View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 1ee95fb868cee1eb68090189f2a9b19e2b7b08b8
Title: getting "server returned an error - clone aborted" message for https/http repo
Status: Open Type: Incident
Severity: Severe Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2022-10-30 21:14:13
Version Found In: version 2.17 [8dd7542892] 2021-07-19 13:27:20 UTC
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2022-10-30 21:07:37:

I'm trying to clone a repo that I use all the time locally from chiselapp. I've been able to upload it without any issue and view it from my dashboard just fine. When I try to clone it on a different machine, I get the error noted in the description.

Here is how I tried to clone it:

fossil clone MyStuffForWindows.fossil

and here is the error and logs that I got. I tried this using both http and https.

(Sun Oct 30, 16:58:20) mike ~/.mike/fossil/chiselapp
$ fossil clone MyStuffForWindows.fossil
password for TwistyTwigLegs:
remember password (Y/n)? Y
Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 350
Error: login failed
Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 350
Clone done, wire bytes sent: 693  received: 5278074  ip:
server returned an error - clone aborted

Any help in figuring out what I need to do to get it cloned would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! Mike

anonymous added on 2022-10-30 21:14:13:

Just as an FYI, I was able to download the repo from the Dashboard and it all looks ok, so it doesn't seem to be an issue with the repo itself.

Hope this helps.