Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 30b1de0d9af75eef6b83a2e7bf0baefc6a7fb85a
Ticket: 083f291f5c55122585c31af584402233f6dd4af0
New repo confirmation page has duplicated instructions
User & Date: anonymous 2021-09-05 20:50:24

  1. icomment:
    I created a new private repo `foo`, with a blank password, no overridden project code, and "Use SHA3" enabled.
    The confirmation page repeats the paragraph explaining the need to set up repository-specific permissions:
    Your new repository, foo, was successfully created!
    Remember since fossil is an all in one solution you are required to setup repository specific permissions. While your repository won't show up on your public user page you still need to go in and lock it down yourself. The default user for your new repository is the same as your chisel username, however the password is ************, we recommend you log in and change this to something else.
    Remember since fossil is an all in one solution you are required to setup repository specific permissions. While your repository won't show up on your public user page you still need to go in and lock it down yourself. The default user for your new repository is the same as your chisel username, however the password is ************, we recommend you log in and change this to something else.
        Username: redacted
        Password: ************
        URL: http(s)://chiselapp.com/user/redacted/repository/foo
    Return to dashboard
  2. login: "anonymous"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
  4. private_contact changed to: "35f9b055897b936ae45f9c9b74a99fdb9566da32"
  5. severity changed to: "Cosmetic"
  6. status changed to: "Open"
  7. title changed to:
    New repo confirmation page has duplicated instructions
  8. type changed to: "Documentation"