10 descendants and 10 ancestors of c7822f2b4ca2aae4bf3e78cc44a41e95bc7ac283640be57a30612a107b259b66
| ||
23:15 | Updated to bind all references immediately in dlopen Updated to use "--" to end options when calling PKI check-in: 88fe253dd1 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
22:43 | Moved Tcl initialization to the end check-in: feb8e3ae9f user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
22:30 | Tclpkcs11 0.9 check-in: da10f287f3 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
22:30 | Added basic installation instructions to README check-in: cd77b1e72e user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
22:27 | Added README Updated to set package version from release script check-in: d902a335fd user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
22:21 | Added Win32 build script check-in: c755f4d2a4 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
21:38 | Removed old define check-in: 66f35eca87 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
19:10 | Updated to create a pkgIndex.tcl from the configure script check-in: b579486d80 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
19:05 | Updated unload to be more forgiving about the state of the PKCS11 module Fixed issue with determining flags for dynamic linking check-in: 634ecd11da user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
18:06 | Added pre-release script Fixed issue with sanity check check-in: 712876ec1c user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
18:04 | Added Makearch header file check-in: c7822f2b4c user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:59 | Fixed issue with bytearray conversion check-in: 35de72dc72 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:56 | Updated to not call Tcl_ObjPrintf() since this is not in Tcl 8.4 check-in: 774b9d1bc0 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:38 | Fixed issue with defining stubs mechanism incorrectly Updated to find shared object build flags Updated ignores Updated to cleanup after Win32 builds correctly check-in: 515139af76 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:27 | Fixed issue with shared object extension check-in: a1f2a83c52 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:26 | Added missing file from last commit check-in: 36d3391e13 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:26 | Ditched TEA Added simple Tcl Extension building arch check-in: 1a3fad8a69 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
15:27 | Began TEA-ifying TclPKCS11 check-in: 16597afcf3 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
13:39 | Added additional OS support for loading libraries (mostly untested) check-in: f7f7813de0 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
05:36 | Updated test driver to not give false errors if a non-PIN related decryption error occurs check-in: be76ba4355 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
05:33 | Improved Tcl 8.6 module loading support check-in: 87f454af73 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |