#include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct options { char *name; char *directory; }; struct xvfs_state { char **children; unsigned long child_count; unsigned long child_len; int bucket_count; int max_index; }; enum xvfs_minirivet_mode { XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_COPY, XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL, XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL_PRINT }; /* * adler32() function from zlib 1.1.4 and under the same license */ static unsigned long adler32(unsigned long adler, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len) { const int len_max = 5552; const unsigned long base = 65521; unsigned long s1 = adler & 0xffff; unsigned long s2 = (adler >> 16) & 0xffff; int k, i; if (buf == NULL) { return(1UL); } while (len > 0) { k = len < len_max ? len : len_max; len -= k; while (k >= 16) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { s2 += buf[i]; } s1 = buf[15]; buf += 16; k -= 16; } if (k != 0) { do { s1 += *buf++; s2 += s1; } while (--k); } s1 %= base; s2 %= base; } return((s2 << 16) | s1); } /* * Handle XVFS Rivet template file substitution */ static void parse_xvfs_minirivet_file(FILE *outfp, const char * const external_file_name, const char * const internal_file_name) { FILE *fp; unsigned long file_size; unsigned char buf[10]; size_t item_count; int idx; fp = fopen(external_file_name, "rb"); if (!fp) { return; } fprintf(outfp, "\t{\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", internal_file_name); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t.type = XVFS_FILE_TYPE_REG,\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t.data.fileContents = (const unsigned char *) \""); file_size = 0; while (1) { item_count = fread(&buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp); if (item_count <= 0) { break; } if (file_size != 0) { fprintf(outfp, "\n\t\t\t\""); } for (idx = 0; idx < item_count; idx++) { fprintf(outfp, "\\x%02x", (int) buf[idx]); } fprintf(outfp, "\""); file_size += item_count; } fclose(fp); fprintf(outfp, ",\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t.size = %lu\n", file_size); fprintf(outfp, "\t},\n"); } static void parse_xvfs_minirivet_directory(FILE *outfp, struct xvfs_state *xvfs_state, const char * const directory, const char * const prefix) { const unsigned int max_path_len = 8192, max_children = 65536; unsigned long child_idx, child_count; DIR *dp; struct dirent *file_info; struct stat file_stat; char *full_path_buf; char *rel_path_buf; char **children; int stat_ret; int snprintf_ret; dp = opendir(directory); if (!dp) { return; } full_path_buf = malloc(max_path_len); rel_path_buf = malloc(max_path_len); children = malloc(sizeof(*children) * max_children); child_idx = 0; while (1) { file_info = readdir(dp); if (!file_info) { break; } if (strcmp(file_info->d_name, ".") == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(file_info->d_name, "..") == 0) { continue; } snprintf_ret = snprintf(full_path_buf, max_path_len, "%s/%s", directory, file_info->d_name); if (snprintf_ret >= max_path_len) { continue; } snprintf_ret = snprintf(rel_path_buf, max_path_len, "%s%s%s", prefix, strcmp(prefix, "") == 0 ? "" : "/", file_info->d_name ); if (snprintf_ret >= max_path_len) { continue; } stat_ret = stat(full_path_buf, &file_stat); if (stat_ret != 0) { continue; } children[child_idx] = strdup(file_info->d_name); child_idx++; if (S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode)) { parse_xvfs_minirivet_directory(outfp, xvfs_state, full_path_buf, rel_path_buf); } else { parse_xvfs_minirivet_file(outfp, full_path_buf, rel_path_buf); xvfs_state->children[xvfs_state->child_count] = strdup(rel_path_buf); xvfs_state->child_count++; } } free(full_path_buf); free(rel_path_buf); child_count = child_idx; fprintf(outfp, "\t{\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", prefix); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t.type = XVFS_FILE_TYPE_DIR,\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t.size = %lu,\n", child_count); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t.data.dirChildren = (const char *[]) {"); for (child_idx = 0; child_idx < child_count; child_idx++) { if (child_idx != 0) { fprintf(outfp, ", "); } fprintf(outfp, "\"%s\"", children[child_idx]); free(children[child_idx]); } fprintf(outfp, "}\n"); free(children); fprintf(outfp, "\t},\n"); xvfs_state->children[xvfs_state->child_count] = strdup(prefix); xvfs_state->child_count++; closedir(dp); return; } static void parse_xvfs_minirivet_hashtable_header(FILE *outfp, struct xvfs_state *xvfs_state) { const int max_bucket_count = 30; int bucket_count; int idx1, idx2; int check_hash; int first_entry; if (xvfs_state->child_count > max_bucket_count) { bucket_count = max_bucket_count; } else { bucket_count = xvfs_state->child_count; } xvfs_state->bucket_count = bucket_count; xvfs_state->max_index = xvfs_state->child_count; fprintf(outfp, "\tlong pathIndex_idx;\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\tint pathIndex_hash;\n"); /* * XXX:TODO: Make this not O(n^2) */ for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < bucket_count; idx1++) { fprintf(outfp, "\tstatic const long pathIndex_hashTable_%i[] = {\n", idx1); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t"); first_entry = 1; for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < xvfs_state->child_count; idx2++) { check_hash = adler32(0, xvfs_state->children[idx2], strlen(xvfs_state->children[idx2])) % bucket_count; if (check_hash != idx1) { continue; } if (!first_entry) { fprintf(outfp, ", "); } first_entry = 0; if (check_hash == idx1) { fprintf(outfp, "%i", idx2); } } if (!first_entry) { fprintf(outfp, ", "); } fprintf(outfp, "XVFS_NAME_LOOKUP_ERROR"); fprintf(outfp, "\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t};\n"); } for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < xvfs_state->child_count; idx2++) { free(xvfs_state->children[idx2]); } free(xvfs_state->children); fprintf(outfp, "\tstatic const long * const pathIndex_hashTable[%i] = {\n", bucket_count); for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < bucket_count; idx1++) { fprintf(outfp, "\t\tpathIndex_hashTable_%i,\n", idx1); } fprintf(outfp, "\t};\n"); return; } static void parse_xvfs_minirivet_hashtable_body(FILE *outfp, struct xvfs_state *xvfs_state) { fprintf(outfp, "\tpathIndex_hash = Tcl_ZlibAdler32(0, (unsigned char *) path, pathLen) %% %i;\n", xvfs_state->bucket_count); fprintf(outfp, "\tfor (pathIndex_idx = 0; pathIndex_idx < %i; pathIndex_idx++) {\n", xvfs_state->max_index); fprintf(outfp, "\t\tpathIndex = pathIndex_hashTable[pathIndex_hash][pathIndex_idx];\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\tif (pathIndex == XVFS_NAME_LOOKUP_ERROR) {\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t\tbreak;\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t}\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\tif (strcmp(path, xvfs_example_data[pathIndex].name) == 0) {\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t\treturn(pathIndex);\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t\t}\n"); fprintf(outfp, "\t}\n"); return; } static void parse_xvfs_minirivet_handle_tcl_print(FILE *outfp, const struct options * const options, struct xvfs_state *xvfs_state, char *command) { char *buffer_p, *buffer_e; buffer_p = command; while (*buffer_p && isspace(*buffer_p)) { buffer_p++; } buffer_e = buffer_p + strlen(buffer_p) - 1; while (buffer_e >= buffer_p && isspace(*buffer_e)) { *buffer_e = '\0'; buffer_e--; } if (strcmp(buffer_p, "$::xvfs::fsName") == 0) { fprintf(outfp, "%s", options->name); } else if (strcmp(buffer_p, "$::xvfs::fileInfoStruct") == 0) { fprintf(outfp, "static