D 2013-05-03T13:25:22.007 L Flint P 19fc4406c6aa053a3e168b527c288371e92c073a U rkeene W 537 The [http://opensource.org/licenses/ISC|ISC licensed] codebase behind [http://chiselapp.com]. To get your own local copy over secure https, issue the following commands:
fossil clone https://chiselapp.com/user/rkeene/repository/flint flint.fossil
mkdir flint && cd flint
fossil open flint.fossil
To get your own local copy over normal http, issue the following commands:
fossil clone http://chiselapp.com/user/rkeene/repository/flint flint.fossil
mkdir flint && cd flint
fossil open flint.fossil
Z 5660b5652a52427ed98163282ade5181