]<hypnotoad> "Hi my name is (state you name), and I am nobody"
[00:21]* steveo wonders just how badly we are confusing kostix
[00:22]<hypnotoad> Not badly enough
[00:23]<steveo> now, *that's" mean ;)
[00:23]<kbk> All this punning is being mean to a non-native speaker.
[00:23]* kbk xed
[00:23]<kostix> sorry, I have another words at hand in the same context, they are: cold (is it really about feeling cold or what?), cranky and thirsty (is that really about thirst or what?)
[00:23]<hypnotoad> But I didn't mean to be mean!
[00:23]<kostix> actually, that person who invented the set of moods is... strange
[00:24]<hypnotoad> Cold: (references to reptiles) Cold blooded, not caring about the feelings of others
[00:24]<kbk> cranky - irascible, touchy, swift to anger (often because of tiredness or illness)
[00:24]<hypnotoad> thirsty is just plain "needs something to drink"
[00:25]<kostix> ok, seems like we got cranky wrong, thanks
[00:25]<hat0> thirsty is "khochit' pit'"
[00:25]<hat0> that's all
[00:25]<kbk> A perfect example of "cranky" is the behaviour of any toddler in need of sleep.
[00:25]<hypnotoad> Cranky is also like an old car engine.
[00:26]<kostix> hat0: one person suggested it's about "mentally drained out" or so... that's why I asked ;)
[00:26]<hypnotoad> (where we get the word)
[00:26]<kostix> now what's about "cold"?
[00:26]<kbk> hypnotoad - Nonsense - the word was in use in the 1780s.
[00:26]<kostix> (notice that the set of moods also has "hot")
[00:27]<hypnotoad> Hot is "excited"
[00:27]<kbk> cranky - ill-tempered, grouchy, cross.
[00:27]* hypnotoad Learn someting new every day, Thanks Kevin
[00:27]<hypnotoad> "Hot under the collar" is excited in an angry way
[00:28]<hypnotoad> "Hot and bothered" is sexually aroused (but oddly only with a female)
[00:28]* Emiliano 's doughter getting "cranky"
[00:28]<kbk> toad - Although a guy can say that he's hot for a lady...
[00:28]<kostix> hypnotoad: what if we have "excited" in the *same* set of moods? ;)
[00:28]<hypnotoad> True, and a lady can "look hot"
[00:29]<hat0> also, if you thirst for something, that is not the same as to be thirsty.. it is a strong desire for it (like "on zhazhdal mesti")
[00:29]<kbk> kostix - In that case, 'hot' probably has a specifically sexual connotation. Your list does indeed sound a lottle strange.
[00:29]<hypnotoad> Well just about every mood involves and excitement of one form or another ;)
[00:31]<hat0> cold, you could think "unfeeling" - this dictionary i have suggests "kholodniy' chelovek" (which makes me laugh)
[00:31]<Cameron_> Do Russians say that?!
[00:31]<Cameron_> 'Twould be new to me.
[00:34]<kostix> hat0: thanks. your knowledge of Russian keeps impress me ;)
[00:34]<hypnotoad> hat0: What does that "kholodniy' chelovek" loosely translate back to?
[00:34]<hat0> hypnotoad: cold person
[00:34]<kostix> yes
[00:34]<hypnotoad> Cold as in "was out in the siberian weather"
[00:35]<hypnotoad> or cold as in "psychopathic killer"
[00:35]<kostix> yes, cold as if put in refrigerator
[00:35]<Cameron_> kholodniy is from hot-cold.
[00:35]<hypnotoad> Ah
[00:35]<kbk> "Many are cold, but few are frozen."
[00:35]<Cameron_> That's it! That's the one!
[00:36]<Cameron_> My pun acceptor overflowed its daily limit.
[00:36]<kostix> :)
[00:37]<kbk> This is nearly the only milieu that I've been in where multilingual puns are commonplace.
[00:38]<hypnotoad> There is a bit of a legend that in the early days of the cold war the East and West devised an automatic translator that would operate by teletype. After a few million dollars, they took it for a test spin to see how well it worked, by entering a phrase in english, translating to russian, and then back to english.
On phrase was "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" The result was "The vokda is watered down and the meat is rancid"
[00:38]<kbk> No, "the vodka is agreeable."
[00:39]<kbk> "but the meat has gone soft"
[00:39]<hypnotoad> Kevin with the assist... Thank you thank you
[00:39]<kbk> I liked "out of sight, out of mind" -> "blind idiot"
[00:39]<hypnotoad> So wait.. it was real?
[00:39]<kbk> No, translation software *still* isn't that good.
[00:40]<Cameron_> Why, that's no multilingual pun--I'm keeping my only tongue in my own mouth.
[00:42]<kbk> A true story, though: there was one document (about a French-made minicomputer) that I got from a translation service that contained gems like "each forefinger guestbook is divided into two pastures: the word address and the byte rebate within the word"
[00:42]<hypnotoad> http://ray.tomes.biz/b2/index.php/c/2007/04/26/p117
[00:43]<kbk> I had to translate that semimechanically back into French for it to make any sense.
