nano.tcl at [0037d24768]

File nano.tcl artifact 36ea6c846f part of check-in 0037d24768

#! /usr/bin/env tclsh

package require Tcl 8.6.4

package require json
package require json::write

namespace eval ::nano {}
namespace eval ::nano::address {}
namespace eval ::nano::key {}
namespace eval ::nano::block {}
namespace eval ::nano::block::json {}
namespace eval ::nano::block::dict {}
namespace eval ::nano::block::create {}
namespace eval ::nano::work {}
namespace eval ::nano::account {}
namespace eval ::nano::node {}
namespace eval ::nano::ledger {}
namespace eval ::nano::ledger::lmdb {}
namespace eval ::nano::rpc {}
namespace eval ::nano::rpc::client {}
namespace eval ::nano::rpc::cli {}
namespace eval ::nano::balance {}
namespace eval ::nano::node::bootstrap {}
namespace eval ::nano::node::realtime {}
namespace eval ::nano::node::cli {}
namespace eval ::nano::node::stats {}
namespace eval ::nano::network::client {}
namespace eval ::nano::network::server {}
namespace eval ::nano::protocol::create {}
namespace eval ::nano::protocol::parse {}
namespace eval ::nano::protocol::extensions {}
namespace eval ::nano::internal::dns {}
namespace eval ::nano::wallet {}
namespace eval ::nano::_cli {}

# Constants
set ::nano::block::genesis(main) {{
	"type": "open",
	"source": "E89208DD038FBB269987689621D52292AE9C35941A7484756ECCED92A65093BA",
	"representative": "xrb_3t6k35gi95xu6tergt6p69ck76ogmitsa8mnijtpxm9fkcm736xtoncuohr3",
	"account": "xrb_3t6k35gi95xu6tergt6p69ck76ogmitsa8mnijtpxm9fkcm736xtoncuohr3",
	"work": "62f05417dd3fb691",
	"signature": "9F0C933C8ADE004D808EA1985FA746A7E95BA2A38F867640F53EC8F180BDFE9E2C1268DEAD7C2664F356E37ABA362BC58E46DBA03E523A7B5A19E4B6EB12BB02"
set ::nano::block::genesis(beta) {{
	"type": "open",
	"source": "A59A47CC4F593E75AE9AD653FDA9358E2F7898D9ACC8C60E80D0495CE20FBA9F",
	"representative": "xrb_3betaz86ypbygpqbookmzpnmd5jhh4efmd8arr9a3n4bdmj1zgnzad7xpmfp",
	"account": "xrb_3betaz86ypbygpqbookmzpnmd5jhh4efmd8arr9a3n4bdmj1zgnzad7xpmfp",
	"work": "000000000f0aaeeb",
	"signature": "A726490E3325E4FA59C1C900D5B6EEBB15FE13D99F49D475B93F0AACC5635929A0614CF3892764A04D1C6732A0D716FFEB254D4154C6F544D11E6630F201450B"
set ::nano::block::stateBlockPreamble [binary decode hex "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006"]
set ::nano::block::zero "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
set ::nano::balance::zero "00000000000000000000000000000000"
set ::nano::address::zero $::nano::block::zero
set ::nano::address::base32alphabet {13456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuwxyz}
set ::nano::network::messageTypes {
set ::nano::block::blockTypes {
set ::nano::balance::_conversion {
	GNano 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	MNano 1000000000000000000000000000000000000
	Gnano 1000000000000000000000000000000000
	Gxrb  1000000000000000000000000000000000
	KNano 1000000000000000000000000000000000
	Nano  1000000000000000000000000000000
	_USER 1000000000000000000000000000000
	NANO  1000000000000000000000000000000
	Mnano 1000000000000000000000000000000
	Mxrb  1000000000000000000000000000000
	Mrai  1000000000000000000000000000000
	knano 1000000000000000000000000000
	kxrb  1000000000000000000000000000
	mNano 1000000000000000000000000000
	nano  1000000000000000000000000
	xrb   1000000000000000000000000
	uNano 1000000000000000000000000
	mnano 1000000000000000000000
	mxrb  1000000000000000000000
	unano 1000000000000000000
	uxrb  1000000000000000000
	Traw  1000000000000
	Graw  1000000000
	Mraw  1000000
	Kraw  1000
	raw   1
set ::nano::protocol::extensions {
	node_id_handshake {
		query 1
		response 2
	bulk_pull {
		count_present 1

# Address management functions
proc ::nano::address::toPublicKey {address args} {
	set performChecksumCheck false
	set outputFormat "bytes"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-verify" {
				set performChecksumCheck true
			"-no-verify" {
				set performChecksumCheck false
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	switch -glob -- $address {
		"xrb_*" - "nano_*" {}
		default {
			return -code error "Invalid address (format, header)"

	set address [join [lrange [split $address _] 1 end] _]
	set address [split $address ""]
	if {[llength $address] != 60} {
		return -code error "Invalid address (length)"

	set alphabet [split $::nano::address::base32alphabet ""]
	set result 0
	foreach byte $address {
		set fiveBits [lsearch -exact $alphabet $byte]
		if {$fiveBits < 0} {
			return -code error "Invalid address (format, alphabet)"

		set result [expr {($result << 5) | $fiveBits}]

	set checksum [expr {$result & 0xffffffffff}]
	set result   [expr {$result >> 40}]
	set result   [format %064llX $result]

	if {$performChecksumCheck} {
		set resultBinary [binary decode hex $result]
		set checksumVerify [binary encode hex [string reverse [::nano::internal::hashData $resultBinary 5]]]
		set checksumVerify [format %lli "0x$checksumVerify"]

		if {$checksum != $checksumVerify} {
			return -code error "Invalid address (checksum)"

	if {$outputFormat eq "bytes"} {
		if {![info exists resultBinary]} {
			set resultBinary [binary decode hex $result]

		set result $resultBinary

	return $result

proc ::nano::address::fromPublicKey {publicKey args} {
	set addressPrefix "nano_"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-xrb" {
				set addressPrefix "xrb_"
			"-nano" {
				set addressPrefix "nano_"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	if {[string length $publicKey] != $::nano::key::publicKeyLength} {
		set publicKey [binary decode hex $publicKey]

		if {[string length $publicKey] != $::nano::key::publicKeyLength} {
			return -code error "Invalid public key (length: [string length $publicKey], expected $::nano::key::publicKeyLength)"

	set checksum [string reverse [::nano::internal::hashData $publicKey 5]]
	append publicKey $checksum

	set publicKey [binary encode hex $publicKey]
	set publicKey [format %lli "0x$publicKey"]
	set alphabet [split $::nano::address::base32alphabet ""]
	set address ""
	for {set index 0} {$index < 60} {incr index} {
		set fiveBits [expr {$publicKey & 0x1F}]
		set publicKey [expr {$publicKey >> 5}]
		set byte [lindex $alphabet $fiveBits]
		append address $byte
	set address [string reverse $address]
	set address "${addressPrefix}${address}"

	return $address

proc ::nano::address::fromPrivateKey {privateKey args} {
	set pubKey [::nano::key::publicKeyFromPrivateKey $privateKey]
	tailcall ::nano::address::fromPublicKey $pubKey {*}$args

# Key management functions
proc ::nano::key::newSeed {args} {
	set outputFormat "bytes"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	set retval [::nano::internal::generateSeed]

	if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
		set retval [binary encode hex $retval]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::key::newKey {args} {
	set outputFormat "bytes"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	set retval [::nano::internal::generateKey]

	if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
		set retval [binary encode hex $retval]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::key::fromSeed {seed args} {
	set index 0
	set outputFormat "bytes"
	if {[llength $args] > 0} {
		if {[string index [lindex $args 0] 0] ne "-"} {
			set index [lindex $args 0]
			set args [lrange $args 1 end]

		foreach arg $args {
			switch -exact -- $arg {
				"-hex" {
					set outputFormat "hex"
				"-binary" {
					set outputFormat "bytes"
				default {
					return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"
	if {[string length $seed] != $::nano::key::seedLength} {
		set seed [binary decode hex $seed]

	set key [::nano::internal::generateKey $seed $index]
	if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
		set key [binary encode hex $key]

	return $key

proc ::nano::key::publicKeyFromPrivateKey {privateKey args} {
	set outputFormat "bytes"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -- $arg {
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	if {[string length $privateKey] != $::nano::key::privateKeyLength} {
		set privateKey [binary decode hex $privateKey]

	set pubKey [::nano::internal::publicKey $privateKey]
	if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
		set pubKey [string toupper [binary encode hex $pubKey]]

	return $pubKey

# Low-level block management
proc ::nano::block::dict::toBlock {blockDict args} {
	array set block $blockDict

	set blockData ""

	# Include type if requested
	set field "-type"
	if {[lsearch -exact $args $field] != -1} {
		append blockData [binary format c [lsearch -exact $::nano::block::blockTypes $block(type)]]

	switch -- $block(type) {
		"state" {
			append blockData [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(account)]
			append blockData [binary decode hex $block(previous)]
			append blockData [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(representative)]
			append blockData [binary decode hex [format %032llX $block(balance)]]
			if {![info exists block(link)] && [info exists block(link_as_account)]} {
				append blockData [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(link_as_account)]
			} else {
				append blockData [binary decode hex $block(link)]
		"open" {
			append blockData [binary decode hex $block(source)]
			append blockData [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(representative)]
			append blockData [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(account)]
		"send" {
			append blockData [binary decode hex $block(previous)]
			append blockData [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(destination)]
			append blockData [binary decode hex [format %032llX $block(balance)]]
		"receive" {
			append blockData [binary decode hex $block(previous)]
			append blockData [binary decode hex $block(source)]
		"change" {
			append blockData [binary decode hex $block(previous)]
			append blockData [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(representative)]
		default {
			return -code error "Invalid block type $block(type)"

	foreach field {-work -signature} {
		if {[lsearch -exact $args $field] == -1} {
			# It makes no sense to miss an intermediate field, so if
			# one of them is excluded, stop processing further fields

		set field [string trim $field "-"]
		set value $block($field)

		switch -exact -- $field {
			"work" {
				if {[string length $value] != $::nano::work::workValueLength} {
					if {$block(type) eq "state"} {
						set value [binary format W $value]
					} else {
						set value [binary format w $value]
			"signature" {
				if {[string length $value] != $::nano::block::signatureLength} {
					set value [binary decode hex $value]

		append blockData $value

	return $blockData

proc ::nano::block::json::toBlock {blockJSON} {
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromJSON $blockJSON]
	tailcall ::nano::block::dict::toBlock $blockDict

proc ::nano::block::dict::_addWorkData {blockDict} {
	# Do nothing if this is already set
	if {[dict exists $blockDict _workData]} {
		return $blockDict

	# Parse out the work data
	if {[dict get $blockDict "type"] in {send receive change state}} {
		set workDataBasedOn "previous"

	if {[dict get $blockDict "type"] eq "state" && [dict get $blockDict "previous"] eq $::nano::block::zero && [dict get $blockDict "link"] ne $::nano::block::zero} {
		set workDataBasedOn "account"

	if {[dict get $blockDict "type"] eq "open"} {
		set workDataBasedOn "account"

	if {[info exists workDataBasedOn]} {
		if {$workDataBasedOn eq "previous"} {
			dict set blockDict "_workData" [dict get $blockDict "previous"]
		} else {
			dict set blockDict "_workData" [::nano::address::toPublicKey [dict get $blockDict "account"]]

	if {[dict exists $blockDict "work"]} {
		set valid [::nano::work::validate [dict get $blockDict "_workData"] [dict get $blockDict "work"]]
		if {!$valid} {
			return -code error "Invalid work when adding block"

	return $blockDict

proc ::nano::block::dict::fromJSON {blockJSON} {
	set retval [::json::json2dict $blockJSON]

	if {[dict get $retval "type"] eq "send"} {
		set balance [dict get $retval "balance"]
		set balance [format %lli "0x$balance"]
		dict set retval "balance" $balance

	set retval [::nano::block::dict::_addWorkData $retval]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::block::json::fromDict {blockDict} {
	array set block $blockDict

	if {$block(type) eq "state"} {
		if {![info exists block(link)]} {
			set block(link) [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(link_as_account) -hex]

		if {![info exists block(link_as_address)]} {
			set addressFormatFlag "-nano"
			foreach field {account destination representative} {
				if {![info exists block($field)]} {
				if {[string match "nano_*" $block($field)]} {
					set addressFormatFlag "-nano"
				} else {
					set addressFormatFlag "-xrb"


			set block(link_as_account) [::nano::address::fromPublicKey $block(link) $addressFormatFlag]

	set blockJSONFields {
		type account source destination previous representative balance
		link link_as_account _blockHash _workData work signature _comment

	set blockJSONEntries [lmap field $blockJSONFields {
		if {![info exists block($field)]} {

		switch -exact -- $field {
			"source" - "previous" - "link" - "_blockHash" - "_workData" {
				if {[string length $block($field)] == $::nano::block::hashLength} {
					set block($field) [binary encode hex $block($field)]

				set block($field) [string toupper $block($field)]
			"signature" {
				if {[string length $block($field)] == $::nano::block::signatureLength} {
					set block($field) [binary encode hex $block($field)]

				set block($field) [string toupper $block($field)]
			"work" {
				if {[string length $block($field)] == $::nano::work::workValueLength} {
					set block($field) [binary encode hex $block($field)]

				set block($field) [string tolower $block($field)]
			"balance" {
				if {$block(type) in {send receive change open}} {
					set balanceFormatStr %032llx
				} else {
					set balanceFormatStr %lli
				set block($field) [string toupper [format $balanceFormatStr "$block($field)"]]

		return -level 0 [list $field [json::write string $block($field)]]
	set blockJSONEntries [join $blockJSONEntries]

	set blockJSON [json::write object {*}$blockJSONEntries]

	return $blockJSON

proc ::nano::block::typeIDFromType {type args} {
	set outputFormat decimal
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-dec" - "-decimal" {
				set outputFormat "decimal"
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	set type [string tolower $type]
	set typeId [lsearch -exact $::nano::block::blockTypes $type]

	if {$typeId == -1} {
		error "Invalid type: $type"

	switch -- $outputFormat {
		"decimal" {
			set result $typeId
		"hex" {
			set result [format %02x $typeId]
		"bytes" {
			set result [binary decode hex [format %02x $typeId]]

	return $result

proc ::nano::block::typeFromTypeID {typeId args} {
	set inputFormat decimal
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-dec" - "-decimal" {
				set inputFormat "decimal"
			"-hex" {
				set inputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set inputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	switch -- $inputFormat {
		"decimal" { }
		"hex" {
			if {![string match "0x*" $typeId]} {
				set typeId "0x${typeId}"
		"bytes" {
			set typeId [binary encode hex $typeId]
			set typeId "0x${typeId}"

