.de XI
.BI \\$2 \\$3
.de HB
.B -hex
.B -binary
options determine the formatting of the result.
.de XN
.B -xrb
option causes all parsed addresses to be prefixed with the old-style "xrb_" address prefix, while the
.B -nano
option causes them to be prefixed with the new-style "nano_prefix".
.de JB
If the optional
.B -json
argument is used and specified as true the result is a JSON representation,
otherwise a Tcl dict representation is used.
.TH NANO N "@@SHORT_DATE@@" "nano @@VERS@@"
nano \- Tcl bindings for Nano

.B nano::
.in +2m
.B address::
.in +2m
.B toPublicKey
.I address
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RB ? -verify | -no-verify ?
.B fromPublicKey
.I pubKey
.RB ? -xrb | -nano ?
.B fromPrivateKey
.I privateKey
.RB ? -xrb | -nano ?

.in -2m
.B key::
.in +2m
.B newSeed
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.B newKey
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.B fromSeed
.I seed
.RI ? index ?
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.B publicKeyFromPrivateKey
.I privateKey
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?

.in -2m
.B block::
.in +2m
.B json::toBlock
.I blockJSON
.B json::fromDict
.I blockDict
.B json::fromBlock
.I blockData
.RB ? -xrb | -nano ?
.XI ? -type= blockType ?
.XI ? -signKey= privateKey ?
.B json::sign
.I blockJSON
.I privateKey
.RB ? -update | -signature " ?" -hex | binary ??
.B json::verifySignature
.I blockJSON
.B json::work
.I blockJSON
.RB ? -update | -work " ?" -hex | -binary ??
.B json::validateWork
.I blockJSON

.B dict::toBlock
.I blockDict
.B dict::fromJSON
.I blockJSON
.B dict::fromBlock
.I blockData
.RB ? -xrb | -nano ?
.XI ? -type= blockType ?
.XI ? -signKey= privateKey ?
.B dict::sign
.I blockDict
.I privateKey
.RB ? -update | -signature " ?" -hex | binary ??
.B dict::verifySignature
.I blockDict
.B dict::work
.I blockDict
.RB ? -update | -work " ?" -hex | -binary ??
.B dict::validateWork
.I blockDict

.B hash
.I blockData
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.B signBlockHash
.I blockHash
.I privateKey 
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.B sign
.I blockData
.I privateKey
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.B verifyBlockHash
.I blockHash
.I signature
.I publicKey
.B verify
.I blockData
.I signature
.I publicKey

.B create::send
.I args
.B create::receive
.I args
.B create::setRepresentative
.I args

.in -2m
.B work::
.in +2m
.B fromWorkData
.I blockHashOrPublicKey
.B fromBlock
.I blockData
.B validate
.I workData
.I work

.in -2m
.B account::
.in +2m
.B setFrontier
.I account
.I frontierHash
.I balance
.I representative
.B getFrontier
.I account
.B getFrontier
.I account
.RB ? frontierHash | balance | representative ?
.B addPending
.I account
.I blockHash
.I amount
.B getPending
.I account
.RI ? blockHash ?
.B clearPending
.I account
.RI ? blockHash ?

.B receive
.I account
.I blockHash
.I privateKey
.B receiveAllPending
.I account
.I privateKey
.B send
.I fromAccount
.I toAccount
.I amount
.I privateKey
.B setRepresentative
.I account
.I representative
.I privateKey

.in -2m
.in -2m

.I Nano
is a low-latency payment platform that requires minimal resources.  This
package provides bindings for interacting with the Nano network from
.IR Tcl .
It uses Ed25519 with Blake2b as the cryptographic hashing primitive (rather
than the normal construction of Ed25519 with the SHA3-512 cryptographic
hashing function) for digital signatures.

.SS Addresses
.B ::nano::address::toPublicKey
.I address
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RB ? -verify | -no-verify ?
.BI " -> " publicKey

Converts a Nano address to a public key.  The
.B -hex
option indicates that the public key should be returned in hexidecimal form.
.-B -binary
option indicates that the public key should be returned in binary form.
.B -verify
option verifies the checksum embedded in the Nano address before returning.
.B -no-verify
option inhibits verifying the checksum embedded in the Nano address.

.B ::nano::address::fromPublicKey
.I pubKey
.RB ? -xrb | -nano ?
.BI " -> " address

Converts a public key to a Nano address. The
.-B -xrb
option specifies that the returned address should be prefixed with the
old-style "xrb_" prefix, where the
.B -nano
option specifies that the returned address should be prefixed with the
new-style "nano_" prefix.

.B ::nano::address::fromPrivateKey
.I privateKey
.RB ? -xrb | -nano ?
.BI " -> " address

Converts a private key to a Nano address.  It accepts the same arguments as
.BR fromPublicKey .