const struct xvfs_file_data xvfs_"); fprintf(outfp, "%s", options->name); fprintf(outfp, "_data[] = {\n"); parse_xvfs_minirivet_directory(outfp, xvfs_state, options->directory, ""); fprintf(outfp, "};\n"); } else if (strcmp(buffer_p, "[zlib adler32 $::xvfs::fsName 0]") == 0) { fprintf(outfp, "%lu", adler32(0, (unsigned char *) options->name, strlen(options->name))); } else if (strcmp(buffer_p, "$hashTableHeader") == 0) { parse_xvfs_minirivet_hashtable_header(outfp, xvfs_state); } else if (strcmp(buffer_p, "[dict get $hashTable body]") == 0) { parse_xvfs_minirivet_hashtable_body(outfp, xvfs_state); } else { fprintf(outfp, "@INVALID@%s@INVALID@", buffer_p); } return; } static int parse_xvfs_minirivet(FILE *outfp, const char * const file, const struct options * const options) { struct xvfs_state xvfs_state; FILE *fp; int ch, ch_buf; char tcl_buffer[8192], *tcl_buffer_p; enum xvfs_minirivet_mode mode; fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) { return(0); } xvfs_state.child_count = 0; xvfs_state.child_len = 65536; xvfs_state.children = malloc(sizeof(*xvfs_state.children) * xvfs_state.child_len); #define parse_xvfs_minirivet_getbyte(var) var = fgetc(fp); if (var == EOF) { break; } mode = XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_COPY; while (1) { parse_xvfs_minirivet_getbyte(ch); switch (mode) { case XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_COPY: if (ch == '<') { parse_xvfs_minirivet_getbyte(ch_buf); if (ch_buf != '?') { fputc('<', outfp); ch = ch_buf; break; } tcl_buffer_p = tcl_buffer; parse_xvfs_minirivet_getbyte(ch_buf); if (ch_buf == '=') { mode = XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL_PRINT; } else { mode = XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL; *tcl_buffer_p = ch_buf; tcl_buffer_p++; } *tcl_buffer_p = '\0'; continue; } break; case XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL: case XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL_PRINT: if (ch == '?') { parse_xvfs_minirivet_getbyte(ch_buf); if (ch_buf != '>') { *tcl_buffer_p = ch; tcl_buffer_p++; ch = ch_buf; break; } *tcl_buffer_p = '\0'; if (mode == XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL_PRINT) { parse_xvfs_minirivet_handle_tcl_print(outfp, options, &xvfs_state, tcl_buffer); } mode = XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_COPY; continue; } break; } switch (mode) { case XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_COPY: fputc(ch, outfp); break; case XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL: case XVFS_MINIRIVET_MODE_TCL_PRINT: *tcl_buffer_p = ch; tcl_buffer_p++; break; } } #undef parse_xvfs_minirivet_getbyte return(1); } static int xvfs_create(FILE *outfp, const struct options * const options) { return(parse_xvfs_minirivet(outfp, "lib/xvfs/xvfs.c.rvt", options)); } /* * Parse command line options */ static int parse_options(int argc, char **argv, struct options *options) { char *arg; char **option; int idx; int retval; for (idx = 0; idx < argc; idx++) { arg = argv[idx]; if (strcmp(arg, "--directory") == 0) { option = &options->directory; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--name") == 0) { option = &options->name; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument %s\n", arg); return(0); } idx++; arg = argv[idx]; *option = arg; } retval = 1; if (!options->directory) { fprintf(stderr, "error: --directory must be specified\n"); retval = 0; } if (!options->name) { fprintf(stderr, "error: --name must be specified\n"); retval = 0; } return(retval); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct options options = {0}; int parse_options_ret, xvfs_create_ret; argc--; argv++; parse_options_ret = parse_options(argc, argv, &options); if (!parse_options_ret) { return(1); } xvfs_create_ret = xvfs_create(stdout, &options); if (!xvfs_create_ret) { return(1); } return(0); }