	set typeId [format %i $typeId]
	set type [lindex $::nano::block::blockTypes $typeId]
	if {$type eq ""} {
		error "Invalid type ID: $typeId"

	return $type

proc ::nano::block::lengthFromType {type args} {
	set includeType false
	set includeWork false
	set includeSig  false
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-full" {
				set includeType true
				set includeWork true
				set includeSig  true
			"-work" {
				set includeWork true
			"-signature" {
				set includeSig  true
			"-type" {
				set includeType true
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	switch -- $type {
		"invalid" - "not_a_block" {
			set length 0
			set includeWork false
			set includeSig false
		"state"   { set length 144 }
		"open"    { set length 96  }
		"send"    { set length 80  }
		"receive" { set length 64  }
		"change"  { set length 64  }
		default {
			return -code error "Unknown type: $type"

	if {$includeType} {
		incr length

	if {$includeWork} {
		incr length 8

	if {$includeSig} {
		incr length 64

	return $length

proc ::nano::block::typeFromLength {length} {
	switch -- $length {
		144 { set type state }
		96  { set type open  }
		80  { set type send  }
		default {
			return -code error "Ambigious"

	return $type

proc ::nano::block::dict::fromBlock {blockData args} {
	set block(_blockData) $blockData
	set block(type) ""
	set addressPrefix "nano_"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -glob -- $arg {
			"-type=*" {
				set block(type) [lindex [split $arg =] 1]
			"-signKey=*" {
				set block(signKey) [string range $arg 9 end]
			"-xrb" {
				set addressPrefix "xrb_"
			"-nano" {
				set addressPrefix "nano_"
			default {

	if {$block(type) eq ""} {
		if {[catch {
			set block(type) [::nano::block::typeFromLength [string length $blockData]]
		}]} {
			return -code error "Unable to parse block, must specify type"

	set addArgs_fromPublicKey [list]
	if {$addressPrefix eq "xrb_"} {
		lappend addArgs_fromPublicKey "-xrb"

	switch -- $block(type) {
		"state" {
			binary scan $blockData a32H64a32H32H64H128Wu \
				block(account) \
				block(previous) \
				block(representative) \
				block(balance) \
				block(link) \
				block(signature) \
		"open" {
			binary scan $blockData H64a32a32H128wu \
				block(source) \
				block(representative) \
				block(account) \
				block(signature) \

			set block(_workData) $block(account)
		"send" {
			binary scan $blockData H64a32H32H128wu \
				block(previous) \
				block(destination) \
				block(balance) \
				block(signature) \

			set block(_workData) $block(previous)
		"receive" {
			binary scan $blockData H64H64H128wu \
				block(previous) \
				block(source) \
				block(signature) \

			set block(_workData) $block(previous)
		"change" {
			binary scan $blockData H64a32H128wu \
				block(previous) \
				block(representative) \
				block(signature) \

			set block(_workData) $block(previous)
		default {
			return -code error "Invalid block type: $block(type)"

	foreach field {account representative link_as_account destination balance work signature} {
		if {![info exists block($field)]} {

		switch -exact -- $field {
			"account" - "representative" - "link_as_account" - "destination" {
				set block($field) [::nano::address::fromPublicKey $block($field) {*}$addArgs_fromPublicKey]
			"balance" {
				set block($field) [format %lli "0x$block($field)"]
			"work" {
				set block($field) [format %016llx $block($field)]

	return [array get block]

proc ::nano::block::json::fromBlock {blockData args} {
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromBlock $blockData {*}$args]

	set blockJSON [::nano::block::json::fromDict $blockDict]

	return $blockJSON

proc ::nano::block::_hash {blockData args} {
	set outputFormat "bytes"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	set hash [::nano::internal::hashData $blockData $::nano::block::hashLength]

	if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
		set hash [string toupper [binary encode hex $hash]]

	return $hash

proc ::nano::block::dict::toHash {blockDict args} {
	if {[dict get $blockDict type] eq "state"} {
		set blockData $::nano::block::stateBlockPreamble

	append blockData [::nano::block::dict::toBlock $blockDict]

	tailcall ::nano::block::_hash $blockData {*}$args

proc ::nano::block::json::toHash {blockJSON args} {
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromJSON $blockJSON]

	tailcall ::nano::block::dict::toHash $blockDict {*}$args

proc ::nano::block::signBlockHash {blockHash privateKey args} {
	set outputFormat "bytes"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	if {[string length $blockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		set blockHash [binary decode hex $blockHash]

	if {[string length $privateKey] != $::nano::key::privateKeyLength} {
		set privateKey [binary decode hex $privateKey]

	set signature [::nano::internal::signDetached $blockHash $privateKey]

	if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
		set signature [string toupper [binary encode hex $signature]]

	return $signature

proc ::nano::block::_sign {blockData args} {
	set blockHash [::nano::block::_hash $blockData]

	tailcall ::nano::block::signBlockHash $blockHash {*}$args

proc ::nano::block::verifyBlockHash {blockHash signature publicKey} {
	if {[string length $blockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		set blockHash [binary decode hex $blockHash]

	if {[string length $signature] != $::nano::block::signatureLength} {
		set signature [binary decode hex $signature]

	if {[string length $publicKey] != $::nano::key::publicKeyLength} {
		set publicKey [binary decode hex $publicKey]

	set valid [::nano::internal::verifyDetached $blockHash $signature $publicKey]

	return $valid

proc ::nano::block::_verifyBlock {blockData args} {
	set blockHash [::nano::block::_hash $blockData]

	tailcall ::nano::block::verifyBlockHash $blockHash {*}$args

proc ::nano::block::dict::_addBlockData {blockDict} {
	if {[dict exists $blockDict _blockData]} {
		return $blockDict

	set blockData [::nano::block::dict::toBlock $blockDict]

	dict set blockDict _blockData $blockData

	return $blockDict

proc ::nano::block::dict::_addBlockHash {blockDict} {
	if {[dict exists $blockDict _blockHash]} {
		return $blockDict

	set blockDict [_addBlockData $blockDict]
	set blockData [dict get $blockDict _blockData]

	if {[dict get $blockDict type] eq "state"} {
		set blockData "${::nano::block::stateBlockPreamble}${blockData}"

	set blockHash [::nano::block::_hash $blockData -binary]

	dict set blockDict _blockHash $blockHash

	return $blockDict

proc ::nano::block::dict::sign {blockDict privateKey args} {
	set outputMode "signature"
	set outputFormat "bytes"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -- $arg {
			"-update" {
				set outputMode "update"
			"-signature" {
				set outputMode "signature"
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	set blockDict [_addBlockHash $blockDict]

	set blockHash [dict get $blockDict _blockHash]

	set signature [::nano::block::signBlockHash $blockHash $privateKey -binary]

	if {$outputMode eq "signature"} {
		if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
			set signature [binary encode hex $signature]

		return $signature

	dict set blockDict signature $signature

	return $blockDict

proc ::nano::block::json::sign {blockJSON privateKey args} {
	set outputMode "signature"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -- $arg {
			"-update" {
				set outputMode "update"
			"-signature" {
				set outputMode "signature"
			"-hex" - "-binary" {}
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromJSON $blockJSON]

	set retval [::nano::block::dict::sign $blockDict $privateKey {*}$args]

	if {$outputMode eq "signature"} {
		return $retval

	set retval [::nano::block::json::fromDict $retval]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::block::dict::verifySignature {blockDict {publicKey ""}} {
	if {$publicKey eq ""} {
		if {![dict exists $blockDict "account"]} {
			error "Account or public key must be specified"
		} else {
			set publicKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey [dict get $blockDict account]]

	set signature [dict get $blockDict signature]

	set blockDict [_addBlockHash $blockDict]

	set blockHash [dict get $blockDict _blockHash]

	tailcall ::nano::block::verifyBlockHash $blockHash $signature $publicKey

proc ::nano::block::json::verifySignature {blockJSON} {
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromJSON $blockJSON]

	tailcall ::nano::block::dict::verifySignature $blockDict

proc ::nano::block::dict::work {blockDict args} {
	set outputMode "work"
	set outputFormat "hex"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -- $arg {
			"-update" {
				set outputMode "update"
			"-work" {
				set outputMode "work"
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	set blockDict [_addBlockHash $blockDict]
	set blockDict [_addWorkData $blockDict]

	set blockHash [dict get $blockDict _workData]

	set work [::nano::work::fromWorkData $blockHash -binary]

	if {$outputMode eq "work"} {
		if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
			set work [binary encode hex $work]

		return $work

	dict set blockDict work $work

	return $blockDict

proc ::nano::block::json::work {blockJSON args} {
	set outputMode "work"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -- $arg {
			"-update" {
				set outputMode "update"
			"-work" {
				set outputMode "work"
			"-hex" - "-binary" {}
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromJSON $blockJSON]

	set retval [::nano::block::dict::work $blockDict {*}$args]

	if {$outputMode eq "work"} {
		return $retval

	set retval [::nano::block::json::fromDict $retval]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::block::dict::validateWork {blockDict} {
	set blockDict [_addBlockHash $blockDict]
	set blockDict [_addWorkData $blockDict]

	set blockHash [dict get $blockDict _workData]
	set work      [dict get $blockDict work]

	tailcall ::nano::work::validate $blockHash $work

proc ::nano::block::json::validateWork {blockJSON} {
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromJSON $blockJSON]

	tailcall ::nano::block::dict::validateWork $blockDict

proc ::nano::block::json::filter {blockJSON} {
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromJSON $blockJSON]
	set blockDict [dict filter $blockDict script {key _} {
		if {[string match "_*" $key]} {

		return -level 0 true
	set blockJSON [::nano::block::json::fromDict $blockDict]
	return $blockJSON

proc ::nano::block::json::genesis {network} {
	return $::nano::block::genesis($network)

proc ::nano::block::dict::genesis {network} {
	if {![info exists ::nano::block::dict::genesis($network)]} {
		set ::nano::block::dict::genesis($network) [::nano::block::dict::fromJSON [::nano::block::json::genesis $network]]

	return $::nano::block::dict::genesis($network)

proc ::nano::block::dict::printable {blockDict} {
	dict for {key value} $blockDict {
		switch -exact -- $key {
			"_workData" {
				if {[string length $value] == $::nano::block::hashLength} {
					set value [binary encode hex $value]
					dict set blockDict $key $value

	dict unset blockDict _blockData

	return $blockDict

#   send from <account> to <account> previousBalance <balance>
#        amount <amount> sourceBlock <sourceBlockHash>
#        previous <previousBlockHash> ?representative <representative>?
proc ::nano::block::create::send {args} {
	array set block $args
	if {![info exists block(representative)]} {
		set block(representative) $block(from)

	set block(balance) [expr {$block(previousBalance) - $block(amount)}]

	if {[info exists block(-legacy)] && $block(-legacy)} {
		set blockDict [dict create \
			"type" send \
			"previous" $block(previous) \
			"balance" $block(balance) \
			"_workData" $block(previous) \
			"_comment" "Legacy send $block(amount) raw from $block(from) to $block(to)" \
	} else {
		set blockDict [dict create \
			"type" state \
			"account" $block(from) \
			"previous" $block(previous) \
			"representative" $block(representative) \
			"balance" $block(balance) \
			"link_as_account" $block(to) \
			"_workData" $block(previous) \
			"_comment" "Send $block(amount) raw from $block(from) to $block(to)" \

	if {[info exists block(signKey)]} {
		set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::sign $blockDict $block(signKey) -update]

	if {[info exists block(-json)] && $block(-json)} {
		return [::nano::block::json::fromDict $blockDict]

	return $blockDict

# Usage:
#   receive to <account> previousBalance <balance> amount <amount>
#           sourceBlock <sourceBlockHash> ?previous <previousBlockHash>?
#           ?representative <representative>?
proc ::nano::block::create::receive {args} {
	array set block $args

	if {![info exists block(representative)]} {
		set block(representative) $block(to)

	if {![info exists block(previous)]} {
		set isOpen true
		set block(previous) $::nano::block::zero
		set block(previousBalance) 0
		set block(_workData) [::nano::address::toPublicKey $block(to) -hex]
	} else {
		set isOpen false
		set block(_workData) $block(previous)

	set block(balance) [expr {$block(previousBalance) + $block(amount)}]

	if {[info exists block(-legacy)] && $block(-legacy)} {
		if {$isOpen} {
			set blockDict [dict create \
				"type" open \
				"account" $block(to) \
				"representative" $block(representative) \
				"source" $block(sourceBlock) \
				"_workData" $block(_workData) \
				"_comment" "Legacy open + receive of $block(amount) raw on $block(to) from hash $block(sourceBlock)" \
		} else {
			set blockDict [dict create \
				"type" receive \
				"source" $block(sourceBlock) \
				"previous" $block(previous) \
				"_workData" $block(_workData) \
				"_comment" "Legacy receive $block(amount) raw on $block(to) from hash $block(sourceBlock)" \
	} else {
		set blockDict [dict create \
			"type" state \
			"account" $block(to) \
			"previous" $block(previous) \
			"representative" $block(representative) \
			"balance" $block(balance) \
			"link" $block(sourceBlock) \
			"_workData" $block(_workData) \
			"_comment" "Receive $block(amount) raw on $block(to) from hash $block(sourceBlock)" \

	if {[info exists block(signKey)]} {
		set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::sign $blockDict $block(signKey) -update]

	if {[info exists block(-json)] && $block(-json)} {
		return [::nano::block::json::fromDict $blockDict]

	return $blockDict

# Usage:
#   setRepresentative account <account> previous <previousBlockHash>
#                     representative <newRepresentative> balance <balance>
proc ::nano::block::create::setRepresentative {args} {
	array set block $args

	set block(link) $::nano::block::zero

	set blockDict [dict create \
		"type" state \
		"account" $block(account) \
		"previous" $block(previous) \
		"representative" $block(representative) \
		"balance" $block(balance) \
		"link" $block(link) \
		"_workData" $block(previous) \

	if {[info exists block(signKey)]} {
		dict set blockDict signKey $block(signKey)

	if {[info exists block(signKey)]} {
		set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::sign $blockDict $block(signKey) -update]

	if {[info exists block(-json)] && $block(-json)} {
		return [::nano::block::json::fromDict $blockDict]

	return $blockDict

# Work generation functions
proc ::nano::work::fromWorkData {blockHashOrPublicKey args} {
	set outputFormat "hex"
	foreach arg $args {
		switch -- $arg {
			"-hex" {
				set outputFormat "hex"
			"-binary" {
				set outputFormat "bytes"
			default {
				return -code error "Invalid option: $arg"

