Manifest of check-in
- Updated to close session if we get a CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED on logout
Win32-specific PKCS#11 definitions created
Updated to retrieve function pointers using lookups rather than
C_GetFunctionList on Win32 since ActivClient doesn't seem to return
valid function pointers...
Updated to return fake PKCS#11 error "MAYBE_LOGIN" if we are unable to find
any private key objects
Updated to try C_Encrypt for encryption before trying C_Sign.
Updated to unpad (PKCS 1.5 mode 1 only) input when encrypting since some
drivers require the input to be unpadded
Minor cleanup
Updated test driver to support logging in if MAYBE_LOGIN is recieved
rkeene on
2010-10-11 04:59:30.
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