Short Bio
- Name: Serge A. Yudin.
- Birth date: The 9th of November 1969.
- Birth place: Kurganinsk, Krasnodarsky kray, Russia.
- School: №42 of Ulyanovsk.
- In 1985 (the 9th grade of school) and in 1986 year (the 10th grade) I went to Republican young scientists contest, chemistry — to Kazan and Gorky (actually Nizhny Novgorod). Took the 8th and the 6th place, respectively.
- 2 years at "Kometa" factory; operator of metal automated lathes.
- 2 years of Soviet Army (Saint-Petersburg, a cook).
- 1 year as a cook at some kindergarten in Ulyanovsk.
- Musical college №1 of the same city, class of trombone.
- Beginning from the second course of that college — singing at various church choirs of Ulyanovsk Eparchy.
- During various years working at various newspapers and a printing-house as a pagemaker and graphic designer.
- 2003 — going to Spain because of my marriage.
- At the present moment I'm working here at some Earth Elemental Factory (link in Russian), at first as a furnace loader, then — as birth-machine operator.
- Russian (mother tongue; not forgotten yet).
- German (school course; almost but not at all forgotten; enough to navigate :)).
- English (learned while being adult; level — reading, translating without dictionary, speaking with some difficulties (due to lack of practice)).
- Spanish (learned after English but before (and not for!) my departure to Spain; level — fluent).
- Catalan (in the process; average level — conversation understanding and reading go well but I still have to work to dominate the active part).
I do professional translations between Russian, English and Spanish — feel free to ask ;)
Computer experience
- My adolescence was spent on ZX Spectrum.
- About 10 years of high security imprisonment on Windows (tm) (reached level of Magister of Tambourine Shamanic Dance).
- A half-a-year on SuSE.
- Beginning from 2004 — Debian GNU/Linux (advanced user or poor sysadmin).
- Software:
- Windows — almost everything that can run under it but *CAD, 3DMax, 1C Book-Keeping and like this. Have played a lot of games (RTS, TBS, RPG, FPS).
- Linux — a lot of software, too ;)
- Programming:
- ZX Spectrum BASIC — a century ago I wrote a port of MineSweeper. Unfortunately, the source code is not available now.
- Tcl/Tk — as you can see, Tkabber is able to turn anyone into a programmer :) However, my progress is not worth speaking about.
Creativity and Hobbies
- Feel free to take a look at my works placed at Lobotryas Association page (the word "lobotryás" means "a lazy person").
- I'm fond of photography. There are some photos available at this page.
- When I was younger I visited a lot of mountain systems: the Caucasus, the Tien Shan, the Pamirs, the Urals, Kola peninsula doing mainly ski winter voyages and summer mountaineering. I have a lot of photos of that period but they are offline and even are not digitalized.
- There's no way to go to mountains without a guitar. Your obedient servant has about 150 his own lyric songs and songs about voyages. A few of them (as audio files) can be found at the Lobotryas Association page, at Music on "Radio Moustache", and quite a lot of his poetry works — at the page of his book Day/Night (mainly in Russian but there are some English poems).
- ICQ: 96127827
- Jabber:
- MSN: mladenets at hotmail com
- E-mail: talking_zero at mail ru
- Public key: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys D2AA7DE2
- Google Talk: bigote
- Skype:
- MoiKrug social red:
- Web1: Lobotryas Association
- Web2: Moustache in Spain
- LiveJournal: Moustached Notes