	if {[string length $blockHashOrPublicKey] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		set blockHashOrPublicKey [binary decode hex $blockHashOrPublicKey]

	set work [::nano::internal::generateWork $blockHashOrPublicKey]

	if {$outputFormat eq "hex"} {
		set work [binary encode hex $work]
		set work [string tolower $work]

	return $work

proc ::nano::work::fromBlock {blockData} {
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromBlock $blockData]
	set workData  [dict get $blockDict _workData]

	tailcall ::nano::work::fromBlockhash $workData

proc ::nano::work::validate {workData work} {
	if {[string length $workData] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		set workData [binary decode hex $workData]

	if {[string length $work] != $::nano::work::workValueLength} {
		set work [binary decode hex $work]

	tailcall ::nano::internal::validateWork $workData $work

# High level account management
proc ::nano::account::setFrontier {account frontierHash balance representative} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -hex]
	set ::nano::account::frontiers($accountPubKey) [dict create \
		frontierHash $frontierHash balance $balance representative $representative \

proc ::nano::account::getFrontier {account args} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -hex]
	if {![info exists ::nano::account::frontiers($accountPubKey)]} {
		set frontier [dict create balance 0]
	} else {
		set frontier $::nano::account::frontiers($accountPubKey)

	return [dict get $frontier {*}$args]

proc ::nano::account::addPending {account blockHash amount} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -hex]

	dict set ::nano::account::pending $accountPubKey $blockHash amount $amount

proc ::nano::account::getPending {account args} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -hex]

	set retval [dict create]
	catch {
		set retval [dict get $::nano::account::pending $accountPubKey {*}$args]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::account::clearPending {account args} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -hex]

	catch {
		dict unset ::nano::account::pending $accountPubKey {*}$args


proc ::nano::account::receive {account blockHash signKey} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -hex]

	set frontierInfo [getFrontier $account]
	dict with frontierInfo {}

	set blockInfo [getPending $account $blockHash]

	if {![info exists representative]} {
		set representative $account

	set amount [dict get $blockInfo amount]
	set blockArgs [list to $account previousBalance $balance \
	                    amount $amount sourceBlock $blockHash \
	                    signKey $signKey representative $representative]

	if {[info exists frontierHash]} {
		lappend blockArgs previous $frontierHash

	dict set blockArgs -json true

	set block [::nano::block::create::receive {*}$blockArgs]

	set newFrontierHash [dict get [json::json2dict $block] "_blockHash"]
	set balance [expr {$balance + $amount}]

	setFrontier $account $newFrontierHash $balance $representative
	clearPending $account $blockHash

	return $block

proc ::nano::account::send {fromAccount toAccount amount signKey} {
	set fromAccountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $fromAccount -hex]
	set toAccountPubKey   [::nano::address::toPublicKey $fromAccount -hex]

	set fromFrontierInfo [getFrontier $fromAccount]
	set toFrontierInfo [getFrontier $toAccount]

	set fromBalance [dict get $fromFrontierInfo balance]
	set fromFrontierHash [dict get $fromFrontierInfo frontierHash]
	set fromRepresentative [dict get $fromFrontierInfo representative]

	set signKey [binary encode hex $signKey]

	set block [::nano::block::create::send \
		from            $fromAccount \
		to              $toAccount \
		previous        $fromFrontierHash \
		previousBalance $fromBalance \
		amount          $amount \
		signKey         $signKey \
		-json           true

	set newBalance [expr {$fromBalance - $amount}]
	set newFrontierHash [dict get [json::json2dict $block] "_blockHash"]

	setFrontier $fromAccount $newFrontierHash $newBalance $fromRepresentative
	addPending  $toAccount $newFrontierHash $amount

	return $block

proc ::nano::account::receiveAllPending {key {accountPubKey ""}} {
	set outBlocks [list]

	if {$accountPubKey eq ""} {
		set accountPubKey [::nano::key::publicKeyFromPrivateKey $key -hex]

	set account [::nano::address::fromPublicKey $accountPubKey]

	set pendingBlocks [getPending $account]
	if {[llength $pendingBlocks] == 0} {
		return $outBlocks

	set signKey [binary encode hex $key]

	foreach blockHash [dict keys $pendingBlocks] {
		lappend outBlocks [receive $account $blockHash $signKey]

	return $outBlocks

proc ::nano::account::setRepresentative {account representative signKey} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -hex]

	set frontierInfo [getFrontier $account]
	dict with frontierInfo {}

	set blockArgs [list account $account \
	                    representative $representative \
	                    signKey $signKey \
	                    previous $frontierHash \
	dict set blockArgs -json true

	set block [::nano::block::create::setRepresentative {*}$blockArgs]

	set newFrontierHash [dict get [json::json2dict $block] "_blockHash"]

	setFrontier $account $newFrontierHash $balance $representative

	return $block

# Ledger
proc ::nano::ledger::lmdb::init {configDict} {
	package require lmdb

	array set config $configDict

	if {[info exists config(configDirectory)]} {
		set config(file) [file join $config(configDirectory) $config(file)]
	set config(file) [file normalize $config(file)]

	set envHandle [lmdb env]
	$envHandle set_maxdbs 32
	$envHandle set_mapsize 1099511627776
	$envHandle open -path $config(file) -nosubdir true -readonly false

	set lmdbInfo [dict create \
		envHandle     $envHandle \

	set handle [list apply {{lmdbInfo proc args} {
		tailcall ::nano::ledger::lmdb::$proc $lmdbInfo {*}$args
	}} $lmdbInfo]

	return $handle

proc ::nano::ledger::lmdb::_transaction {lmdbInfo table cursorVar code} {
	set table [split $table /]
	set readOnly true
	foreach arg [lrange $table 1 end] {
		switch -- $arg {
			"write" {
				set readOnly false
			"read" {
				set readOnly true
	set table [lindex $table 0]

	set envHandle [dict get $lmdbInfo envHandle]
	set dbHandle [lmdb open -env $envHandle -name $table]
	set sessionHandle [$envHandle txn -readonly $readOnly]
	set cursor [$dbHandle cursor -txn $sessionHandle]

	uplevel 1 [list set $cursorVar $cursor]
	set retcode [catch {uplevel 1 $code} retval options]

	$cursor close
	if {$retcode == 0} {
		$sessionHandle commit
	} else {
		if {$readOnly} {
			$sessionHandle reset
		} else {
			$sessionHandle abort
	$sessionHandle close
	$dbHandle close -env $envHandle

	if {$retcode == 0} {
		return $retval

	return {*}$options $retval

proc ::nano::ledger::lmdb::_foreach {lmdbInfo table cursorVar keyVar valueVar args} {
	set code [lindex $args end]
	set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]

	if {[llength $args] == 0} {
		set initialize [list getBinary "-first"]
	} else {
		if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-set"} {
			set checkKeyEqual [lindex $args 1]

		set initialize [list getBinary {*}$args]
	set iterate [list getBinary "-next"]

	_transaction $lmdbInfo $table cursor {
		if {$cursorVar ne ""} {
			uplevel 1 [list set $cursorVar $cursor]

		for {
			if {[catch {
				set work [$cursor {*}$initialize]
			} err]} {
				if {[string match "ERROR: MDB_NOTFOUND: *" $err]} {

				return -code error $err
		} true {
			if {[catch {
				set work [$cursor {*}$iterate]
			} err]} {
				if {[string match "ERROR: MDB_NOTFOUND: *" $err]} {

				return -code error $err
		} {
			unset -nocomplain key

			if {[info exists checkKeyEqual]} {
				set key [lindex $work 0]
				if {$key ne $checkKeyEqual} {

			if {$keyVar ne ""} {
				if {![info exists key]} {
					set key [lindex $work 0]
				uplevel 1 [list set $keyVar $key]

			if {$valueVar ne ""} {
				set value [lindex $work 1]
				uplevel 1 [list set $valueVar $value]

			catch {uplevel 1 $code} retval options

			switch -- [dict get $options "-code"] {
				4 - 0 {
				1 {
					# TCL_ERROR, pass it on
					dict set options "-level" 1
					return {*}$options $retval
				2 {
					return -level 2 $retval
				3 {
					# TCL_BREAK


# XXX:TODO: Track down why this speeds things up >10x
interp alias {} ::nano::ledger::lmdb::_magicSpeedup {} time

proc ::nano::ledger::lmdb::getPending {lmdbInfo args} {
	if {[llength $args] > 0} {
		set account [lindex $args 0]
		set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -binary]
		append searchKey $accountPubKey

		set args [lrange $args 1 end]

	if {[llength $args] > 0} {
		set blockHash [lindex $args 0]
		if {[string length $blockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
			set blockHash [binary decode hex $blockHash]

			append searchKey $blockHash

		set args [lrange $args 1 end]

	set retval [list]

	if {[info exists searchKey]} {
		set searchKey [list "-set_range" $searchKey]
	} else {
		set searchKey [list]

	_foreach $lmdbInfo "pending" cursor key value {*}$searchKey {
		set keyAccountPubKey [string range $key 0 31]
		if {[info exists accountPubKey] && $keyAccountPubKey ne $accountPubKey} {

		set keyBlockHash [string range $key 32 63]
		if {[info exists blockHash] && $keyBlockHash ne $blockHash} {

		set from [string range $value 0 31]
		set amount [string range $value 32 47]

		set itemDict [dict create \
			amount [format "%lli" 0x[binary encode hex $amount]] \
			from   [::nano::address::fromPublicKey $from] \

		if {[info exists blockHash]} {
			set retval $itemDict


		set keyBlockHashHex [string toupper [binary encode hex $keyBlockHash]]

		if {[info exists accountPubKey]} {
			_magicSpeedup {
				dict set retval $keyBlockHashHex [set itemDict]
		} else {
			set keyAccountPubKeyHex [string toupper [binary encode hex $keyAccountPubKey]]

			_magicSpeedup {
				dict set retval $keyAccountPubKeyHex $keyBlockHashHex $itemDict

	if {[info exists blockHash] && [llength $args] > 0} {
		set retval [dict get $retval {*}$args]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::ledger::lmdb::clearPending {lmdbInfo account args} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -binary]

	if {[llength $args] > 1} {
		return -code error "wrong # args: clearPending <lmdbInfo> <account> ?<blockHash>?"

	if {[llength $args] == 1} {
		set blockHash [lindex $args 0]
		if {[string length $blockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
			set blockHash [binary decode hex $blockHash]
		set searchKey "${accountPubKey}${blockHash}"

		set numberOfRowsDeleted 0

		_foreach $lmdbInfo "pending/write" cursor "" "" -set $searchKey {
			$cursor del

			incr numberOfRowsDeleted

		return $numberOfRowsDeleted

	set numberOfRowsDeleted 0
	set blockHashDict [getPending $lmdbInfo $account]
	foreach blockHash [dict keys $blockHashDict] {
		incr numberOfRowsDeleted [clearPending $lmdbInfo $account $blockHash]

	return $numberOfRowsDeleted

proc ::nano::ledger::lmdb::addPending {lmdbInfo account blockHash args} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -binary]

	if {[string length $blockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		set blockHash [binary decode hex $blockHash]

	set lmdbKey "${accountPubKey}${blockHash}"
	set fromHex [::nano::address::toPublicKey [dict get $args from] -hex]
	set amountHex [format %032llx [dict get $args amount]]
	set lmdbData [binary format H64H32 $fromHex $amountHex]

	set keyExists false
	_foreach $lmdbInfo "pending" "" "" "" -set $lmdbKey {
		set keyExists true

	if {!$keyExists} {
		_transaction $lmdbInfo "pending/write" cursor {
			$cursor putBinary $lmdbKey $lmdbData


# Node Configuration
proc ::nano::node::_configDictToJSON {configDict {prefix ""} {keyPattern ""}} {
	if {$keyPattern eq ""} {
		set keyPattern "*"
	set values [list]
	foreach key [dict keys $configDict $keyPattern] {
		set value [dict get $configDict $key]
		switch -- ${prefix}${key} {
			"rpc" - "node" - "opencl" - "node/logging" - "node/database" {
				set value [_configDictToJSON $value "$key/"]
			"node/preconfigured_peers" - "node/preconfigured_representatives" - "node/work_peers" {
				set value [json::write array {*}[lmap item $value {
					json::write string $item
			default {
				set value [json::write string $value]

		lappend values $key $value

	set json [json::write object {*}$values]

	return $json

proc ::nano::node::_defaultConfig {basis network} {
	# XXX:TODO: Finish setting up the defaults
	set default_topLevel [dict create \
		"version"        2 \
		"rpc_enable"     false \

	catch {
		set basis_rpc [dict create]
		set basis_rpc [dict get $basis "rpc"]
	set default_rpc [dict create \
		"address"        "::ffff:" \
		"port"           7076 \

	catch {
		set basis_node [dict create]
		set basis_node [dict get $basis "node"]
	set default_node [dict create \
		"client_id_private_key"     [::nano::key::newKey] \
		"bootstrap_connections" "4" \

	# Configure based on network
	switch -- $network {
		"main" {
			dict set default_node "peering_port" "7075"
			dict set default_node "preconfigured_peers" [list ""]
		"beta" {
			dict set default_node "peering_port" "54000"
			dict set default_node "preconfigured_peers" [list ""]

	catch {
		set basis_node_database [dict create]
		set basis_node_database [dict get $basis "node" "database"]
	set default_node_database [dict create \
		"backend"        "lmdb" \
		"file"           "data.ldb" \

	set basis [dict merge $default_topLevel $basis]
	set basis_rpc [dict merge $default_rpc $basis_rpc]
	set basis_node [dict merge $default_node $basis_node]
	set basis_node_database [dict merge $default_node_database $basis_node_database]

	dict set basis rpc $basis_rpc
	dict set basis node $basis_node
	dict set basis node database $basis_node_database

	return $basis

# Side-effect:  Sets ::nano::node::configuration
proc ::nano::node::_loadConfigFile {file network} {
	set json "{}"
	catch {
		set fd [open $file]
		set json [read $fd]
	catch {
		close $fd

	set configuration [::json::json2dict $json]

	set configuration [_defaultConfig $configuration $network]

	set ::nano::node::configuration $configuration

	dict set ::nano::node::configuration network $network

	return $::nano::node::configuration

proc ::nano::node::_saveConfigFile {file args} {
	if {[llength $args] == 0} {
		set configDict $::nano::node::configuration
	} elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
		set configDict [lindex $args 0]
	} else {
		return -code error "wrong # args: _saveConfigFile <file> ?<configDict>?"

