Tcl Raspberry Pi I/O


The huskylens command


package require huskylens

huskylens subcommand ?arg ...?


The huskylens command lets you control a HuskyLens AI vision sensor. The legal values of subcommand are listed below. Note that you can abbreviate the subcommands.

huskylens algorithm fd algo
Switch the HuskyLens to a specific algorithm. Available algorithms are:
huskylens arrows fd
Request all arrow data from the HuskyLens. This will return block data for all learned and unlearned objects that are visible on the screen. Note this should only be used with the Line Tracking algorithm.
huskylens blocks fd
Request all block data from the HuskyLens. This will return block data for all learned and unlearned objects that are visible on the screen.
huskylens clearText fd
Clear and delete all custom UI texts from the screen.
huskylens count fd
Get the number of learned and unlearned objects on the screen.
huskylens customText fd name x y
Place a string of text (less than 20 characters) on top of the HuskyLens UI. The position of the texts (X,Y) coordinate is the top left of the text box. There can be at most 10 custom texts on the UI at once.
huskylens forget fd
Forget learned objects for the current running algorithm.
huskylens frameNumber fd
Get the number of frames the HuskyLens has processed.
huskylens getArrowsByID fd id
Request all arrow data from the HuskyLens that have a designated ID and are visible on screen. Note this should only be used with the Line Tracking algorithm.
huskylens getBlocksByID fd id
Request all block data from the HuskyLens that have a designated ID and are visible on screen.
huskylens getObjectByID fd id
Request all block or arrow data from the HuskyLens that have a designated ID and are visible on screen.
huskylens knock fd
Send a simple knock to the HuskyLens to ensure that it is connected and can communicate.
huskylens learn fd id
Learn the current recognized object on screen with a chosen ID.
huskylens learned fd
Request all block or arrow data from the HuskyLens. This will return block/arrow data for all learned objects that are visible on the screen, unlearned objects are ignored.
huskylens learnedArrows fd
Request all arrow data from the HuskyLens . This will return arrow data for all learned objects that are visible on the screen, unlearned objects are ignored. Note this should only be used with the Line Tracking algorithm.
huskylens learnedBlocks fd
Request all block data from the HuskyLens. This will return block data for all learned objects that are visible on the screen, unlearned objects are ignored.
huskylens learnedObjCount fd
Get the total number of learned objects for the current running algorithm, objects do not need to be present on screen.
huskylens loadModelFromSDCard fd id
Load a model file from the SD Card to the current algorithm and refresh the algorithm. The device will look for a file name with the following format "AlgorithimName_Backup_FileNum.conf".
huskylens open bus ?addr?
Open a channel to a HuskyLens. The command returns the channel handle.
huskylens requestAll fd
Request all block or arrow data from the HuskyLens. This will return block/arrow data for all learned and unlearned objects that are visible on the screen.
huskylens saveModelToSDCard fd id
Save the current algorithms model file (its learned object data) to the SD Card. The file name will be in the format "AlgorithimName_Backup_FileNum.conf".
huskylens savePictureToSDCard fd
Save a photo from the HuskyLens camera onto the SD Card.
huskylens saveScreenshotToSDCard fd
Save a screenshot of the HuskyLens UI onto the SD Card.
huskylens setCustomName fd name id
Set a custom name for a learned object with a specified ID.