D 2015-05-01T08:09:24.832 L Tkabber\scontrib P edd33daa7d14a2893b39545a568f5e023d1a1312 U sgolovan W 1440

This repository contains development of code contributed for Tkabber XMPP client by various parties.

Help on Cloning

Anonymous cloning:

$ fossil clone https://chiselapp.com/user/sgolovan/repository/tkabber-contrib tkabber-contrib.fossil
$ mkdir tkabber-contrib
$ cd tkabber-contrib
$ fossil open ../tkabber-contrib.fossil

Authenticated cloning:

$ fossil clone https://username@chiselapp.com/user/sgolovan/repository/tkabber-contrib tkabber-contrib.fossil
$ mkdir tkabber-contrib
$ cd tkabber-contrib
$ fossil open ../tkabber-contrib.fossil

Also, Tkabber is naturally required for this code to work.

Tkabber versions and contrib branches

If you're using the development version of Tkabber, you should use the trunk branch of these plugins:

$ cd tkabber-contrib
$ fossil up trunk

If you're using the recently released version of Tkabber (1.1.1, or 1.1, or even 1.0), you should use the tkabber-1.1.1 branch of these plugins:

$ cd tkabber-contrib
$ fossil up tkabber-1.1.1

If you're using the a long time released version of Tkabber (0.11.1, or 0.11.0), you should use the plugins-0.11.1 branch of these plugins:

$ cd tkabber-contrib
$ fossil up plugins-0.11.1

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