Check-in [5396b2b79c]
Comment:This fixes a few segfaults with an empty config file. It's, of course, *useless* with an empty config file, but that's for testing at a later time.
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SHA1: 5396b2b79c63a20642099279fd11654dbbd6061b
User & Date: rmiller on 2011-03-06 02:10:58
Other Links: manifest | tags
This has been verified to work, at least on a quick test. Need to test more thoroughly. Good for a beta release, anyway. check-in: 697a450bd4 user: rmiller tags: trunk
This fixes a few segfaults with an empty config file. It's, of course, *useless* with an empty config file, but that's for testing at a later time. check-in: 5396b2b79c user: rmiller tags: trunk
it compiles and links properly. I don't guarantee ANYTHING else. This is a very major change - I have removed dotconf and am replacing with libconfig. Also did some cleanup along with it. Some parts are messy. I hope it's functional. check-in: 9a13922db2 user: rmiller tags: trunk