[00:43]<hypnotoad> Quality
[00:43]<kbk> "forefinger guestbook" -> "index register"; "pasture" -> "field"; "rebate" -> "offset"
[00:43]<kostix> kbk: we have similar difficulties with chinese shit^Wgoods with Russian-translated labels and texts
[00:45]<hat0> i bought a chinese razor in tashkent, called the "BIG BUG RAZOR"
[00:45]<kostix> Tcl NEEDS one :)
[00:45]<hypnotoad> Well a tartula has a lot of hair you know
[00:46]<hypnotoad> (Tarantula... not the caribbean island....)
[00:47]<kbk> The document also contained numerous references to a K7 - I had to read that aloud in French before the forehead-slapping "cassette" came to mind.
[00:48]<kbk> Una tortuga (a tortoise) generally has no hair at all.
[18:53]* kostix coughs... anyone to help me out with English again? :}
[18:57]<dkf> ask away...
[18:58]<kostix> re that "user mood" thing from jabber: what's the difference between "humbled" and "humiliated"? wordnet counts them as synonyms.
[18:59]<kostix> so we're stuck again with translation
[19:00]<kbk> kostix - "humbled" has a positive connotation - I'd use it for, say, a monk contemplating the majesty of the Universe.
[19:00]<kbk> "humiliated" in modern colloquial usage has a more negative connotation - I'd use it of an athlete that lost badly in a competition.
Претендент на окончательный вариант (основан на "Unisex")
Этот вариант сделан с учётом многочисленных пожеланий переводчиков и лингвистов с ru_translate и pishu_pravilno, а также вышепроцитированного чата с тиклерами. Автор этого варианта склоняется к переводу самого слова "mood" не как "настроение", а как "состояние", взяв себе в союзники этот комментарий. Соответственно, бо́льшая часть терминов будет в среднем роде, согласовываясь со словом "состояние". Пару слов я решил перевести существительным в родительном падеже, убрав при этом двоеточие после "состояния". Думаю, это легко реализовать, поставив в файле перевода не "Состояние:", а просто "Состояние", сами настроения-состояния писать как ": испуганное", ": всё нипочём", " удивления". Критика приветствуется. (Кое-какие слова я ещё не доделал, допишу завтра-послезавтра.)
Оригинал | Перевод |
afraid | Состояние: испуганное |
amazed | Состояние: изумлённое |
angry | Состояние: рассерженное |
annoyed | Состояние: раздражённое |
anxious | Состояние: беспокойное |
aroused | Состояние: возбуждённое |
ashamed | Состояние: пристыжённое |
bored | Состояние: скукотища! |
brave | Состояние: всё нипочём |
calm | Состояние: спокойное |
cold | Состояние: равнодушное |
confused | Состояние: в замешательстве |
contented | Состояние: довольное |
cranky | Состояние: недовольное |
curious | Состояние: любознательное |
depressed | Состояние: подавленное |
disappointed | Состояние: разочарованное |
disgusted | Состояние: чувствую отвращение |
distracted | Состояние: растерянное |
embarrassed | Состояние: смущённое |
excited | Состояние: взволнованное |
flirtatious | Состояние: кокетливое |
frustrated | Состояние: расстроенное |
grumpy | Состояние: ворчливое |
guilty | Состояние: виноватое |
happy | Состояние: счастливое |
hot | Состояние: пылаю |
humbled | Состояние: смиренное |
humiliated | Состояние: униженное |
hungry | Состояние: хочу есть |
hurt | Состояние: уязвлённое |
impressed | Состояние: под впечатлением |
in_awe | Состояние: благоговейное |
in_love | Состояние: влюблённое |
indignant | Состояние: возмущённое |
interested | Состояние: заинтересованное |
intoxicated | Состояние: одурманенное |
invincible | Состояние: неукротимое |
jealous | Состояние: ревнивое |
lonely | Состояние: одинокое |
mean | Состояние: сволочное |
moody | Состояние: унылое |
nervous | Состояние: на нервах |
neutral | Состояние: безразличное |
offended | Состояние: обиженное |
playful | Состояние: игривое |
proud | Состояние: горделивое |
relieved | Состояние: гора с плеч |
remorseful | Состояние: раскаиваюсь |
restless | Состояние: неугомонное |
sad | Состояние: печальное |
sarcastic | Состояние: язвительное |
serious | Состояние: серьёзное |
shocked | Состояние: потрясённое |
shy | Состояние: застенчивое |
sick | Состояние: болезненное |
sleepy | Состояние: сонное |
stressed | Состояние: напряжённое |
surprised | Состояние: удивлённое |
thirsty | Состояние: хочу пить |
worried | Состояние: беспокойное |
Согласование с "User Activity" (XEP-0108)
Существует некоторая проблема в согласовании перевода термина "mood" из "User Mood" и перевода термина "activity" из "User Activity" (XEP-0108).
<gebb> Насчёт мудов и активити.
user mood = настроение/состояние, activity = занятие.
Таково моё предложение.