tko::dialog(n) -- basic dialog widget functionality


tko::dialog pathName ?option value? ..

The tko::dialog creates a new window pathName and makes it into a dialog widget.


Command-Line Name: -buttons
Database Name: buttons
Database Class: Buttons Default: undefined

Define a list of buttons to show in the bottom part of the dialog. Klicking one of the buttons will invoke the widget deactivate function with the name of the button. Available buttons are: add, apply, cancel, delete, no, ok, reset, return, use and useall.

Used images and text values of the buttons are defined in the global ::tko::dialog::buttonargs variable.

Command-Line Name: -buttonboxbg
Database Name: buttonboxbg
Database Class: Buttonboxbg Default: undefined

Change the background color of the frame widget containing the used buttons.

Command-Line Name: -class
Database Name: class
Database Class: Class Default: TkoDialog

Used class of the widget containing the dialog. This widget can be toplevel, frame or labelframe and it is defined in the global ::tko::dialog variable.

Can be set only on creation time.

Command-Line Name: -geometry
Database Name: geometry
Database Class: Geometry Default: undefined

If ::tko::dialog is equal toplevel then this option will be used to set the -geometry option of the used toplevel widget.

Command-Line Name: -icon or -bm
Database Name: icon
Database Class: Icon Default: undefined

Set the icon of the dialog widget.

Command-Line Name: -master
Database Name: master
Database Class: Master Default: undefined

Specifies the master window for the shell. The window manager is informed thet the shell is a transient window.

Command-Line Name: -minsize
Database Name: minsize
Database Class: Minsize Default: undefined

If ::tko::dialog is equal toplevel then this option will be used to set the -minsize option of the used toplevel widget.

Command-Line Name: -modality
Database Name: modality
Database Class: Modality Default: none

Specify modality of dialog. Should be one of none, application or global.

Command-Line Name: -title
Database Name: title
Database Class: Title

Set the title text of the dialog widget.


Create a new dialog widget with a drawing childsite frame and an buttonbox below.


pathName activate ?arg?...

Activate the dialog widget and display it on the screen. The command will return after a button was pressen or the widget is destroyed.

pathName childsite ?arg?...

Return the path of the created childsite frame widget.






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