	set json [_configDictToJSON $configDict]
	set tmpfile "${file}.new"
	set fd [open "${tmpfile}" "w"]
	puts $fd $json
	close $fd
	file rename -force -- "${tmpfile}" "${file}"

	return true

proc ::nano::node::setLedgerHandle {handle} {
	set procs {

	namespace eval ::nano::node::ledger {}

	foreach proc $procs {
		proc ::nano::node::ledger::$proc args [concat [list tailcall {*}$handle $proc] {{*}$args}]

proc ::nano::node::configure {network args} {
	package require ip

	# Set default options
	switch -- $network {
		"main" {
			set info(-configDirectory) [file normalize ~/RaiBlocks]
		"beta" {
			set info(-configDirectory) [file normalize ~/RaiBlocksBeta]
		default {
			return -code error "Only main, and beta networks are supported right now"

	# Parse options to the configure
	array set info $args

	# Load configuration file
	set configFile [file join $info(-configDirectory) "config.json"]

	_loadConfigFile $configFile $network

	# Determine database backend and access information
	set database_config  [dict get $::nano::node::configuration "node" "database"]
	set database_backend [dict get $database_config "backend"]
	if {![dict exists $database_config "configDirectory"]} {
		dict set database_config "configDirectory" $info(-configDirectory)

#	set dbHandle [::nano::ledger::${database_backend}::init $database_config]
#	::nano::node::setLedgerHandle $dbHandle

# Only replace this function if it doesn't already exist
if {[info command ::nano::node::user_log] eq ""} {
	proc ::nano::node::user_log {line} {
		puts stderr $line

proc ::nano::node::log {message {level "debug"}} {
	set linePrefix ""
	set now [clock seconds]

	foreach line [split $message "\n"] {
		set line [format {%-40s %10s [%5s] %s} [::info coroutine] $now $level ${linePrefix}$line]
		::nano::node::user_log $line
		set linePrefix "    "

		lappend ::nano::node::log $line

	if {($now % 30) == 0} {
		set ::nano::node::log [lrange $::nano::node::log end-19 end]

proc ::nano::protocol::extensions::get {messageType extensions} {
	::set flags [list]
	foreach {checkFlagName checkFlag} [dict get $::nano::protocol::extensions $messageType] {
		if {($extensions & $checkFlag) == $checkFlag} {
			lappend flags $checkFlagName
	return $flags

proc ::nano::protocol::extensions::set {messageType extensionsVar flag} {
	upvar 1 $extensionsVar extensions
	::set value [dict get $::nano::protocol::extensions $messageType $flag]
	::set extensions [expr {$extensions | $value}]

proc ::nano::protocol::extensions::unset {messageType extensionsVar flag} {
	upvar 1 $extensionsVar extensions

	::set value [dict get $::nano::protocol::extensions $messageType $flag]
	::set extensions [expr {$extensions & ((~$value) & 0xffff)}]

proc ::nano::protocol::create::bulk_pull {account args} {
	set count 0
	set extensions 0
	foreach {arg argVal} $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-end" {
				set end $argVal
			"-count" {
				set count $argVal
			"-partialOkay" - "-foreach" {
				# Ignored, used by response parser
			default {
				error "Invalid option: $arg"

	if {[string length $account] in {64 65} && [lindex [split $account _] 0] in {xrb nano}} {
		set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -binary]
	} elseif {[string length $account] != $::nano::key::publicKeyLength} {
		set accountPubKey [binary decode hex $account]
	} else {
		set accountPubKey $account

	if {[info exists end]} {
		if {[string length $end] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
			set end [binary decode hex $end]
	} else {
		set end [binary decode hex $::nano::block::zero]

	set request [binary format a32a32 \
		$accountPubKey \
		$end \

	if {$count != 0} {
		::nano::protocol::extensions::set "bulk_pull" extensions "count_present"
		append request [binary format ciccc 0 $count 0 0 0]
	} else {
		::nano::protocol::extensions::unset "bulk_pull" extensions "count_present"

	return [dict create extensions $extensions data $request]

proc ::nano::protocol::parse::bulk_pull_response {sock account args} {
	set partialOkay false
	foreach {arg argVal} $args {
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-end" {
				# Ignored, used by request creator
			"-partialOkay" {
				set partialOkay $argVal
			"-foreach" {
				set blockVar [lindex $argVal 0]
				set blockHandler [lindex $argVal 1]

	set blocks [list]

	set success false

	while true {
		if {[catch {
			set type [::nano::network::_recv $sock 1]
		} err]} {
			::nano::node::log "Error from $sock: $err"

		set type [::nano::block::typeFromTypeID $type -binary]

		if {$type eq "not_a_block"} {
			if {[info exists blockHandler]} {
				uplevel 2 [list set $blockVar ""]
				catch [list uplevel 2 $blockHandler]

			set success true


		set length [::nano::block::lengthFromType $type -work -signature]

		if {[catch {
			set block [::nano::network::_recv $sock $length]
		} err]} {
			::nano::node::log "Error from $sock: $err"

		set block [::nano::block::dict::fromBlock $block -type=$type]

		if {[info exists blockHandler]} {
			uplevel 2 [list set $blockVar $block]
			set blockHandlerCode [catch [list uplevel 2 $blockHandler] blockHandlerResult blockHandlerOptions]
			switch -exact -- $blockHandlerCode {
				0 {}
				1 { return {*}$blockHandlerOptions $blockHandlerResult }
				2 { error "Not implemented" }
				3 {
					set success true

				4 { continue }
		} else {
			lappend blocks $block

	if {!$success} {
		if {!$partialOkay} {
			error "Failed to pull from $sock"
		} elseif {[info exists blockHandler]} {
			uplevel 2 [list set $blockVar "error"]
			catch [list uplevel 2 $blockHandler]

	return $blocks

proc ::nano::protocol::parse::bulk_pull {extensions messageData} {
	set flags [::nano::protocol::extensions::get "bulk_pull" $extensions]

	binary scan $messageData H64H64a* start end extra
	set retval [dict create start $start]

	if {$end ni $::nano::block::zero} {
		dict set retval end $end

	if {"count_present" in $flags} {
		binary scan $extra cuic* _ count _
		dict set retval count $count

	return $retval

proc ::nano::protocol::create::_bulk_pull_account_flagsParse {direction flag} {
	switch -- $direction {
		"toInt" {
			switch -- $flag {
				"" - "default" - "pendingHashAndAmount" {
					set flagValue 0
				"pendingAddressOnly" {
					set flagValue 1
				"pendingHashAmountAndAddress" {
					set flagValue 2
				default {
					if {[string is integer -strict $flag]} {
						set flagValue $flag
					} else {
						return -code error "Invalid flag: $flag"

			return $flagValue
		"fromInt" {
			switch -- $flag {
				0 - "pendingHashAndAmount" - "" - "default" {
					set flagValue "pendingHashAndAmount"
				1 - "pendingAddressOnly" {
					set flagValue "pendingAddressOnly"
				2 - "pendingHashAmountAndAddress" {
					set flagValue "pendingHashAmountAndAddress"
				default {
					return -code error "Invalid flag: $flag"

			return $flagValue

	return -code error "Invalid direction: $direction"

proc ::nano::protocol::create::bulk_pull_account {account {minPending 0} {flags ""}} {
	set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $account -binary]
	set minPendingHex [format %032llx $minPending]

	if {[string length $minPendingHex] > 32} {
		return -code error "Invalid amount: $minPending"

	set flagsInt [_bulk_pull_account_flagsParse "toInt" $flags]

	return [dict create data [binary format a32H32c \
		$accountPubKey \
		$minPendingHex \
		$flagsInt \

proc ::nano::protocol::parse::bulk_pull_account_response {sock account {minPending 0} {flags ""}} {
	set frontierBlockhash [::nano::network::_recv $sock 32]
	set frontierBalance   [::nano::network::_recv $sock 16]

	set frontierBlockhash [binary encode hex $frontierBlockhash]
	set frontierBlockhash [string toupper $frontierBlockhash]

	set frontierBalance   [binary encode hex $frontierBalance]
	set frontierBalance 0x$frontierBalance
	set frontierBalance [expr {$frontierBalance}]

	set fullPendingInfo true
	set flags [_bulk_pull_account_flagsParse "fromInt" $flags]

	set fullPendingInfo true
	set fullPendingIncludesAddress false
	switch -- $flags {
		"pendingAddressOnly" {
			set fullPendingInfo false
		"pendingHashAndAmount" {
			# This is the default option
		"pendingHashAmountAndAddress" {
			set fullPendingIncludesAddress true

	set pendingInfo [list]
	set pendingAddToDict [list]
	while true {
		if {$fullPendingInfo} {
			set pendingBlockhash [binary encode hex [::nano::network::_recv $sock 32]]
			set pendingAmount    [binary encode hex [::nano::network::_recv $sock 16]]

			if {$fullPendingIncludesAddress} {
				set pendingFrom [binary encode hex [::nano::network::_recv $sock 32]]
				set pendingFromEncoded [::nano::address::fromPublicKey $pendingFrom]
				set pendingAddToDict [list from $pendingFromEncoded]

			if {$pendingBlockhash eq $::nano::block::zero && $pendingAmount eq $::nano::balance::zero} {
				if {$fullPendingIncludesAddress} {
					if {$pendingFrom eq $::nano::address::zero} {
				} else {

			set pendingBlockhash [string toupper $pendingBlockhash]
			set pendingAmount 0x$pendingAmount
			set pendingAmount [expr {$pendingAmount}]

			lappend pendingInfo [dict create \
				blockhash $pendingBlockhash \
				amount    $pendingAmount \
				{*}$pendingAddToDict \
		} else {
			set pendingFrom [binary encode hex [::nano::network::_recv $sock 32]]

			if {$pendingFrom eq $::nano::address::zero} {

			set pendingFrom [::nano::address::fromPublicKey $pendingFrom]

			lappend pendingInfo [dict create \
				from $pendingFrom \

	set retval [dict create \
		frontier \
			[dict create \
				blockhash $frontierBlockhash \
				balance $frontierBalance \
			] \
		pending $pendingInfo \

	return $retval

proc ::nano::protocol::create::frontier_req {{startAccount ""} {age ""} {count ""}} {
	if {$startAccount eq ""} {
		set accountPubKey [binary decode hex $::nano::address::zero]
	} else {
		set accountPubKey [::nano::address::toPublicKey $startAccount -binary]

	if {$age eq ""} {
		set age [expr {2**32-1}]

	if {$count eq ""} {
		set count [expr {2**32-1}]

	return [dict create data [binary format a32ii $accountPubKey $age $count]]

proc ::nano::protocol::create::node_id_handshake {types args} {
	array set argInfo $args
	set extensions 0
	set data ""

	if {[llength $types] < 1} {
		return -code error "Invalid types specified: (none)"

	foreach type $types {
		if {$type in {"query" "response"}} {

		return -code error "Invalid type specified: $type"

	if {"query" in $types} {
		::nano::protocol::extensions::set "node_id_handshake" extensions "query"

		if {[string length $argInfo(-query)] != 32} {
			return -code error "Invalid input data"

		append data $argInfo(-query)

	if {"response" in $types} {
		::nano::protocol::extensions::set "node_id_handshake" extensions "response"

		if {![info exists argInfo(-privateKey)]} {
			set argInfo(-privateKey) [::nano::key::newKey]

		set publicKey [::nano::key::publicKeyFromPrivateKey $argInfo(-privateKey) -binary]
		set signature [::nano::internal::signDetached $argInfo(-query) $argInfo(-privateKey)]

		if {[string length $argInfo(-query)] != 32} {
			return -code error "Invalid input data"

		if {[string length $publicKey] != 32 || [string length $signature] != 64} {
			return -code error "Invalid output data"

		set response [binary format a32a64 $publicKey $signature]

		append data $response

	return [dict create extensions $extensions data $data]

proc ::nano::network::_localIP {version} {
	set now [clock seconds]

	if {[info exists ::nano::network::_localIP($version)]} {
		set cached $::nano::network::_localIP($version)
		set lastCheckTime [dict get $cached lastCheckTime]
		if {[clock add $lastCheckTime 1 day] >= $now} {
			if {[dict exists $cached value]} {
				return [dict get $cached value]
			} else {
				return -code error "Unable to resolve address for IP $version (cached)"

	package require http 2

	switch -exact -- $version {
		v4 {
			set urls {

			set localIPPrefix "::ffff:"
		v6 {
			set urls {

			set localIPPrefix ""
		default {
			return -code error "version must be \"v4\" or \"v6\""

	# Cache an error in advance
	set ::nano::network::_localIP($version) [dict create lastCheckTime $now]

	foreach url $urls {
		set oldAgent [http::config -useragent]
		http::config -useragent "curl/0.0"
		catch {
			set token [http::geturl $url -timeout 30000]
			set ncode [http::ncode $token]
			set data [http::data $token]
		} error
		http::config -useragent $oldAgent

		if {![info exists data]} {
			set ncode -1
			set data $error

		if {[info exists token]} {
			http::cleanup $token

		if {$ncode ne "200"} {

		set localIP $data
		set localIP [string trim $localIP]
		set localIPVersion ""
		catch {
			set localIPVersion "v[::ip::version $localIP]"

		if {$localIPVersion != $version} {
			unset localIP



	if {![info exists localIP]} {
		return -code error "Unable to lookup local IP $version"

	set localIP "${localIPPrefix}${localIP}"

	# Cache the returned value
	set ::nano::network::_localIP($version) [dict create lastCheckTime $now value $localIP]

	return $localIP

proc ::nano::protocol::create::keepalive {ipPortDictList args} {
	set retval ""

	# Allow creating an empty keepalive
	array set argInfo {
		-local true
	array set argInfo $args

	if {$argInfo(-local)} {
		set localPort [dict get $::nano::node::configuration "node" "peering_port"]
		set ipPortDictListHead [list]
		foreach ipVersion {v4 v6} {
			unset -nocomplain localIP

			catch {
				set localIP [::nano::network::_localIP $ipVersion]

			if {![info exists localIP]} {

			lappend ipPortDictListHead [dict create address $localIP port $localPort]
		set ipPortDictList [concat $ipPortDictListHead $ipPortDictList]

	if {[llength $ipPortDictList] == 0} {
		return [dict create data ""]

	while {[string length $retval] < 144} {
		foreach ipPortDict $ipPortDictList {
			set ip [dict get $ipPortDict address]
			set port [dict get $ipPortDict port]

			# Encode IP address as a byte array
			if {[::ip::version $ip] == 4} {
				# Convert to IPv6 if needed
				set ip "::ffff:$ip"

			set ip [binary decode hex [string map [list ":" ""] [::ip::normalize $ip]]]