.SS Key Management
.B ::nano::key::newSeed
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RI "-> " seed

Generates a new seed.  A seed is a 256-bit bitfield which, along with a 32-bit
index, is used to derive enumerated keys from a single point of entropy.  See
.B fromSeed

.B ::nano::key::newKey
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RI " -> " privateKey

Generates a new private key.  A private key can be used to sign transactions,
which can then be verified with its cooresponding public key (see
.BR publicKeyFromPrivateKey ).
This procedure is normally not used, but rather private keys are derived
from a
.I seed
.I index
pair using the
.B fromSeed

.B ::nano::key::fromSeed
.I seed
.RI ? index ?
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RI " -> " privateKey

Derive a private key from the seed specified as
.I seed
and the
.I index
indicated.  This procedure is deterministic (i.e., the same
.I seed
.I index
will always give you the same private key).  This procedure is used to derive
many keypairs from a single user-managed piece of data, so the user does not
have to manage multiple private keys.  If the
.I index
is not specified it defaults to
.BR 0 .

.B ::nano::key::publicKeyFromPrivateKey
.I privateKey
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RI " -> " publicKey

Converts a private key into its corresponding public key.  Normally Ed25519
private keys are a concatencation of the private and public keys, however in
this package they are each treated separately.

.SS Low-level Block
.BI ::nano::block:: representation ::toBlock
.I blockRepresentation
.RI " -> " blockData

Converts from one of the internal representations (either Tcl dictionary or JSON) to a Nano block.

.B ::nano::block::json::fromDict
.I blockDict
.RI " -> " blockJSON

Converts from a Tcl dictionary representation to a JSON representation of a block.

.B ::nano::block::dict::fromJSON
.I blockJSON
.RI " -> " blockDict

Converts from a JSON object representation to a Tcl dictionary representation of a block.

.BI ::nano::block:: representation ::fromBlock
.I blockData
.RB ? -xrb | -nano ?
.XI ? -type= blockType ?
.XI ? -signKey= privateKey ?
.RI " -> " blockRepresentation

Parses a Nano block and returns either a Tcl dictionary or a JSON object.

.BI ::nano::block:: representation ::sign
.I blockRepresentation
.I privateKey
.RB ? -update | -signature " ?" -hex | binary ??
.RI " -> " signature | blockJSON

Sign a block, in either Tcl dictionary or JSON representation, with the specified
.IR privateKey .
If the
.B -update
option is used, return the object with the updated attribute.
If the
.B -signature
option is used, return just the signature.

.BI ::nano::block:: representation ::verifySignature
.I blockRepresentation
.RI " -> " boolean

Verify the signature on a block, in either Tcl dictionary or JSON
representation, matches the public key specified in the
.B account
attribute of that object.  This may not work correctly for old-style blocks
unless you manually add the
.B account

.BI ::nano::block:: representation ::work
.I blockRepresentation
.RB ? -update | -work " ?" -hex | binary ??
.RI " -> " work | blockRepresentation

Generate proof-of-work (PoW) required to submit a given block to the network.
Nano uses PoW to increase the cost of submitting blocks to the network to cut
down on spam.  The
.I work
that is computed is based on the hash of the previous block on this chain, or
if there is no previous block on this chain (i.e., because it is the first
block on an account) the public key of the account.  If the
.B -update
option is used, return the object with the updated attribute.
If the
.B -work
option is used, just return the work.

.BI ::nano::block:: representation ::validateWork
.I blockRepresentation
.RI " -> " boolean

Validate the proof-of-work (PoW) in the object specified as
.I blockRepresentation
with the attribute
.B work
is valid for the block passed in.

.B ::nano::block::hash
.I blockData
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RI " -> " blockHash

Compute the cryptographic hash of a block.  The cryptographic hashing
algorithm used for Nano is Blake2b.  Blocks are typically identified
by their hash (i.e., content addressable).

.B ::nano::block::signBlockHash
.I blockHash
.I privateKey
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RI " -> " signature

Compute an Ed25519-with-Blake2b signature of a given block hash specified as
.I blockHash
with the private key specified as
.IR privateKey .
In Nano, signed blocks are signed by signing the block's hash thus all that is
needed to sign a block is its hash and the private key that corresponds to the
.B NOTE:  Ensure that the
.I privateKey
.B specified matches the account the block belongs to.

.B ::nano::block::sign
.I blockData
.I privateKey
.RB ? -hex | -binary ?
.RI " -> " signature

This is a convienence procedure which computes the hash of a block given as
.IR blockData ,
and then calls
.BR signBlockHash .

.B ::nano::block::verifyBlockHash
.I blockHash
.I signature
.I publicKey
.RI " -> " boolean

Verify that a block hash
.RI ( blockHash )
was signed
.RI ( signature )
by an account holding the private key that
corresponds to the public key specified as
.IR publicKey .

.B ::nano::block::verify
.I blockData
.I signature
.I publicKey
.RI " -> " boolean

This is a convienence procedure which computes the hash of a block given as
.IR blockData ,
and then calls
.BR verifyBlockHash .

