View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 11ff581933abdde40f43536ba61ad2a26d7f28c7
Title: Looking for instructions to configure email notifications on chiselapp
Status: Open Type: Documentation
Severity: Minor Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2021-04-24 19:10:51
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User Comments:
anonymous added on 2021-04-24 19:10:51: (text/x-markdown)
I usually get very little response to ticket updates. I suspect the reason is that the originator of the ticket is unaware that there has been an update. I have tried to configure email notifications, but haven't been able to get that working in such a way that people who opened a ticket (and provided an email address) are informed of updates to their ticket.

When I set email-send-method to "pipe" and email-send-command to "sendmail -ti", and then use /announce to test, I get the following response: Could not open output pipe "sendmail -ti"

If I set email-send-method to "relay" and email-send-relayhost to the SMTP server of my provider, I can receive announcement mails. But of course my provider will refuse to relay mails for other domains.

So, what's the proper way to configure email notifications? Or is this currently not really supported on