			# Encode port as a 16-bit integer in network byte order (big endian)
			set port [binary format s $port]

			append retval "${ip}${port}"

	return [dict create data [string range $retval 0 143]]

proc ::nano::protocol::create::confirm_req {blockDict} {
	set blockData [::nano::block::dict::toBlock $blockDict]
	set blockType [dict get $blockDict type] 
	set blockTypeID [::nano::block::typeIDFromType $blockType -decimal]

	set retval(blockType) $blockTypeID
	set retval(data) $blockData

	return [array get retval]

proc ::nano::protocol::parse::confirm_req {extensions blockData} {
	set blockTypeID [expr {($extensions >> 8) & 0x0f}]
	set blockType [::nano::block::typeFromTypeID $blockTypeID]
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromBlock $blockData -type=$blockType]
	set blockHash [::nano::block::dict::toHash $blockDict -hex]

	set retval(blockType) $blockType
	set retval(block) [::nano::block::dict::printable $blockDict]
	set retval(hash) $blockHash

	return [array get retval]

proc ::nano::protocol::parse::confirm_ack {extensions blockData} {
	set blockTypeID [expr {($extensions >> 8) & 0x0f}]
	set blockType [::nano::block::typeFromTypeID $blockTypeID]

	# Header
	binary scan $blockData H64H128wua* \
		retval(voteAccount) \
		retval(voteSignature) \
		retval(voteSequence) \

	set blockData $newBlockData

	# Determine whether or not this is a vote-by-hash block 
	set voteType "full"
	if {$blockType eq "not_a_block"} {
		set voteType "hash-only"
	set retval(voteType) $voteType

	# Generate the data to hash and verify
	set signedData ""
	if {$voteType eq "hash-only"} {
		### Vote-by-hash blocks have a prefix containing the bytes "vote "
		append signedData "vote "

	# Process the vote data
	if {$voteType eq "hash-only"} {
		set retval(hashes) [list]
		while {[string length $blockData] >= 32} {
			binary scan $blockData H64a* hash blockData

			lappend retval(hashes) $hash
			append signedData [binary decode hex $hash]
	} else {
		set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromBlock $blockData -type=$blockType]
		set blockHash [::nano::block::dict::toHash $blockDict -hex]
		append signedData [binary decode hex $blockHash]

		set retval(blockType) $blockType
		set retval(hashes) [list $blockHash]
		set retval(block) [::nano::block::dict::printable $blockDict]

	# Add the sequence number to the signed data
	append signedData [binary format w $retval(voteSequence)]

	# Verify signature of the hash
	set valid false
	catch {
		set valid [::nano::internal::verifyDetached \
			[::nano::internal::hashData $signedData $::nano::block::hashLength] \
			[binary decode hex $retval(voteSignature)] \
			[binary decode hex $retval(voteAccount)] \

	# Convert the account to an account form
	set retval(voteAccount) [::nano::address::fromPublicKey $retval(voteAccount)]

	# If the signature is invalid, clean things up a bit
	if {!$valid} {
		set retval(valid) false

		# If the vote isn't valid, don't create entries regarding this vote
		foreach renameKey [array names retval] {
			if {$renameKey eq "valid"} {

			set retval(invalid_${renameKey}) $retval($renameKey)
			unset retval $renameKey
	} else {
		set retval(valid) true

	return [array get retval]

proc ::nano::protocol::create {network messageType args} {
	set versionUsing 15
	set versionMin 14
	set versionMax $versionUsing
	set messageInfo(extensions) 0
	set messageInfo(blockType) 0

	set messageType [string tolower $messageType]
	set messageTypeID [lsearch -exact $::nano::network::messageTypes $messageType]
	if {$messageTypeID == -1} {
		return -code error "Invalid message type: $messageType"

	array set messageInfo [::nano::protocol::create::${messageType} {*}$args]

	set messageInfo(extensions) [expr {$messageInfo(extensions) | (($messageInfo(blockType) << 8) & 0x0f00)}]

	switch -- $network {
		"main" {
			set packetMagic "RC"
		"beta" {
			set packetMagic "RB"

	set message [binary format a2ccccs \
		$packetMagic \
		$versionMax \
		$versionUsing \
		$versionMin \
		$messageTypeID \
		$messageInfo(extensions) \

	append message $messageInfo(data)

	return $message

proc ::nano::network::client {sock messageType args} {
	set configuredNetwork [dict get $::nano::node::configuration network]

	set message [::nano::protocol::create $configuredNetwork $messageType {*}$args]

	::nano::node::log "Sending message [binary encode hex $message] ([::nano::protocol::parse $message]) to socket $sock"

	catch {
		if {[dict get $sock "type"] eq "realtime"} {
			set sockInfo $sock
			set sock [dict get $sock "socket"]

	if {[info exists sockInfo]} {
		fconfigure $sock -remote [dict get $sockInfo "remote"]

	chan configure $sock -translation binary -encoding binary

	puts -nonewline $sock $message
	flush $sock

	set responseCommand ::nano::protocol::parse::${messageType}_response
	set response ""
	if {[info command $responseCommand] ne ""} {
		set response [$responseCommand $sock {*}$args]

	return $response

proc ::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_ADDBLOCK {block} {
	set blockHash [::nano::block::dict::toHash $block -binary]
	set ::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER($blockHash) 1

proc ::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_ADDBLOCKHASH {blockHash} {
	if {[string length $blockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		set blockHash [binary decode hex $blockHash]

	set ::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER($blockHash) 1

proc ::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_CHECKBLOCKHASH {blockHash} {
	if {[string length $blockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		set blockHash [binary decode hex $blockHash]

	if {[info exists ::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER($blockHash)]} {
		return true

	return false

proc ::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_BLOCKHASHCOUNT {} {
	return [llength [array names ::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER]]

proc ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_peer {peerAddress peerPort} {
	incr ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyPeerCount

	set peerString "$peerAddress $peerPort"

	set firstTime true
	while {[llength [array names ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue]] != 0} {
		if {!$firstTime && ![info exists peerSock]} {
			incr ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyPeerCount -1


		set blockHash [lindex [array names ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue] 0]
		set blockHashString [string toupper [binary encode hex $blockHash]]

		if {[::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_CHECKBLOCKHASH $blockHash]} {
			unset -nocomplain ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue($blockHash)
			::nano::node::log "Skipping $blockHashString (already in local ledger -- this is okay, it just means we queued something but by the time it was acted on it was already fetched, so no work is needed)"

			# Avoid getting busy in this loop and monopolizing the thread
			# by yielding temporarily
			::nano::node::_sleep 0


		if {$firstTime} {
			set firstTime false

			::nano::node::log "Connecting to $peerString"

			if {[catch {
				set peerSock [::nano::node::createSocket bootstrap $peerAddress $peerPort]
			}]} {
				::nano::node::log "Failed to connect to $peerString"

				incr ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyPeerCount -1


		::nano::node::log "Pulling $blockHashString from $peerString"

		unset -nocomplain chainAccount chainFrontier block
		set origBlockHash $blockHash
		set lastBlock ""
		set failedToDownload false

		if {[catch {
			set chainReachedEnd false
			::nano::network::client $peerSock bulk_pull $blockHash -count 128 -foreach {prevBlock {
				set isFinalBlock false
				if {$prevBlock eq ""} {
					set isFinalBlock true

				# We don't start processing blocks until after we have pulled the second block
				# so that we have access to the next block in the download (which is the
				# previous block in the chain) to verify balance changes for state blocks
				set block $lastBlock
				set lastBlock $prevBlock
				if {$block eq ""} {

				set blockType [dict get $block type]
				set blockHash [::nano::block::dict::toHash $block -binary]
				set blockHashString [string toupper [binary encode hex $blockHash]]

				# Remove this block from the pull queue
				unset -nocomplain ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue($blockHash)

				# Get the frontier and account for this chain
				if {![info exists chainFrontier]} {
					set chainFrontier $blockHash

				if {![info exists chainAccount]} {
					if {[dict exists $block "account"]} {
						set chainAccount [dict get $block "account"]
						set seenFrontiers($chainAccount) $chainFrontier

				# Determine if this block is a receiving block
				unset -nocomplain isReceive link
				if {$blockType in {open receive}} {
					set isReceive true

				if {$blockType in {send change}} {
					set isReceive false

				if {![info exists isReceive]} {
					if {$prevBlock eq ""} {
						if {$blockType eq "state"} {
							if {[dict get $block previous] eq $::nano::block::zero} {
								set isReceive true
							} else {
								set ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue([binary decode hex [dict get $block previous]]) true
						} else {
							error "Something is wrong.  There is no following block to this $blockType block"

				if {![info exists isReceive]} {
					catch {
						if {[dict get $block balance] > [dict get $prevBlock balance]} {
							set isReceive true

				if {![info exists isReceive]} {
					set isReceive false

				# If so, find the source block hash
				if {$isReceive} {
					switch -- $blockType {
						"state" {
							set link [dict get $block link]
						"open" - "receive" {
							set link [dict get $block source]
						default {
							error "Unable to handle receiving from block type $blockType"

					set link [string toupper $link]

				# Determine if this block is an open block
				set isOpen false
				if {$blockType eq "open"} {
					set isOpen true
				} elseif {$blockType eq "state" && [dict get $block previous] eq $::nano::block::zero} {
					set isOpen true

				# If we reached the open block, declare victory
				if {$isOpen} {
					set chainReachedEnd true

				# Determine if we already have this block
				set alreadyPulledLink false

				if {[::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_CHECKBLOCKHASH $blockHash]} {
					set alreadyPulledThisBlock true
				} else {
					set alreadyPulledThisBlock false

					if {$isReceive && [::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_CHECKBLOCKHASH $link]} {
						set alreadyPulledLink true

				::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_ADDBLOCK $block

				set skippingText ""
				if {$alreadyPulledLink} {
					set skippingText " (skipped adding link)"

				if {$alreadyPulledThisBlock} {
					set skippingText " (already have this block, thus the rest of this chain)"

				if {$isReceive} {
					::nano::node::log "Pull got $blockHashString ($blockType) <- $link${skippingText}"

					if {!$alreadyPulledThisBlock && !$alreadyPulledLink} {
						set ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue([binary decode hex $link]) true
				} else {
					::nano::node::log "Pull got $blockHashString ($blockType)${skippingText}"

			if {!$chainReachedEnd} {
				set previous [dict get $block previous]
				set ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue([binary decode hex $previous]) true
		} bulkPullError]} {
			set failedToDownload true

		if {$failedToDownload} {
			::nano::node::log "Error: $bulkPullError"

			if {[info exists peerSock]} {
				::nano::node::closeSocket $peerSock
				unset peerSock

			if {$lastBlock ne ""} {
				set blockHash [::nano::block::dict::toHash $block -binary]
			} else {
				set blockHash $origBlockHash

			set ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue($origBlockHash) true

	if {[info exists peerSock]} {
		::nano::node::closeSocket $peerSock

	incr ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyPeerCount -1

proc ::nano::node::bootstrap::peer {peer peerPort} {
	::nano::node::log "Connecting to ${peer}:${peerPort}"

	catch {
		set sock [::nano::network::_connect $peer $peerPort]
	} err
	if {![info exists sock]} {
		::nano::node::log "Failed to connect to ${peer} ${peerPort}: $::errorInfo"

	defer::defer close $sock

	::nano::node::log "Connected to $peer:$peerPort ;; sock = $sock"

	if {$::nano::node::bootstrap::frontier_req_running} {
		while true {
			if {[llength $::nano::node::bootstrap::frontiers_to_pull] == 0} {
				if {!$::nano::node::bootstrap::frontier_req_running} {

				::nano::node::_sleep 100 0


			set accountInfo [lindex $::nano::node::bootstrap::frontiers_to_pull 0]
			set ::nano::node::bootstrap::frontiers_to_pull [lrange $::nano::node::bootstrap::frontiers_to_pull 1 end]

			set account [dict get $accountInfo "account"]

			::nano::node::log "Pulling $accountInfo"
			# XXX:TODO: Compare frontier, and supply our local one
			::nano::network::client $sock "bulk_pull" $account
			while true {
				::nano::network::_recv $sock 32
	} else {
		set ::nano::node::bootstrap::frontier_req_running true
		defer::defer set ::nano::node::bootstrap::frontier_req_running false

		::nano::node::log "Requesting frontiers"
		# XXX:TODO: Age?
		::nano::network::client $sock "frontier_req"
		while true {
			set account [::nano::address::fromPublicKey [::nano::network::_recv $sock 32]]
			set frontier [binary encode hex [::nano::network::_recv $sock 32]]

			lappend ::nano::node::bootstrap::frontiers_to_pull [dict create account $account frontier $frontier]


proc ::nano::internal::dns::resolve {name} {
	if {[::ip::version $name] > 0} {
		return [list $name]

	if {$::nano::internal::haveResolveName} {
		set retval [::nano::internal::resolveName $name]
		set retval [lsort -unique $retval]
		return $retval

	package require dns

	set retval [list]
	foreach addressType {A AAAA} {
		set dnsQueryID [::dns::resolve $name -type $addressType]
		for {set dnsCheck 0} {$dnsCheck < 100} {incr dnsCheck} {
			switch -- [::dns::status $dnsQueryID] {
				"ok" {
					lappend retval {*}[::dns::address $dnsQueryID]

				"error" - "timeout" - "eof" {
				default {
			::nano::node::_sleep 10
		::dns::cleanup $dnsQueryID

	return $retval

proc ::nano::internal::randomSortList {args} {
	set list [lindex $args end]
	set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
	set salt [expr {rand()}]
	tailcall lsort {*}$args -command [list apply {{salt a b} {
		if {$a eq $b} {
			return 0
		set a [binary encode hex [::nano::internal::hashData "${salt}|${a}"]]
		set b [binary encode hex [::nano::internal::hashData "${salt}|${b}"]]
		set a "0x${a}"
		set b "0x${b}"
		if {$a < $b} {
			return -1
		} else {
			return 1
	}} $salt] $list

proc ::nano::node::bootstrap_lazy {startBlockHash} {
	if {[string length $startBlockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		set startBlockHash [binary decode hex $startBlockHash]

	set ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue($startBlockHash) true

	if {[info exists ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyRunning]} {
	set ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyRunning true

	set ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyPeerCount 0

	while {[llength [array names ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_pullQueue]] != 0 || $::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyPeerCount != 0} {
		set peerInfoList [::nano::node::getPeers]
		::nano::node::log "Have [llength $peerInfoList] peers"

		foreach peerInfo $peerInfoList {
			set peer     [dict get $peerInfo "address"]
			set peerPort [dict get $peerInfo "port"]

			if {[llength [info command ::nano::node::bootstrap::peer_*]] >= [dict get $::nano::node::configuration node bootstrap_connections]} {

			set peerId [binary encode hex [::nano::internal::hashData "lazy:$peer:$peerPort" 5]]

			if {[info command ::nano::node::bootstrap::peer_${peerId}] ne ""} {

			coroutine ::nano::node::bootstrap::peer_${peerId} ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazy_peer $peer $peerPort

