#include "compat.h" #include "libconfig.h" #include "libconfig_private.h" #include "conf_apache.h" #ifdef HAVE_CTYPE_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_DIRENT_H #include #endif static int lc_process_conf_apache_file(const char *configfile, const char *pathprefix); static int lc_process_conf_apache_include(const char *pathname, const char *pathprefix) { struct stat pathinfo; struct dirent *dinfo = NULL; char includepath[LC_LINEBUF_LEN] = {0}; DIR *dh = NULL; int statret = -1, lcpcafret = -1; int retval = 0; statret = stat(pathname, &pathinfo); if (statret < 0) { return(-1); } if (S_ISDIR(pathinfo.st_mode)) { dh = opendir(pathname); if (dh == NULL) { return(-1); } while (1) { dinfo = readdir(dh); if (dinfo == NULL) { break; } /* Skip files that begin with a dot ('.') */ if (dinfo->d_name[0] == '.') continue; snprintf(includepath, sizeof(includepath) - 1, "%s/%s", pathname, dinfo->d_name); lcpcafret = lc_process_conf_apache_include(includepath, pathprefix); if (lcpcafret < 0) { retval = -1; /* XXX: should we break here (abort further including of files from a directory if one fails ?) */ } } closedir(dh); } else { lcpcafret = lc_process_conf_apache_file(pathname, pathprefix); if (lcpcafret < 0) { retval = -1; } } return(retval); } static int lc_process_conf_apache_file(const char *configfile, const char *pathprefix) { FILE *configfp = NULL; char linebuf[LC_LINEBUF_LEN] = {0}, *linebuf_ptr = NULL, *tmp_ptr = NULL; char *lastsection = NULL; char qualifbuf[LC_LINEBUF_LEN] = {0}; char *cmd = NULL, *value = NULL, *sep = NULL, *cmdend = NULL; char *fgetsret = NULL; int lcpvret = -1, lpcafret = -1; int invalid_section = 0, ignore_section = 0; int retval = 0; lc_err_t save_lc_errno = LC_ERR_NONE; if (pathprefix != NULL) { /* Copy the prefix, if specified. */ strncpy(qualifbuf, pathprefix, sizeof(qualifbuf) - 1); } if (configfile == NULL) { lc_errno = LC_ERR_INVDATA; return(-1); } configfp = fopen(configfile, "r"); if (configfp == NULL) { lc_errno = LC_ERR_CANTOPEN; return(-1); } while (1) { fgetsret = fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf) - 1, configfp); if (fgetsret == NULL) { break; } if (feof(configfp)) { break; } /* Remove trailing crap (but not spaces). */ linebuf_ptr = &linebuf[strlen(linebuf) - 1]; while (*linebuf_ptr < ' ' && linebuf_ptr >= linebuf) { *linebuf_ptr = '\0'; linebuf_ptr--; } /* Remove leading spaces. */ linebuf_ptr = &linebuf[0]; while (*linebuf_ptr == ' ' || *linebuf_ptr == '\t') { linebuf_ptr++; } /* Handle section header. */ if (linebuf_ptr[0] == '<' && linebuf_ptr[strlen(linebuf_ptr) - 1] == '>') { /* Remove < and > from around the data. */ linebuf_ptr[strlen(linebuf_ptr) - 1] = '\0'; linebuf_ptr++; /* Lowercase the command part of the section. */ tmp_ptr = linebuf_ptr; while (*tmp_ptr != '\0' && *tmp_ptr != ' ') { *tmp_ptr = tolower(*tmp_ptr); tmp_ptr++; } /* If this is a close section command, handle it */ if (linebuf_ptr[0] == '/') { linebuf_ptr++; cmd = linebuf_ptr; /* Find the last section closed. */ tmp_ptr = strrchr(qualifbuf, '.'); if (tmp_ptr == NULL) { lastsection = qualifbuf; tmp_ptr = qualifbuf; } else { lastsection = tmp_ptr + 1; } if (strcmp(cmd, lastsection) != 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Section closing does not match last opened section.