History of file build/make-freebsdamd64 at check-in 8b3fc92dfe222ea5
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18:31 | Added FreeBSD/amd64 build target Updated to try to download cross-compiled SDKs file: [c8609deded] check-in: [07e5971a1c] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 100 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
18:31 | Added: Subversion to Fossil Copy Commit. Please Ignore. Recording copying build/make-linuxamd64 to build/make-freebsdamd64. file: [f41e246b79] check-in: [6444eb1ec6] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 99 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |