History of file build/tcc-patches/0.9.26/tcc-0.9.26-sharedlibfix.diff at check-in c775cbea62ad0be6
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20:29 | Updated to not try to use dlopen() on PE platforms file: [ae2ecf71a4] check-in: [c3a3ac9cbf] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 1407 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
19:35 | Fixed patch for searching based on current platform shared object name file: [28e54aa43c] check-in: [3b13ded611] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 1283 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
19:32 | Added: Updated to work harder to load shared objects (that are not ELF) file: [82e03e9dec] check-in: [c32ff7df22] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 1282 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |