
Artifact [fa95a2ea83]

Artifact fa95a2ea832da61cddab1f87448549d0a54095b3:

##  licenze: 
    This code and its derivatives can be used under the following conditions:
    - Do not attack other countries.
    - Jerk off on public at least 1 time per day.
    - Observe hygiene.
    - check my other projects https://chiselapp.com/user/sergey6661313

##  about:
    #   zig_touch - just util for linux terminals for create file even path not exist.
         (contact on discord: Scalpi#1064)
    ##   killer features: no. No killer features in 2023 please.

##  Usage:
    $ zig_touch FILENAME
##  compile:
    ##  main dev page: 
    ##   Download src:
        select version:
        just click to hash-summ link about selected leaf
        find link to tar.gz and download it
    ###  Compile:
        latest release tested with zig ver 0.12.0-dev.1754+2a3226453 downloaded from https://ziglang.org/download/
        (i dont know how to download exactly of dev version sorry)
        and with command
            $ zig build
        found binary in "zig-out/bin" and use as you wish ^_^
        #### you may rename and copy binary to "~/bin/se" like this:
            $ cp ./zig-out/bin/ScalpiEditor ~/bin/se
        #### and add this lines to config (".bashrc" file for bash) for easy use:
            export EDITOR="~/bin/se"
            export PATH="~/bin:$PATH"

##  FAQ:
    * Nothing work or crash on start
        Use only stable version (green commits).
##  to support me
    with boosty: 
    with monero:
        87T7 qGbA TrM3 a6Br
        DyeC jQQf NWtU u3iZ
        bHVB MC6W mEbN NE13
        Qrrt KhBb e4vF 58NR
        8PTF dYk2 Sozc HexX
        4Q69 jbdQ Asrs P7B