xvfs.tcl at [149aa89b7d]

File lib/xvfs/xvfs.tcl artifact 4eccde71d3 part of check-in 149aa89b7d

#! /usr/bin/env tclsh

namespace eval ::xvfs {}

# Functions
proc ::xvfs::printHelp {channel {errors ""}} {
	if {[llength $errors] != 0} {
		foreach error $errors {
			puts $channel "error: $error"
		puts $channel ""
	puts $channel "Usage: dir2c \[--help\] --directory <rootDirectory> --name <fsName>"
	flush $channel

proc ::xvfs::sanitizeCString {string} {
	set output [join [lmap char [split $string ""] {
		if {![regexp {[A-Za-z0-9./-]} $char]} {
			binary scan $char H* char
			set char "\\[format %03o 0x$char]"

		set char
	}] ""]

	return $output

proc ::xvfs::sanitizeCStringList {list {prefix ""} {width 80}} {
	set lines [list]
	set row [list]
	foreach item $list {
		lappend row "\"[sanitizeCString $item]\""
		set rowString [join $row {, }]
		set rowString "${prefix}${rowString}"
		if {[string length $rowString] > $width} {
			set row [list]
			lappend lines $rowString
			unset rowString
	if {[info exists rowString]} {
		lappend lines $rowString
	return [join $lines "\n"]

proc ::xvfs::binaryToCHex {binary {prefix ""} {width 10}} {
	binary scan $binary H* binary
	set output [list]

	set width [expr {$width * 2}]
	set stopAt [expr {$width - 1}]

	while {$binary ne ""} {
		set row [string range $binary 0 $stopAt]
		set binary [string range $binary $width end]

		set rowOutput [list]
		while {$row ne ""} {
			set value [string range $row 0 1]
			set row [string range $row 2 end]

			lappend rowOutput "\\x$value"
		set rowOutput [join $rowOutput {}]
		set rowOutput "${prefix}\"${rowOutput}\""
		lappend output $rowOutput

	if {[llength $output] == 0} {
		return "${prefix}\"\""

	set output [join $output "\n"]

proc ::xvfs::processFile {fsName inputFile outputFile fileInfoDict} {
	array set fileInfo $fileInfoDict

	switch -exact -- $fileInfo(type) {
		"file" {
			set type "XVFS_FILE_TYPE_REG"
			set fd [open $inputFile]
			fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation binary -blocking true
			set data [read $fd]
			set size [string length $data]
			set data [string trimleft [binaryToCHex $data "\t\t\t"]]
			close $fd
		"directory" {
			set type "XVFS_FILE_TYPE_DIR"
			set children $fileInfo(children)
			set size [llength $children]
			if {$size == 0} {
				set children "NULL"
			} else {
				set children [string trimleft [sanitizeCStringList $children "\t\t\t"]]
				# This initializes it using a C99 compound literal, C99 is required
				set children "(const char *\[\]) \{$children\}"
		default {
			return -code error "Unable to process $inputFile, unknown type: $fileInfo(type)"

	puts "\t\{"
	puts "\t\t.name = \"[sanitizeCString $outputFile]\","
	puts "\t\t.type = $type,"
	puts "\t\t.size = $size,"
	switch -exact -- $fileInfo(type) {
		"file" {
			puts "\t\t.data.fileContents = (const unsigned char *) $data"
		"directory" {
			puts "\t\t.data.dirChildren  = $children"
	puts "\t\},"

proc ::xvfs::processDirectory {fsName directory {subDirectory ""}} {
	set subDirectories [list]
	set outputFiles [list]
	set workingDirectory [file join $directory $subDirectory]
	set outputDirectory $subDirectory

	if {$subDirectory eq ""} {
		set isTopLevel true
	} else {
		set isTopLevel false

	if {$isTopLevel} {
		puts "static struct xvfs_file_data xvfs_${fsName}_data\[\] = \{"

	# XXX:TODO: Include hidden files ?
	set children [list]
	foreach file [glob -nocomplain -tails -directory $workingDirectory *] {
		if {$file in {. ..}} {

		set inputFile [file join $workingDirectory $file]
		set outputFile [file join $outputDirectory [encoding convertto utf-8 $file]]

		unset -nocomplain fileInfo
		catch {
			file lstat $inputFile fileInfo
		if {![info exists fileInfo]} {
			puts stderr "warning: Unable to access $inputFile, skipping"
		lappend children [file tail $file]

		if {$fileInfo(type) eq "directory"} {
			lappend subDirectories $outputFile

		processFile $fsName $inputFile $outputFile [array get fileInfo]
		lappend outputFiles $outputFile

	foreach subDirectory $subDirectories {
		lappend outputFiles {*}[processDirectory $fsName $directory $subDirectory]
	set inputFile $directory
	set outputFile $outputDirectory
	unset -nocomplain fileInfo
	file stat $inputFile fileInfo
	set fileInfo(children) $children

	processFile $fsName $inputFile $outputFile [array get fileInfo]
	lappend outputFiles $outputFile

	if {$isTopLevel} {
		puts "\};"

	return $outputFiles

proc ::xvfs::main {argv} {
	# Main entry point
	## 1. Parse arguments
	if {[llength $argv] % 2 != 0} {
		lappend argv ""

	foreach {arg val} $argv {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"--help" {
				printHelp stdout
				exit 0
			"--directory" {
				set rootDirectory $val
			"--name" {
				set fsName $val
			default {
				printHelp stderr [list "Invalid option: $arg $val"]
				exit 1

	## 2. Validate arguments
	set errors [list]
	if {![info exists rootDirectory]} {
		lappend errors "--directory must be specified"
	if {![info exists fsName]} {
		lappend errors "--name must be specified"

	if {[llength $errors] != 0} {
		printHelp stderr $errors
		exit 1

	## 3. Start processing directory and producing initial output
	set ::xvfs::outputFiles [processDirectory $fsName $rootDirectory]

	set ::xvfs::fsName $fsName
	set ::xvfs::rootDirectory $rootDirectory

package provide xvfs 1