		::nano::node::_sleep 30000

	unset ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyRunning

proc ::nano::node::bootstrap {} {
	set ::nano::node::bootstrap::frontiers_to_pull [list]
	set ::nano::node::bootstrap::frontier_req_running false

	while true {
		set peerInfoList [::nano::node::getPeers]
		::nano::node::log "Have [llength $peerInfoList] peers"

		foreach peerInfo $peerInfoList {
			set peer     [dict get $peerInfo "address"]
			set peerPort [dict get $peerInfo "port"]

			if {[llength [info command ::nano::node::bootstrap::peer_*]] >= [dict get $::nano::node::configuration node bootstrap_connections]} {

			set peerId [binary encode hex [::nano::internal::hashData "$peer:$peerPort" 5]]

			if {[info command ::nano::node::bootstrap::peer_${peerId}] ne ""} {

			coroutine ::nano::node::bootstrap::peer_${peerId} ::nano::node::bootstrap::peer $peer $peerPort

		::nano::node::_sleep 30000

proc ::nano::network::_connect {host port} {
	if {[info coroutine] eq ""} {
		set sock [socket $host $port]
	} else {
		set sock [socket -async $host $port]
		chan event $sock writable [info coroutine]
		chan event $sock readable [info coroutine]

		if {![chan configure $sock -connecting]} {
			if {[chan configure $sock -error] ne ""} {
				close $sock

				return -code error "Socket error connecting to $host $port"

			chan event $sock writable ""
			chan event $sock readable ""

			return $sock

		::nano::node::log "Waiting in the event loop for socket $sock to become writable"

		chan event $sock writable ""
		chan event $sock readable ""

		if {[eof $sock] || (![chan configure $sock -connecting] && [chan configure $sock -error] ne "") || [chan configure $sock -connecting]} {
			close $sock

			return -code error "EOF from socket"

	chan configure $sock -blocking false -translation binary -encoding binary

	return $sock

proc ::nano::network::_recv {sock bytes} {
	if {[info coroutine] ne ""} {
		chan event $sock readable [info coroutine]
	} else {
		chan configure $sock -blocking true

	set retBuffer ""

	while {$bytes > 0} {
		if {[info coroutine] ne ""} {

		set buffer [read $sock $bytes]
		set bufferLen [string length $buffer]
		if {$bufferLen == 0} {
			set chanError [chan configure $sock -error]
			if {$chanError ne ""} {
				return -code error "Short read on socket $sock ($bytes bytes remaining): $chanError"

			if {[chan eof $sock]} {
				return -code error "Short read on socket $sock ($bytes bytes remaining): EOF"


		incr bytes -$bufferLen
		append retBuffer $buffer

	chan event $sock readable ""

	return $retBuffer

proc ::nano::node::_sleep {ms {verbose 1}} {
	if {$verbose} {
		::nano::node::log "Sleeping for $ms ms"

	if {[info coroutine] eq ""} {
		after $ms
	} else {
		after $ms [info coroutine]

proc ::nano::internal::parseAddress {address defaultPort} {
	set addressPort $defaultPort
	if {[string index $address 0] eq "\["} {
		regexp {\]:(.*)$} $address -> addressPort
		regexp {^\[(.*)\].*$} $address -> address
		regexp {^::ffff:([0-9\.]*$)} $address -> address
	} elseif {[string match "*:*" $address]} {
		set address [split $address :]
		set addressPort [lindex $address 1]
		set address [lindex $address 0]

	return [list $address $addressPort]

proc ::nano::node::getPeers {} {
	if {[info exists ::nano::node::configuration]} {
		set peers [dict get $::nano::node::configuration node preconfigured_peers]
		set defaultPeerPort [dict get $::nano::node::configuration node peering_port]
	} else {
		return [list]

	set completePeers [list]
	foreach peer $peers {
		lassign [::nano::internal::parseAddress $peer $defaultPeerPort] peer peerPort

		catch {
			foreach peer [::nano::internal::dns::resolve $peer] {
				lappend completePeers [dict create address $peer port $peerPort]

	set now [clock seconds]
	# Cleanup nonces while we are here
	foreach {peerKey peerInfo} [array get ::nano::node::_node_id_nonces] {
		if {![dict exists $peerInfo "lastSeen"]} {

		set lastSeen [dict get $peerInfo "lastSeen"]
		if {($now - $lastSeen) > (5 * 60)} {
			unset ::nano::node::_node_id_nonces($peerKey)

	# Come up with a list of peers that we have seen recently
	foreach {peerKeyInfo peerInfo} [array get ::nano::node::peers] {
		if {![dict exists $peerInfo "lastSeen"]} {

		set lastSeen [dict get $peerInfo "lastSeen"]
		set address [dict get $peerKeyInfo "address"]
		set peerPort [dict get $peerKeyInfo "port"]
		set peerKey [dict create address $address port $peerPort]

		if {($now - $lastSeen) > (5 * 60)} {
#puts "Have not seen $peerKey in a while, dropping (now=$now, lastSeen=$lastSeen)"
			unset -nocomplain ::nano::node::peers($peerKeyInfo)
			unset -nocomplain ::nano::node::_node_id_nonces($peerKey)

		lappend completePeers $peerKey

	set retval [::nano::internal::randomSortList -unique $completePeers]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::protocol::parse::keepalive {extensions messageData} {
	set peers [list]
	while {$messageData ne ""} {
		# Parse an address and port pair
		set foundElements [binary scan $messageData H32s address port]
		if {$foundElements != 2} {

		# Remove the parsed portion
		set messageData [string range $messageData 18 end]

		# Convert the hex-notation to an IPv6 address
		set address [string trim [regsub -all {....} $address {&:}] ":"]
		set address [::ip::contract $address]
		if {[string match "::ffff:*" $address] && [llength [split $address :]] == 5} {
			# Convert IPv4 addresses to dotted quad notation
			set address [::ip::normalize $address]
			set address [split $address :]
			set address [join [lrange $address end-1 end] ""]
			set address [::ip::intToString 0x$address]
		set port [expr {$port & 0xffff}]

		lappend peers [dict create "address" $address "port" $port]

	if {$messageData ne ""} {
		return -code error "Invalid keepalive packet [binary encode hex $messageData]: Had extra bytes"

	return [dict create "peers" $peers]

proc ::nano::network::server::keepalive {messageDict} {
	set now [clock seconds]

	set peers [dict get $messageDict "peers"]

	foreach peer $peers {
		set address [dict get $peer "address"]
		set port [dict get $peer "port"]

		# Canonicalize the peer name to a key
		set peer [dict create address $address port $port]

		# If this peer is not already known, contact them requesting a handshake
		if {![info exists ::nano::node::peers($peer)]} {
			if {![info exists ::nano::node::_node_id_nonces($peer)]} {
				set node_id_nonce [::nano::internal::randomBytes 32]
				set ::nano::node::_node_id_nonces($peer) [dict create query $node_id_nonce lastSeen $now]

				set peerSock [::nano::node::createSocket realtime $address $port]
				::nano::network::client $peerSock "node_id_handshake" query -query $node_id_nonce

	# Stats
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list keepalive]
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list keepalive peers] [llength $peers]
	foreach peer $peers {
		::nano::node::stats::lappend [list keepalive peersUnique] $peer

	return ""

proc ::nano::protocol::parse::node_id_handshake {extensions messageData} {
	array set result [list]

	set flags [nano::protocol::extensions::get "node_id_handshake" $extensions]
	set result(flags) $flags

	if {"query" in $flags} {
		binary scan $messageData H64a* result(query) messageData

	if {"response" in $flags} {
		binary scan $messageData H64H128 result(key) result(signature)

	return [array get result]

proc ::nano::network::_socketToPeer {realtimeSocket} {
	set peerInfo [dict get $realtimeSocket remote]
	set peerAddress [lindex $peerInfo 0]
	set peerPort [lindex $peerInfo 1]
	set peer [dict create address $peerAddress port $peerPort]
	return $peer

proc ::nano::network::server::node_id_handshake {messageDict} {
	set retval ""

	::nano::node::stats::incr [list node_id_handshake]

	if {"query" in [dict get $messageDict flags]} {
		set query [dict get $messageDict query]
		set clientID [dict get $::nano::node::configuration node client_id_private_key]
		set retval [dict create "invoke_client" [list node_id_handshake response -privateKey $clientID -query [binary decode hex $query]]]

		# Stats
		::nano::node::stats::incr [list node_id_handshake query]

	if {"response" in [dict get $messageDict flags]} {
		set peer [::nano::network::_socketToPeer [dict get $messageDict socket]]

		# XXX:TODO: Verify the nonce
		if {![info exists ::nano::node::_node_id_nonces($peer)]} {
			return ""
		set sentNonce $::nano::node::_node_id_nonces($peer)
		unset ::nano::node::_node_id_nonces($peer)

		# Add the peer to our list of peers
		dict set ::nano::node::peers($peer) lastSeen [clock seconds]
		dict set ::nano::node::peers($peer) nodeIdKey [dict get $messageDict key]

		# Stats
		::nano::node::stats::incr [list node_id_handshake response]
		::nano::node::stats::lappend [list node_id_handshake response uniqueKeys] [dict get $messageDict key]

	return $retval

proc ::nano::network::server::confirm_req {messageDict} {
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list confirm_req]
	return ""

proc ::nano::network::server::confirm_ack {messageDict} {
	# keep statistics
	dict with messageDict {}

	::nano::node::stats::incr [list confirm_ack]
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list confirm_ack valid $valid]
	if {!$valid} {
		return ""

	::nano::node::stats::incr [list confirm_ack rep $voteAccount valid $valid]

	::nano::node::stats::incr [list confirm_ack voteType $voteType]
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list confirm_ack rep $voteAccount voteType $voteType]
	::nano::node::stats::newMinMax [list confirm_ack rep $voteAccount voteSequence] $voteSequence

	set votedOn [llength $hashes]

	::nano::node::stats::incr [list confirm_ack votedOn] $votedOn
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list confirm_ack rep $voteAccount votedOn] $votedOn

	foreach hash $hashes {
		::nano::node::stats::lappend [list confirm_ack votedOnUnique] $hash
		::nano::node::stats::lappend [list confirm_ack rep $voteAccount votedOnUnique] $hash

	return ""

proc ::nano::protocol::parse::publish {extensions messageData} {
	set blockTypeID [expr {($extensions >> 8) & 0x0f}]
	set blockType [::nano::block::typeFromTypeID $blockTypeID]
	set blockDict [::nano::block::dict::fromBlock $messageData -type=$blockType]
	set blockHash [::nano::block::dict::toHash $blockDict -hex]

	set retval(blockType) $blockType
	set retval(block) [::nano::block::dict::printable $blockDict]
	set retval(hash) $blockHash

	return [array get retval]

proc ::nano::internal::boolean {value} {
	if {$value} {
		return true
	} else {
		return false

proc ::nano::network::server::publish {messageDict} {
	#puts "block: [binary encode hex $blockData]"
if {[catch {
	set hash [dict get $messageDict hash]
	set block [dict get $messageDict block]
	switch -exact -- [dict get $block type] {
		"send" - "receive" - "change" {
			set valid maybe
		"open" - "state" {
			set valid false
	catch {
		set valid [::nano::internal::boolean [::nano::block::dict::verifySignature $block]]
	if {$valid eq false && [dict get $block type] eq "state"} {
		# Check if possibly epoch
	set validWork [::nano::internal::boolean [::nano::block::dict::validateWork $block]]

	::nano::node::stats::incr [list publish]
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list publish valid $valid]
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list publish validWork $validWork]
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list publish type [dict get $block type]]
	::nano::node::stats::lappend [list publish unique] $hash

}]} { puts "ERROR: $::errorInfo" }

	return ""

# Namespace ::nano::protocol::parse deals with the network level protocol (outside the node)
# Namespace ::nano::network::server deals with the node's actual interaction with the network
proc ::nano::protocol::parse {message} {
	set messageParsed [binary scan $message a2ccccsa* \
		result(packetMagic) \
		result(versionMax) \
		result(versionUsing) \
		result(versionMin) \
		result(messageTypeID) \
		result(extensions) \

	if {![info exists newBlockData]} {
		return ""
	set blockData $newBlockData

	if {![info exists result(packetMagic)] || ![info exists result(messageTypeID)] || ![info exists result(extensions)]} {
		return ""

	switch -- $result(packetMagic) {
		"RC" {
			set result(network) "main"
		"RB" {
			set result(network) "beta"
		default {
			return ""

	set result(messageType) [lindex $::nano::network::messageTypes $result(messageTypeID)]

	if {[catch {
		set result(messageDict) [::nano::protocol::parse::$result(messageType) $result(extensions) $blockData]
	} err]} {
		if {![string match "invalid command name *" $err]} {
			::nano::node::log "Error parsing $result(messageType): $err"

	return [array get result]

proc ::nano::network::server {message {networkType "bootstrap"} {peerSock ""}} {
	set messageData [::nano::protocol::parse $message]
	dict with messageData {}

	if {![info exists messageTypeID]} {
		::nano::node::log "*** Incoming: INVALID [binary encode hex $message] ($messageData)"

		return ""

	::nano::node::log "*** Incoming: $messageType ($messageTypeID on $networkType; from $peerSock) [binary encode hex $message] ($messageData)"

	catch {
		set peer [::nano::network::_socketToPeer $peerSock]
		dict set ::nano::node::peers($peer) lastPacket [clock seconds]
		dict set ::nano::node::peers($peer) lastVersion $versionUsing

	if {![info exists messageDict]} {
		return ""

	set configuredNetwork [dict get $::nano::node::configuration network]
	if {$network ne $configuredNetwork} {
		return ""

	dict set messageDict socket $peerSock

	# Stats
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list datagram version $versionUsing]
	::nano::node::stats::incr [list datagram network $network]

	set retval [dict create]
	if {[catch {
		set retval [::nano::network::server::${messageType} $messageDict]
	} err]} {
		if {![string match "invalid command name *" $err]} {
			::nano::node::log "Error handling ${messageType}: $err"

	return $retval

proc ::nano::node::closeSocket {peerSock} {
	if {[catch {
		if {[dict get $peerSock "type"] eq "realtime"} {
			# XXX:TODO: Probably don't close this socket
			set socket [dict get $peerSock "socket"]
	}]} {
		set socket $peerSock

	close $socket

proc ::nano::node::createSocket {type address port} {
	if {$type eq "realtime"} {
		# Determine our listening port
		set peeringPort [dict get $::nano::node::configuration node peering_port]

