Index: ================================================================== --- +++ @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ #! /usr/bin/env python3 import random import time -import math class remote: _remote_type_alias_map = { 'fut089': 'rgb+cct' } @@ -438,16 +437,25 @@ def _rgb_to_color(self, rgb): r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff b = rgb & 0xff + # If the value is really a shade of white + # encode the brightness as a negative value + # where 0 is -1, 1 is -2, etc if r == g and g == b: return (r * -1) - 1 + # Compute the hue of the RGB value (ignore + # luminance and saturation) h = self._rgb_to_hue(r, g, b) + # Convert the hue into a LimitlessLED value + # which is really just the position along the + # color strip, offset color = ((h / 360.0) * 255.0) + 26 + color = color % 256 color = int(color + 0.5) self._debug("RGB = \x1b[38;2;%i;%i;%im%06x\x1b[0m; Hue = %s; Color = %i" % (r, g, b, rgb, str(h * 360), color))