stuff at tip

File library/demos/stuff from the latest check-in

# widget --
#	Test out CTk widgets.

proc dialog {} {
    toplevel .panel
    listbox .panel.files -selectmode multiple -height 15 \
    	-yscrollcommand ".panel.scroll set"
    pack .panel.files -side left
    scrollbar .panel.scroll -command ".panel.files yview"
    pack .panel.scroll -side left -fill y
    foreach file [lsort [glob *]] {
    	.panel.files insert end $file
    button .panel.ok -text OK -command {
    	set label OK
    	destroy .panel
    button .panel.cancel -text Cancel -command {
    	set label Cancel
    	destroy .panel
    pack .panel.ok -side left
    pack .panel.cancel -side right

    set prior [focus]
    grab set .panel
    focus .panel.ok
    tkwait window .panel
    catch {focus $prior}

# Create the menu bar
frame .menu
pack .menu -side top -fill x

menubutton .menu.file -text "File" -menu .menu.file.m -underline 0
menu .menu.file.m
.menu.file.m add command -label "Open.." -underline 0
.menu.file.m add command -label "Close" -underline 0
.menu.file.m add command -label "Print" -underline 0
.menu.file.m add cascade -label "More" -underline 0 -menu .menu.file.m.more
.menu.file.m add cascade -label "More2" -underline 4 -menu .menu.file.m.more2
.menu.file.m add command -label "Exit" -underline 0 -command exit
menu .menu.file.m.more
.menu.file.m.more add radiobutton -label "I" -variable more -value 1
.menu.file.m.more add radiobutton -label "II" -variable more -value 2
.menu.file.m.more add radiobutton -label "III" -variable more -value 3
.menu.file.m.more add radiobutton -label "IV" -variable more -value 4
menu .menu.file.m.more2
.menu.file.m.more2 add radiobutton -label "A" -variable more2 -value 1
.menu.file.m.more2 add radiobutton -label "B" -variable more2 -value 2
.menu.file.m.more2 add radiobutton -label "C" -variable more2 -value 3
.menu.file.m.more2 add radiobutton -label "D" -variable more2 -value 4

menubutton .menu.edit -text "Edit" -menu .menu.edit.m -underline 0
menu .menu.edit.m
.menu.edit.m add command -label "Undo" -underline 0
.menu.edit.m add separator
.menu.edit.m add command -label "Cut" -underline 2
.menu.edit.m add command -label "Copy" -underline 0
.menu.edit.m add command -label "Paste" -underline 0

pack .menu.file .menu.edit -side left

# Some buttons
button .hi -text hello -command dialog
label .junk -text "args: $argv"
tk_optionMenu .option stooges Larry Curly Moe Shemp
button .bye -text "Goodbye Cruel World" -underline 0 -wraplength 1i \
	-command exit -borderwidth 2m
button .unpack -text Unpack -command {pack forget .font}
button .pack -text Pack -command {pack .font -after .pack}
pack .hi .junk .option .bye .unpack .pack

# A radio box
frame .font
pack .font
radiobutton .times -text Times -variable font -value times -anchor w
radiobutton .helvetica -text Helvetica -variable font -value helvetica -anchor w
radiobutton .courier -text Courier -variable font -value courier -anchor w
radiobutton .symbol -text Symbol -variable font -value symbol -anchor w
pack .times .helvetica .courier .symbol -in .font -side top -fill x
label .fontlabel -textvariable font
pack .fontlabel -in .font -side top
set font times

# And an entry field
frame .field
label .label -text "Entry:"
entry .entry -width 20 -justify center
label .copy
pack .label .entry .copy -in .field -side left

# A text widget
frame .src
text .src.text -yscrollcommand ".src.scroll set" -wrap none -width 40 -height 15
scrollbar .src.scroll -command ".src.text yview" -takefocus 1
pack .src.scroll -side right -fill y
pack .src.text -side left
.src.text delete 1.0 end
set f [open /etc/passwd]
while {![eof $f]} {
    .src.text insert end [read $f 1000]
close $f
.src.text tag add head 1.0 3.end
.src.text tag configure head -underline 1
.src.text mark set insert 1.0

pack .font .field .src -side left

focus .hi