		# Start a UDP listening socket
		foreach protocolVersion {v4 v6} {
			if {[info exists ::nano::node::realtime::socket($protocolVersion)]} {

			set flags [list]
			if {$protocolVersion eq "v6"} {
				lappend flags ipv6

			set protocolSocket [udp_open $peeringPort {*}$flags reuse]
			set ::nano::node::realtime::socket($protocolVersion) $protocolSocket
			fconfigure $protocolSocket -blocking false -encoding binary -translation binary
			chan event $protocolSocket readable [list ::nano::node::realtime::incoming $protocolSocket]

		# Used to just start listening
		if {$address eq "" || $port eq ""} {

		set protocolVersion "v[::ip::version $address]"
		set socket $::nano::node::realtime::socket($protocolVersion)
		set peerSock [list type "realtime" remote [list $address $port] socket $socket]
	} elseif {$type eq "bootstrap"} {
		set peerSock [::nano::network::_connect $address $port]
	} else {
		return -code error "Unknown network type: $type"

	return $peerSock

proc ::nano::node::realtime::incoming {socket} {
	set data [read $socket 8192]
	if {$data eq ""} {

	set remote [chan configure $socket -peer]
	set address [lindex $remote 0]
	set port [lindex $remote 1]
	set peerSock [::nano::node::createSocket realtime $address $port]
	set response [::nano::network::server $data "realtime" $peerSock]
	if {$response eq ""} {

	set response [dict get $response "invoke_client"]

	::nano::network::client $peerSock {*}$response


proc ::nano::node::realtime {} {
	package require udp

	set clientIDPrivateKey [dict get $::nano::node::configuration node client_id_private_key]

	# Start listening
	::nano::node::createSocket realtime "" ""

	# Periodically send keepalives to all known peers
	while true {
		set allPeers [::nano::node::getPeers]
		set peers [lrange $allPeers 0 15]

		# XXX:TODO: Make this a configuration option
		set superPeer true

		if {$superPeer} {
			set contactPeers $allPeers
		} else {
			set peerNotifyCount [expr {int(sqrt([llength $allPeers]))}]
			if {$peerNotifyCount < 16} {
				set peerNotifyCount 16
			if {$peerNotifyCount > 128} {
				set peerNotifyCount 128

			set contactPeers [lrange $allPeers 0 $peerNotifyCount]

		foreach peerInfo $contactPeers {
			set peerAddress [dict get $peerInfo "address"]
			set peerPort [dict get $peerInfo "port"]

			set peerSock [::nano::node::createSocket realtime $peerAddress $peerPort]

			set node_id_nonce [::nano::internal::randomBytes 32]

			::nano::network::client $peerSock keepalive $peers -local true
#puts "Querying $peerSock with node_id_handshake (2)"
			::nano::network::client $peerSock node_id_handshake query -query $node_id_nonce

		::nano::node::_sleep [expr {1 * 60 * 1000}]

proc ::nano::node::start args {
	package require defer
	package require udp

	set ::nano::node::startTime [clock seconds]

	array set config {
		-bootstrap true
		-realtime true
		-wait true
	array set config $args

	if {$config(-bootstrap)} {
		coroutine ::nano::node::bootstrap::run ::nano::node::bootstrap

	if {$config(-realtime)} {
		coroutine ::nano::node::realtime::run ::nano::node::realtime

	if {$config(-wait)} {
		vwait ::nano::node::_FOREVER_

# Node stats
proc ::nano::node::stats::open {} {
	set db ::nano::node::stats::_db
	if {[llength [info command $db]] != 0} {

	package require sqlite3

	::close [file tempfile dbFileName]
	file delete $dbFileName

	sqlite3 $db $dbFileName -create true

	$db eval {PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF}

	file delete $dbFileName

	tailcall clear

proc ::nano::node::stats::close {} {
	set db ::nano::node::stats::_db

	$db close

proc ::nano::node::stats::clear {} {
	set db ::nano::node::stats::_db

	$db eval {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS counters}
	$db eval {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS minmax}
	$db eval {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lists}
	$db eval {DROP TABLE IF EXISTS info}
	$db eval {CREATE TABLE counters (key PRIMARY KEY, current INTEGER DEFAULT 0)}
	$db eval {CREATE TABLE lists (key NOT NULL, value, UNIQUE (key, value))}
	$db eval {CREATE TABLE info (key PRIMARY KEY, value NOT NULL)}

	set now [clock seconds]
	$db eval {INSERT OR REPLACE INTO info (key, value) VALUES ('startTime', $now)}


proc ::nano::node::stats::incr {key {amount 1}} {
	set db ::nano::node::stats::_db

	# Requires a new version of SQLite3
	set haveUpsert false

	if {$haveUpsert} {
		# Untested
		set query {
			INSERT INTO counters (key, current) VALUES ($key, '@@AMOUNT@@') ON CONFLICT (key) DO
			UPDATE counters SET current = current + @@AMOUNT@@;
	} else {
		set query {
			INSERT OR IGNORE INTO counters (key, current) VALUES ($key, '0');
			UPDATE counters SET current = current + @@AMOUNT@@ WHERE key = $key;

	$db eval [string map [list @@AMOUNT@@ $amount] $query]

proc ::nano::node::stats::newMinMax {key value} {
	set db ::nano::node::stats::_db

	$db eval {
		INSERT OR IGNORE INTO minmax (key, high, low) VALUES ($key, $value, $value);
		UPDATE minmax SET high = $value WHERE key = $key AND $value > high;
		UPDATE minmax SET low = $value  WHERE key = $key AND $value < low;

proc ::nano::node::stats::lappend {key value} {
	set db ::nano::node::stats::_db

	$db eval {INSERT OR IGNORE INTO lists (key, value) VALUES ($key, $value)}

proc ::nano::node::stats::startTime {} {
	set db ::nano::node::stats::_db

	set startTime [$db onecolumn {SELECT value FROM info WHERE key = 'startTime'}]

	return $startTime

proc ::nano::node::stats::get {} {
	set db ::nano::node::stats::_db

	set results(startTime) [startTime]

	unset -nocomplain row
	$db eval {SELECT key, current FROM counters} row {
		set results($row(key)) $row(current)

	unset -nocomplain row
	$db eval {SELECT key, COUNT(key) count FROM lists GROUP BY key} row {
		set results($row(key)) $row(count)

	unset -nocomplain row
	$db eval {SELECT key, high, low FROM minmax} row {
		set results([concat $row(key) min]) $row(low)
		set results([concat $row(key) max]) $row(high)

	return [array get results]

# RPC Client
## Side-effect: Sets ::nano::rpc::client::config
proc ::nano::rpc::client::init args {
	package require http 2

	if {![info exists ::nano::rpc::client::config]} {
		set ::nano::rpc::client::config [dict create \
		    -url "http://localhost:7076/" \

	if {[llength $args] > 0} {
		set ::nano::rpc::client::config [dict merge $::nano::rpc::client::config $args]

	return true

proc ::nano::rpc::client {action args} {

	set rpcURL [dict get $::nano::rpc::client::config "-url"]

	switch -exact -- $action {
		"version" - "block" {
			set timeout 1000

	set timeoutArgs [list]
	if {[info exists timeout]} {
		lappend timeoutArgs -timeout $timeout

	set jsonArgs [list]
	set outputFormat "dict"
	foreach {key value} $args {
		switch -exact -- $key {
			"-outputformat" {
				switch -exact -- $value {
					"dict" - "json" {
						set outputFormat $value
					default {
						error "Invalid output format: $value"
			"-count" {}
			"-accounts" {
				set valueAsStrings [lmap valueItem $value { json::write string $valueItem }]
				set value [json::write array {*}$valueAsStrings]
			default {
				set value [json::write string $value]
		set key [string range $key 1 end]

		lappend jsonArgs $key $value

	set query [json::write object action [json::write string $action] {*}$jsonArgs]

	catch {
		set token [http::geturl $rpcURL -query $query {*}$timeoutArgs]
		set ncode [http::ncode $token]
		set data [http::data $token]
	} error
	if {![info exists data]} {
		set ncode -1
		set data $error

	if {[info exists token]} {
		http::cleanup $token

	if {$ncode ne "200"} {
		return -code error "$ncode: $data"

	if {$outputFormat eq "dict"} {
		set data [json::json2dict $data]

	return $data

# Account balance manipulation
proc ::nano::balance::toUnit {raw toUnit {decimals 0}} {
	if {![string is entier -strict $raw]} {
		error "Raw values must not be fractional"

	if {$toUnit eq "raw"} {
		return $raw

	set divisor [dict get $::nano::balance::_conversion $toUnit]

	if {$decimals == 0} {
		set balance [expr {entier(($raw / ($divisor * 1.0)) + 0.5)}]
	} else {
		set balance [expr {$raw / ($divisor * 1.0)}]
		set balance [format "%.${decimals}f" $balance]

	return $balance

proc ::nano::balance::toRaw {balance fromUnit} {
	set multiplier [dict get $::nano::balance::_conversion $fromUnit]

	# Determine how long the multiplier is
	set zeros [expr {entier(log10($multiplier))}]

	# Find the location of the decimal point (or add it)
	set decimal [string first "." $balance]
	if {$decimal == -1} {
		append balance "."

		set decimal [string first "." $balance]

	# Ensure that the balance has atleast the right number of trailing zeros
	append balance [string repeat "0" $zeros]

	# Remove the decimal point
	set balance [string replace $balance $decimal $decimal]

	# Get the subset of the string that corresponds to the balance
	set balance [string range $balance 0 [expr {$zeros + $decimal - 1}]]

	# Convert to a integer type
	set balance [expr {entier($balance)}]

	return $balance

proc ::nano::balance::normalizeUnitName {unit} {
	set multiplier [dict get $::nano::balance::_conversion $unit]
	foreach {unitName multiplierCheck} $::nano::balance::_conversion {
		if {$multiplierCheck == $multiplier} {
			return $unitName

proc ::nano::balance::toHuman {raw {decimals 3}} {
	set humanUnit [normalizeUnitName _USER]
	set humanUnitMultiplier [dict get $::nano::balance::_conversion $humanUnit]

	if {$raw > [expr {$humanUnitMultiplier / (10 ** $decimals)}]} {
		set baseUnit $humanUnit
	} else {
		set baseUnit "raw"

	set balance [toUnit $raw $baseUnit $decimals]
	set work [split $balance "."]
	set leading  [lindex $work 0]
	set trailing [string trimright [lindex $work 1] "0"]
	set balance [join [list $leading $trailing] "."]
	set balance [string trimright $balance "."]

	set result [list $balance $baseUnit]

	return $result

# Node Wallet Functions
proc ::nano::wallet::decode_backup {password walletJSON} {
	array set walletArray [::json::json2dict $walletJSON]

	set wallet(version) [format %lli 0x$walletArray(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)]
	set wallet(salt)    [binary decode hex $walletArray(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001)]
	set wallet(key)     [binary decode hex $walletArray(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002)]
	set wallet(check)   [binary decode hex $walletArray(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003)]
	set wallet(rep)     [::nano::address::fromPublicKey $walletArray(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004)]
	set wallet(seed)    [binary decode hex $walletArray(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005)]
	set wallet(index)   [format %lli 0x$walletArray(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006)]

	if {$wallet(version) != 4} {
		return -code error "Unsupported wallet backup version ($version)"

	set walletKeyIV [string range $wallet(salt) 0 15]
	set seedIV      [string range $wallet(salt) 16 end]

	# XXX:TODO: Check the password against "check"

	# Decrypt seed
	set aesKey    [::nano::internal::deriveKeyFromPassword $password $wallet(salt)]
	set walletKey [::nano::internal::AES256-CTR $aesKey $walletKeyIV $wallet(key)]
	set seed      [::nano::internal::AES256-CTR $walletKey $seedIV $wallet(seed)]

	# Format results
	set wallet(seed) [string toupper [binary encode hex $seed]]

	# XXX:TODO: Include ad-hoc keys

	return [array get wallet]

# Generic CLI helpers
proc ::nano::_cli {namespace args} {
	for {set argIndex 0} {$argIndex < [llength $args]} {incr argIndex} {
		set arg [lindex $args $argIndex]
		switch -exact -- $arg {
			"-prompt" {
				incr argIndex
				set prompt [lindex $args $argIndex]
			"-interactive" {
				set mode "interactive"
			"-import" {
				set mode "import"
			default {
				error "Unknown argument: $arg"

	if {![info exists mode]} {
		error "Must specify either -interactive or -import"

	switch -exact -- $mode {
		"interactive" {
			set ::nano::${namespace}::cli::_using_repl true

			::nano::_cli $namespace -import

			set use_tclreadline false
			catch {
				package require tclreadline
				set use_tclreadline true

			if {![info exists prompt]} {
				set prompt { return "> " }

			if {$use_tclreadline} {
				proc ::tclreadline::prompt1 {} $prompt
			} else {
				fconfigure stdout -blocking false
				puts -nonewline [apply [list {} $prompt]]
				flush stdout
				fileevent stdin readable [list apply {{prompt} {
					uplevel #0 {
						gets stdin __line__
						if {$__line__ eq "" && [eof stdin]} {
							exit 0

						if {[catch $__line__ __result__]} {
							puts "\[ERROR\] $::errorInfo"
						} else {
							if {$__result__ ne ""} {
								puts "$__result__"

					puts -nonewline [apply [list {} $prompt]]
					flush stdout
				}} $prompt]

				vwait forever
		"import" {
			uplevel #0 [list namespace import ::nano::${namespace}::cli::*]
		default {
			error "Not implemented: $mode"

proc ::nano::_cli::interval {interval} {
	set response [list]
	foreach {divisor unit} {60 seconds 60 minutes 24 hours 36527 days 1 century} {
		set amount [expr {$interval % $divisor}]
		if {$amount > 0} {
			if {$amount == 1} {
				set unit [string range $unit 0 end-1]

			lappend response $unit $amount
		set interval [expr {$interval / $divisor}]

	return "[lreverse $response]"

proc ::nano::_cli::help {namespace commandRoot args} {
	set response [list]
	if {[llength $args] == 0} {
		lappend response "Commands:"

		set pattern [string trimleft "${commandRoot} *"]

		foreach command [lsort -dictionary [info command ::nano::${namespace}::cli::${pattern}]] {
			set command [namespace tail $command]
			if {[string match "_*" $command]} {

			set extra [string trim [string range $command [string length $commandRoot] end]]
			if {[string first " " $extra] != -1} {

			set description ""
			lappend response [format "   %-12s - %s" $command $description]

	return [join $response "\n"]

proc ::nano::_cli::multiword {namespace baseCommand args} {
	if {[llength $args] == 0} {
		set args [list "help"]

	set matched false
	set includeBaseCommand false
	foreach base [list $baseCommand multiword] {
		for {set included [expr {[llength $args] - 1}]} {$included >= 0} {incr included -1} {
			if {$base eq "multiword"} {
				set proc "::nano::_cli::${base} [join [lrange $args 0 $included] { }]"
			} else {
				set proc "::nano::${namespace}::cli::${base} [join [lrange $args 0 $included] { }]"
			if {[info command $proc] ne ""} {
				set matched true


		if {$matched} {
			if {$base eq "multiword"} {
				set includeBaseCommand true


	if {!$matched} {
		return -code error "No matching commands in $baseCommand [join $args { }]"

	set args [lrange $args $included+1 end]

	if {$includeBaseCommand} {
		set args [concat [list $namespace $baseCommand] $args]

	tailcall $proc {*}$args

proc {::nano::_cli::multiword help} {namespace base args} {
	tailcall help $namespace $base {*}$args

