GIMP Script-fu

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Ticket Hash: 03acb2ea81dca38cc63c0c772aedb2f4ad58a4e9
Title: Catalan translation for calendar script
Status: Fixed Type: Documentation
Severity: Cosmetic Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2015-05-04 20:11:14
Version Found In: Gimp 2.8.10
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2015-03-30 16:21:57:
Here you are the catalan translation for calendar script:

Months of the year in catalan: Gener, Febrer, Març, Abril, Maig, Juny, Juliol, Agost, Setembre, Octubre, Novembre, Desembre.
Weekdays in catalan: 
(Sunday)Diumenge, dg.
Dilluns, dl.
Dimarts, dt.
Dimecres, dc.
Dijous, dj.
Divendres, dv.
Dissabte, ds.

Thanks for your job

Xavier Beà

saulgoode added on 2015-04-03 07:06:15:

This suggestion has been implemented. Thank you Xavier for providing the translations.

Note that for Catalan, the "Day Format" option is ignored and I used the abbreviations for the weekdays that you provided. I made these abbreviations all capital letters but if you feel they should appear differently, please let me know.