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Last opened = \"%s\", Closing = \"%s\"\n", lastsection, cmd); #endif retval = -1; lc_errno = LC_ERR_BADFORMAT; /* For this error, we abort immediately. */ break; } lcpvret = lc_process_var(qualifbuf, NULL, NULL, LC_FLAGS_SECTIONEND); if (lcpvret < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Invalid section terminating: \"%s\"\n", qualifbuf); #endif } /* Remove the "lastsection" part.. */ *tmp_ptr = '\0'; /* We just sucessfully closed the last section opened, we must be in a valid section now since we only open sections from within valid sections. */ invalid_section = 0; ignore_section = 0; continue; } /* Otherwise, open a new section. */ /* Don't open a section from an invalid section. */ if (invalid_section == 1 || ignore_section == 1) { continue; } /* Parse out any argument passed. */ sep = strpbrk(linebuf_ptr, " \t"); if (sep != NULL) { cmdend = sep; /* Delete space at the end of the command. */ cmdend--; /* It currently derefs to the seperator.. */ while (*cmdend <= ' ') { *cmdend = '\0'; cmdend--; } /* Delete the seperator char and any leading space. */ *sep = '\0'; sep++; while (*sep == ' ' || *sep == '\t') { sep++; } value = sep; } else { /* XXX: should this be "" or NULL ? */ value = ""; } cmd = linebuf_ptr; if (qualifbuf[0] != '\0') { strncat(qualifbuf, ".", sizeof(qualifbuf) - strlen(qualifbuf) - 1); } strncat(qualifbuf, cmd, sizeof(qualifbuf) - strlen(qualifbuf) - 1); lcpvret = lc_process_var(qualifbuf, value, NULL, LC_FLAGS_SECTIONSTART); if (lcpvret < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Invalid section: \"%s\"\n", qualifbuf); #endif invalid_section = 1; lc_errno = LC_ERR_INVSECTION; retval = -1; } if (lcpvret == LC_CBRET_IGNORESECTION) { ignore_section = 1; } continue; } /* Drop comments and blank lines. */ if (*linebuf_ptr == '#' || *linebuf_ptr == '\0') { continue; } /* Don't handle things for a section that doesn't exist. */ if (invalid_section == 1) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring line (because invalid section): %s\n", linebuf); #endif continue; } if (ignore_section == 1) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring line (because ignored section): %s\n", linebuf); #endif continue; } /* Find the command and the data in the line. */ sep = strpbrk(linebuf_ptr, " \t"); if (sep != NULL) { cmdend = sep; /* Delete space at the end of the command. */ cmdend--; /* It currently derefs to the seperator.. */ while (*cmdend <= ' ') { *cmdend = '\0'; cmdend--; } /* Delete the seperator char and any leading space. */ *sep = '\0'; sep++; while (*sep == ' ' || *sep == '\t') { sep++; } value = sep; } else { value = NULL; } cmd = linebuf_ptr; /* Handle special commands. */ if (strcasecmp(cmd, "include") == 0) { if (value == NULL) { lc_errno = LC_ERR_BADFORMAT; retval = -1; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Invalid include command.\n"); #endif continue; } lpcafret = lc_process_conf_apache_include(value, qualifbuf); if (lpcafret < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Error in included file.\n"); #endif retval = -1; } continue; } /* Create the fully qualified variable name. */ if (qualifbuf[0] != '\0') { strncat(qualifbuf, ".", sizeof(qualifbuf) - strlen(qualifbuf) - 1); } strncat(qualifbuf, cmd, sizeof(qualifbuf) - strlen(qualifbuf) - 1); /* Call the parent and tell them we have data. */ save_lc_errno = lc_errno; lc_errno = LC_ERR_NONE; lcpvret = lc_process_var(qualifbuf, NULL, value, LC_FLAGS_VAR); if (lcpvret < 0) { if (lc_errno == LC_ERR_NONE) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Invalid command: \"%s\"\n", cmd); #endif lc_errno = LC_ERR_INVCMD; } else { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Error processing command (command was valid, but an error occured, errno was set)\n"); #endif } retval = -1; } else { lc_errno = save_lc_errno; } /* Remove the "cmd" part of the buffer. */ tmp_ptr = strrchr(qualifbuf, '.'); if (tmp_ptr == NULL) { tmp_ptr = qualifbuf; } *tmp_ptr = '\0'; } fclose(configfp); return(retval); } int lc_process_conf_apache(const char *appname, const char *configfile) { return(lc_process_conf_apache_file(configfile, NULL)); }