# Node CLI
proc ::nano::node::cli {args} {
	tailcall ::nano::_cli node -prompt {
		return "\[[dict get $::nano::node::configuration network]\] nano-node [package present nano]> "
	} {*}$args

proc {::nano::node::cli::show uptime} {} {
	set now [clock seconds]
	set start $::nano::node::startTime
	set statsStart [::nano::node::stats::startTime]

	set uptime [expr {$now - $start}]
	set uptimeStats [expr {$now - $statsStart}]

	set format {%-19s: %s}
	lappend response [format $format Uptime [::nano::_cli::interval $uptime]]
	lappend response [format $format "Stats last cleared" "[::nano::_cli::interval $uptimeStats] ago"]

	return [join $response "\n"]

proc {::nano::node::cli::show node-id} args {
	set nodeIDPrivate [dict get $::nano::node::configuration node client_id_private_key]
	set nodeIDPublic [::nano::key::publicKeyFromPrivateKey $nodeIDPrivate -hex]
	return $nodeIDPublic

proc {::nano::node::cli::show logs} args {
	return [join [lrange $::nano::node::log end-19 end] "\n"]

proc {::nano::node::cli::clear stats} args {


proc {::nano::node::cli::clear peers} args {
	return -code error "Unimplemented"
	set ::nano::node::statsStartTime [clock seconds]

	unset -nocomplain ::nano::node::peers
	array set ::nano::node::peers [list]


proc {::nano::node::cli::show stats} args {
	set stats [::nano::node::stats::get]

	set statsStart [dict get $stats startTime]
	dict unset stats startTime

	set now [clock seconds]
	set uptimeStats [expr {$now - $statsStart}]

	set quiet false
	if {!$quiet} {
		set format {%-19s: %s}
		puts [format $format "Stats last cleared" "[::nano::_cli::interval $uptimeStats] ago"]
		puts ""

	set globalOnly false
	if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-global"} {
		set globalOnly true

	if {[lindex $args 0] in {"-rep" "-representative"}} {
		set repOnly [::nano::address::toPublicKey [lindex $args 1] -binary]

	set maxKeyLen 0
	foreach {key val} $stats {
		if {[lindex $key 1] eq "rep"} {
			if {$globalOnly} {
			} elseif {[info exists repOnly]} {
				if {$repOnly ne [::nano::address::toPublicKey [lindex $key 2] -binary]} {
				set key [concat [lrange $key 0 0] [lrange $key 3 end]]
		} else {
			if {[info exists repOnly]} {

		set keyLen [string length $key]
		if {$keyLen > $maxKeyLen} {
			set maxKeyLen $keyLen

		set localStats($key) $val

	foreach {key val} [lsort -stride 2 -dictionary [array get localStats]] {
		set extra ""
		if {![regexp { (min|max)[A-Z]} $key]} {
			if {[string is entier -strict $val]} {
				set valAvg [expr {($val * 1.0) / $uptimeStats}]
				set valAvg [format %.4f $valAvg]

				if {[lindex $key end] ni {max min}} {
					set extra " (avg: $valAvg per second)"

		puts [format "%-${maxKeyLen}s = %s%s" $key $val $extra]


proc {::nano::node::cli::show version} {} {
	return [package present nano]

proc ::nano::node::cli::help args {
	tailcall ::nano::_cli::help node "" {*}$args

proc {::nano::node::cli::show network} {} {
	return [dict get $::nano::node::configuration network]

proc {::nano::node::cli::show peers} args {
	if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-count"} {
		return [llength [::nano::node::getPeers]]

	if {[llength $args] == 1} {
		set glob [lindex $args 0]
		if {[string index $glob 0] eq "!"} {
			set globInvert true
			set glob [string range $glob 1 end]
		} else {
			set globInvert false

	set now [clock seconds]
	set response [list]
	foreach peer [::nano::node::getPeers] {
		if {[info exists glob]} {
			if {![string match $glob $peer] == !$globInvert} {

		unset -nocomplain peerInfo
		set fields [list]
		if {[info exists ::nano::node::peers($peer)]} {
			set peerInfo $::nano::node::peers($peer)

		catch {
			set versionUsing [dict get $peerInfo lastVersion]

			lappend fields "protocol $versionUsing"

		catch {
			set lastSeen [dict get $peerInfo lastSeen]
			set delta [expr {$now - $lastSeen}]

			set age "last seen $delta seconds ago"
			lappend fields $age

		catch {
			set lastPacket [dict get $peerInfo lastPacket]
			set delta [expr {$now - $lastPacket}]

			lappend fields "last packet $delta seconds ago"

		catch {
			set nodeID [dict get $peerInfo nodeIdKey]

			lappend fields "node identifier $nodeID"

		if {[llength $fields] == 0} {
			lappend fields "statically configured peer"

		lappend response "  $peer: [join $fields {, }]"
	return [join $response "\n"]

proc ::nano::node::cli::_pull_chain {startBlockHash {endBlockHash "genesis"}} {
	if {$endBlockHash eq "genesis"} {
		set network [dict get $::nano::node::configuration network]
		set endBlockHash [::nano::block::dict::toHash [::nano::block::dict::genesis $network] -hex]

	set startBlockHash [binary decode hex $startBlockHash]
	set endBlockHash [binary decode hex $endBlockHash]

	if {[string length $startBlockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		error "Invalid start block hash specified"

	if {[string length $endBlockHash] != $::nano::block::hashLength} {
		error "Invalid end block hash specified"

	set startBlockHash [string toupper [binary encode hex $startBlockHash]]
	set endBlockHash [string toupper [binary encode hex $endBlockHash]]

	::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_ADDBLOCKHASH $endBlockHash

	puts "Pulling $startBlockHash to $endBlockHash"

	set startTime [clock seconds]
	coroutine ::nano::node::bootstrap::runLazy ::nano::node::bootstrap_lazy $startBlockHash
	if {![info exists ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyRunning]} {
		vwait ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyRunning
	vwait ::nano::node::bootstrap::lazyRunning
	set endTime [clock seconds]

	set blocksPulled [::nano::node::bootstrap::TMP_LEDGER_BLOCKHASHCOUNT]
	set delta [expr {$endTime - $startTime}]

	puts "Pulled $blocksPulled blocks in [::nano::_cli::interval $delta]"

proc ::nano::node::cli::clear {args} {
	tailcall ::nano::_cli::multiword node clear {*}$args

proc ::nano::node::cli::show {args} {
	tailcall ::nano::_cli::multiword node show {*}$args

proc ::nano::node::cli::config {args} {
	tailcall ::nano::_cli::multiword node config {*}$args

proc {::nano::node::cli::config get} {args} {
	set config $::nano::node::configuration
	dict set config node client_id_private_key [binary encode hex [dict get $config node client_id_private_key]]
	set subtreePrefix [lrange $args 0 end-1]
	set subtreeKey [lindex $args end]
	set subtreePrefixConfig [join $subtreePrefix /]
	if {$subtreePrefixConfig ne ""} {
		append subtreePrefixConfig "/"

	set subtree [dict get $config {*}$subtreePrefix]

	set json [::nano::node::_configDictToJSON $subtree $subtreePrefixConfig $subtreeKey]

	return $json

proc {::nano::node::cli::config set} {args} {
	set val [lindex $args end]
	set key [lrange $args 0 end-1]
	lappend response "Old:"
	lappend response [{::nano::node::cli::config get} {*}$key]

	dict set ::nano::node::configuration {*}$key $val

	lappend response ""
	lappend response "New:"
	lappend response [{::nano::node::cli::config get} {*}$key]

	return [join $response "\n"]

proc ::nano::rpc::cli {args} {
	tailcall ::nano::_cli rpc -prompt {
		if {![info exists ::nano::rpc::cli::_cached_network]} {
			catch {
				set ::nano::rpc::cli::_cached_network [{::nano::rpc::cli::show network}]

		if {![info exists ::nano::rpc::cli::_cached_version]} {
			catch {
				set ::nano::rpc::cli::_cached_version [{::nano::rpc::cli::show version} -vendor]

		if {[info exists ::nano::rpc::cli::_cached_network]} {
			set network $::nano::rpc::cli::_cached_network
		} else {
			set network "<unknown>"

		if {[info exists ::nano::rpc::cli::_cached_version]} {
			set version $::nano::rpc::cli::_cached_version
		} else {
			set version "<unknown>"

		return "\[$network\] nano-rpc $version> "
	} {*}$args

proc ::nano::rpc::cli::help args {
	tailcall ::nano::_cli::help rpc "" {*}$args

proc ::nano::rpc::cli::show args {
	tailcall ::nano::_cli::multiword rpc show {*}$args

proc {::nano::rpc::cli::show uptime} args {
	set stats [::nano::rpc::client stats -type counters]
	set started [dict get $stats created]
	set started [clock scan $started -format {%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S}]
	set now [clock seconds]
	set delta [expr {$now - $started}]

	puts "$now, $started"

	return [::nano::_cli::interval $delta]

proc {::nano::rpc::cli::show stats} args {
	set response [list]
	if {[llength $args] == 0} {
		set args [list -counters -samples -bootstrap -blocks]

	if {[lsearch -exact $args "-counters"] != -1} {
		lappend countersResponse "Counters:"
		set stats [::nano::rpc::client stats -type counters]
		foreach stat [dict get $stats entries] {
			set value [dict get $stat value]
			dict unset stat value
			lappend countersResponse "  $stat = $value"
		lappend response [join $countersResponse "\n"]

	if {[lsearch -exact $args "-samples"] != -1} {
		unset -nocomplain stats
		set stats [::nano::rpc::client stats -type samples]
		set entries [dict get $stats entries]
		if {[llength $entries] > 0} {
			lappend samplesResponse "Samples:"
			foreach stat $entries {
				lappend samplesResponse "  $stat"
			lappend response [join $samplesResponse "\n"]

	if {[lsearch -exact $args "-bootstrap"] != -1} {
		catch {
			unset -nocomplain stats
			set stats [::nano::rpc::client bootstrap_status]
		if {[info exists stats]} {
			lappend bootstrapResponse "Bootstrap:"
			set maxKeyLength 1
			foreach {statName _} $stats {
				set keyLength [string length $statName]
				if {$keyLength > $maxKeyLength} {
					set maxKeyLength $keyLength
			foreach {statName statVal} $stats {
				lappend bootstrapResponse [format "  %-${maxKeyLength}s = %s" $statName $statVal]
			lappend response [join $bootstrapResponse "\n"]

	if {[lsearch -exact $args "-blocks"] != -1} {
		set blockCount [::nano::rpc::client block_count]
		set blockCountInfoCount [dict get $blockCount count]
		set blockCountInfoUnchecked [dict get $blockCount unchecked]
		set blockCountInfoTotal [expr {$blockCountInfoCount + $blockCountInfoUnchecked}]
		lappend blocksResponse "Blocks:"
		lappend blocksResponse "  Count     = $blockCountInfoCount"
		lappend blocksResponse "  Unchecked = $blockCountInfoUnchecked"
		lappend blocksResponse "  Total     = $blockCountInfoTotal"
		lappend response [join $blocksResponse "\n"]

	return [join $response "\n\n"]

proc {::nano::rpc::cli::show network} args {
	foreach network {main beta} {
		set genesisBlock [::nano::block::dict::genesis $network]
		set genesisBlockHash [::nano::block::dict::toHash $genesisBlock -hex]
		catch {
			set check [dict create]
			set check [::nano::rpc::client block -hash $genesisBlockHash]
		if {[dict exists $check contents]} {
			return $network
	error "Unable to locate genesis block"

proc {::nano::rpc::cli::show version} args {
	set versions [::nano::rpc::client version]

	set vendor [dict get $versions node_vendor]
	set vendorVersion [lindex [split $vendor] end]

	if {[lsearch -exact $args "-vendor"] != -1} {
		return $vendorVersion

	return $versions

proc {::nano::rpc::cli::show peers} args {
	set peers [dict get [::nano::rpc::client peers] "peers"]

	if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-count"} {
		return [expr {[llength $peers] / 2}]

	set result [list]
	foreach {peer peerVersion} $peers {
		lassign [::nano::internal::parseAddress $peer ""] peer peerPort
		set peer [list address $peer port $peerPort]
		lappend result "  $peer: version $peerVersion"

	return [join $result "\n"]

proc {::nano::rpc::cli::show node-id} args {
	set id [dict get [::nano::rpc::client node_id] "public"]
	return $id

proc ::nano::rpc::cli::rpc {action args} {
	set format "json"
	set endmarker [lsearch -exact $args "--"]
	if {$endmarker != -1} {
		set field [lrange $args $endmarker+1 end]
		set args [lrange $args 0 $endmarker-1]
		set format "dict"

	set result [::nano::rpc::client $action -outputformat $format {*}$args]

	if {$format eq "json"} {
		set result [string trim $result "\n\r"]

	if {[info exists field]} {
		set result [dict get $result {*}$field]

	return $result

# Export namespaces
namespace eval ::nano::node::cli {
	namespace export -clear *

namespace eval ::nano::rpc::cli {
	namespace export -clear *

if {[info exists ::nano::node::cli::_using_repl]} {
	::nano::node::cli -import

if {[info exists ::nano::rpc::cli::_using_repl]} {
	::nano::rpc::cli -import