.B ::nano::block::create::send
.BI "from "            address
.BI "to "              address
.BI "previous "        blockHash
.BI "representative "  address
.BI "previousBalance " integer
.BI "amount "          integer
.BI "-json "           boolean
.RI " -> " blockJSON | blockDict

This is a low-level interface for creating blocks which correspond to sending
Nano from one account to another.  It constructs a block which sends the
.B amount
specified from the
.B from
address to the destination
.RB ( to ).
The previous block's hash must be specified as the
.I blockHash
.BR previous .
Additionally the balance of the account at the previous block must be supplied
as the integer argument to
.BR previousBalance .
All balance amounts are in units of
.BR raw .

.B ::nano::block::create::receive
.BI "to "              address
.BI "sourceBlock "     blockHash
.BI "previous "        blockHash
.BI "representative "  address
.BI "previousBalance " integer
.BI "amount "          integer
.BI "-json "           boolean
.RI " -> " blockJSON | blockDict

This is a low-level interface for creating blocks which correspond to receiving
(pocketing) Nano previously sent from another account to the account specified
as the
.I address
supplied to the
.B to
argument.  It constructs a block which receives the amount of Nano specified
as the
.B amount
The block hash
.RI ( blockHash )
of the send block which was used to send the Nano to this account must be
specified as the argument to the
.B sourceBlock
The previous block's hash must be specified as the
.I blockHash
.BR previous .
Additionally the balance of the account at the previous block must be supplied
as the integer argument to
.BR previousBalance .
All balance amounts are in units of
.BR raw .

.B ::nano::block::create::setRepresentative
.BI "account "         address
.BI "previous "        blockHash
.BI "representative "  address
.BI "-json "           boolean
.RI " -> " blockJSON | blockDict

This is a low-level interface for creating blocks which correspond to an
explicit change of representative.  Representatives in Nano are used as
part of the Delegated Proof-of-Stake (dPoS) consensus mechanism which is
used by the Nano network to determine which block (if any) out of many possible
subordinate blocks in a chain are valid.  So that every account holder does
not have to be online to vote for valid transactions, an account may delegate
another account to vote its stake on its behalf.  That delegate is called
a representative.  An account may change its representative at any time by
issuing a block with a new representative, such as a send or receive block,
or by issuing an explicit change of representative block.  This procedure
creates an explicit change of representative block for the
.B account
specified.  It changes to the delegate to the
.B representative
specified.  Further, the
.I blockHash
of the previous block must be specified as the argument to
.BR previous .

.SS Work Generation
.B ::nano::work::fromWorkData
.I blockHashOrPublicKey
.RI " -> " work

Create proof-of-work (PoW) from a block hash or public key.  Which one is used
depends on whether or not there are any other blocks in this account's chain.
If this is the first block in this account's chain then the public key of the
account is used, otherwise the hash of the blocks predecessor
.RI ( previous )
is used.  The specific value needed should be accessible from the
.B _workData
member of a JSON object or Tcl dictionary.  Note that this attribute (and all
attributes that begin with an underscore) should be discarded when
sending the block outside of the Tcl process.

.B ::nano::work::fromBlock
.I blockData
.RI " -> " work

This is a convienence procedure which computes work data (either a block hash
or a public key) for a given block and then calls
.BR fromWorkData .

.B ::nano::work::validate
.I workData
.I work
.RI " -> " boolean

This procedure validates that the supplied
.I work
is valid for the supplied
.IR workData ,
which is either a block hash or an account public key.  For more information
see the description of
.BR fromWorkData .

.SS High-level Account
.B :nano::account::setFrontier
.I account
.I frontierHash
.I balance
.I representative

This procedure is used as part of the High-level Account interface.  It sets the
.IR frontier ,
which is the block hash
.RI ( frontierHash )
and data
.RI ( balance ", " representative )
associated with that block that corresponds to the head of an account's chain.

.B :nano::account::getFrontier
.I account
.RI " -> " frontierInfo

.B :nano::account::getFrontier
.I account
.RB ? frontierHash | balance | representative ?
.RI " -> " frontierHash | balance | representative

.B :nano::account::addPending
.I account
.I blockHash
.I amount

.B :nano::account::getPending
.I account
.RI ? blockHash ?
.RI " -> " listOfDicts

.B ::nano::account::clearPending
.I account
.RI ? blockHash ?

.B :nano::account::receive
.I account
.I blockHash
.I privateKey
.RI " -> " blockJSON | blockDict

.B :nano::account::receiveAllPending
.I account
.I privateKey
.RI " -> " listOfBlockJSON | listOfBlockDict

.B :nano::account::send
.I fromAccount
.I toAccount
.I amount
.I privateKey
.RI " -> " blockJSON | blockDict

.B ::nano::account::setRepresentative
.I account
.I representative
.I privateKey
.RI " -> " blockJSON | blockDict

.SS Example 1
.SS Example 2
.SS Example 3

Roy Keene
.RI < >