Artifact ID: | dcb48029ebf85eff227ae9ddecc13caf4a880e273ffe65810dbe545b19d8c093 |
Page Name: | Manual |
Date: | 2018-07-16 22:12:54 |
Original User: | rkeene |
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nano - Tcl bindings for NanoSYNOPSIS
toPublicKey address ?-hex|-binary? ?-verify|-no-verify?
newSeed ?-hex|-binary?
json::toBlock blockJSON
fromWorkData blockHashOrPublicKey ?-hex|-binary?
setFrontier account frontierHash balance representative
Nano is a low-latency payment platform that requires minimal resources, relying on a peer-to-peer network to distribute "blocks", which are cryptographically signed transactions. This package provides bindings for interacting with the Nano network from Tcl.Addresses
Nano addresses are composed of a prefix (either "nano_" or "xrb_") and 300 bits of base32 encoded data. The 300-bits of base32 encoded data produce a string that is 6 characters long using the base32 alphabet 13456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuwxyz. The format of these 300 bits are[Padding (4 bits: 0)].[Public Key (256 bits)].[Checksum (40 bits)]
For example the public key DC1512154EB72112B8CC230D7B8C7DD467DA78E4763182D6CAFAADB14855A5E8 would be encoded as 0000.DC1512154EB72112B8CC230D7B8C7DD467DA78E4763182D6CAFAADB14855A5E8.9C46A37418 which when encoded in base32 and the prefix added produces the address nano_3q1o4acnxfs34cwerarfhg89uo59ubwgaxjjiddeoyofp767dbhamj5c8x1r. The checksum is computed as a 5 byte (40 bit) Blake2b hash of the 256-bit public key (in binary format), followed by reversing the bytes.
The Nano network consists of two different peer-to-peer networks. One for real-time block updates over UDP, and another for bulk ledger updates over TCP (bootstrapping). The real-time network is a broadcast style network where every message sent over it are relayed to all other nodes.struct {
uint8_t magicProtocol = 0x52;
uint8_t magicNetwork = 0x41/0x42/0x43;
uint8_t versionMax;
uint8_t version;
uint8_t versionMin;
uint8_t messageType;
uint16_t extensions;
Where the magicProtocol field must be the value 0x52 (which is ASCII 'R') and the magicNetwork field must be one of 0x41, 0x42, or 0x43 corresponding to one of the three Nano networks. A value of 0x41 (ASCII 'A') represents the Test network; A value of 0x42 (ASCII 'B') represents the Beta network; A value of 0x43 (ASCII 'C') represents the Main network.
messageType | Name | On Bootstrap | On Realtime |
0x00 | Invalid | Yes | Yes |
0x01 | Not_A_Type | ? | ? |
0x02 | Keepalive | No | Yes |
0x03 | Publish | No | Yes |
0x04 | Confirm_Req | No | Yes |
0x05 | Confirm_Ack | No | Yes |
0x06 | Bulk_Pull | Yes | No |
0x07 | Bulk_Push | Yes | No |
0x08 | Frontier_Req | Yes | No |
0x09 | Bulk_Pull_Blocks | Yes | No |
- Invalid
- Not_A_Type
- Keepalive
The Keepalive message requires exactly 8 IPv6 address and port number tuples to be sent as its payload. The IPv6 addresses are each 128-bits (16-bytes) long and the port numbers are 16-bit integers sent in network byte order. The payload for the Keepalive message type is 144 bytes in size.
- Publish
- Confirm_Req
- Confirm_Ack
- Bulk_Pull
- Bulk_Push
- Frontier_Req
- Bulk_Pull_Blocks
- ::nano::address::toPublicKey
address ?-hex|-binary? ?-verify|-no-verify? -> publicKey
- ::nano::address::fromPublicKey
pubKey ?-xrb|-nano? -> address
- ::nano::address::fromPrivateKey
privateKey ?-xrb|-nano? -> address
Key Management
- ::nano::key::newSeed
?-hex|-binary? -> seed
- ::nano::key::newKey
?-hex|-binary? -> privateKey
- ::nano::key::fromSeed
seed ?index? ?-hex|-binary? -> privateKey
- ::nano::key::publicKeyFromPrivateKey
privateKey ?-hex|-binary? -> publicKey
Low-level Block
- ::nano::block::representation::toBlock
blockRepresentation -> blockData
- ::nano::block::json::fromDict
blockDict -> blockJSON
- ::nano::block::json::filter
blockJSON -> blockJSON
- ::nano::block::dict::fromJSON
blockJSON -> blockDict
- ::nano::block::representation::fromBlock
blockData ?-xrb|-nano? ? -type=blockType ? ? -signKey=privateKey ? -> blockRepresentation
- ::nano::block::representation::sign
blockRepresentation privateKey ?-update|-signature ?-hex|binary?? -> signature|blockJSON
- ::nano::block::representation::verifySignature
blockRepresentation -> boolean
- ::nano::block::representation::work
blockRepresentation ?-update|-work ?-hex|binary?? -> work|blockRepresentation
- ::nano::block::representation::validateWork
blockRepresentation -> boolean
- ::nano::block::hash
blockData ?-hex|-binary? -> blockHash
- ::nano::block::signBlockHash
blockHash privateKey ?-hex|-binary? -> signature
- ::nano::block::sign
blockData privateKey ?-hex|-binary? -> signature
- ::nano::block::verifyBlockHash
blockHash signature publicKey -> boolean
- ::nano::block::verify
blockData signature publicKey -> boolean
- ::nano::block::create::send
from address to address previous blockHash representative address previousBalance integer amount integer ? -json boolean ? -> blockJSON|blockDict
- ::nano::block::create::receive
to address sourceBlock blockHash previous blockHash representative address previousBalance integer amount integer ? -json boolean ? -> blockJSON|blockDict
- ::nano::block::create::setRepresentative
account address previous blockHash representative address ? -json boolean ? -> blockJSON|blockDict
Work Generation
- ::nano::work::fromWorkData
blockHashOrPublicKey ?-hex|-binary? -> work
- ::nano::work::fromBlock
blockData -> work
- ::nano::work::validate
workData work -> boolean
High-level Account
- :nano::account::setFrontier
account frontierHash balance representative
- :nano::account::getFrontier
account -> frontierInfo
- :nano::account::getFrontier
account ?frontierHash|balance|representative? -> frontierHash|balance|representative
- :nano::account::addPending
account blockHash amount
- :nano::account::getPending
account ?blockHash? -> dict
- ::nano::account::clearPending
account ?blockHash?
- :nano::account::receive
account blockHash privateKey -> blockJSON|blockDict
- :nano::account::receiveAllPending
account privateKey -> listOfBlockJSON|listOfBlockDict
- :nano::account::send
fromAccount toAccount amount privateKey -> blockJSON|blockDict
- ::nano::account::setRepresentative
account representative privateKey -> blockJSON|blockDict
Example 1: Generate a new seed and derive 10 addresses from it
package require nano 1.1
set seed [::nano::key::newSeed -hex]
puts "Generated seed: $seed"
for {set index 0} {$index < 10} {incr index} {
set accountPrivateKey [::nano::key::fromSeed $seed $index -hex]
set accountAddress [::nano::address::fromPrivateKey $accountPrivateKey]
puts " - $index: $accountAddress"
Roy Keene <rkeene@nano.org>16-Jul-2018 | nano 1.1 |